

A boy is there who reads in collage . He have a cute girlfriend also . He is vey good at his studies . The time comes when the result have to be publish . And here the result comes . When he goes to see his result, he became very happy. He had scored good marks in all subjects . Now he is on the way of finding a good job for him . He have all the degrees but he could not get a job . Because nowadays jobs we don't get by our skills , we get job by paying money . His girlfriend always asks him did you get job ? But the answer is always as no . One day the boy met a guy in road and the guy gave him an address and said to go here you will get job here . This information the boy said to his girlfriend . The girlfriend said so for what are you waiting for go . The boy goes to interview . He said hello to the interviewer . The guy said hello and said to the boy show me your documents . The boy gave his all documents . The guy looked at his documents and said that your degrees and qualifications all are from first standard . The boy smiles and says thank you sir .Then the guy says you can get job on the basis of your degrees but . Then the boy says but what sir . Then the guy says but if you are ready to arrange some amount of money then only . Then the boy face becomes sad and he asks to the guy how much do I have to give you sir . Then the guy says not more you have to give 1000$ for your job . Then the boys says if i had 1000$ I would not come here for job interview and if I had to give bribe for job then I would not spent my all money in my study . Then the guy says sorry and says we can't offer you a job and returns his document . The guy takes his document and goes with a sad face . Then the boy goes to other place for interview and says hello sir and gives his document to the interviewer . The guy takes his document and says your degree is very good but you have to give some amount of money to get your job . The boy says why why everywhere you all take bribe then only you offer job . The guy says this is the system brother . No money no work . Then the boy says we do very much hard work to get job and if the people like you will do like this then what will happen of us .We poor where we will go . The guy says if u have money then pay and take your job or go from here . In other side her girlfriend is waiting for her boyfriend that he will come with a good news . The boy comes to his gf with a sad face and says I didn't got a job and says you don't take tension I will get job soon. Then his gf says from mays days you are trying for job and you have not get job yet . Then the boy says now you only say what should I do now . Then his gf says leave you don't do anything , I am tired by leaving with you from 2 years now I can't live with you . Now let me live my life and live your life , Goodbye , the gf says and go from there . The boy becomes very sad and was walking on the road then he meets the watchman who was in the interviewer's office .

I will post the second part soon . Stayed tuned

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