

"I'm the what of what now?" Four kids chosen to protect the world and it's inhabitants. But due to the cruelty of mankind, two of them become evil and seek for revenge. The other two have to endure the pain of loosing a loved one again and do what's right. Join them in their world of Vengeance, Romance, Musicals and Fun

K_Poper_Mercy · แฟนตาซี
44 Chs

CHAPTER 26: I won't be like you

"So by hanging me upside down, you agree to go out with me?"

"No eww"

"So what did I do for you to tie me up?"

"I don't know I just feel like it"


When George and Donald returned home after classes in the evening, they met Ivy setting the table. Donald expected her to still be angry. So seeing her still okay made him shocked.

"You should eat up too" Ivy said with a sweet smile when Donald was not still eating but staring at her

"I know I'm really beautiful but my beauty won't feed if you keep staring. It might just kill you" Ivy said as she cut through a slice of meat

George choked on his drink and looked between Ivy and Donald.

"Do you two have a problem to settle? You should settle it before it gets out of hand" George said and wipes his mouth with a tissue

"I was just saying George. Cause this beauty of mine has broken some homes" Ivy said and stood up and took her plate

"And humans" she added and goes to the kitchen

"And majority demons. Especially megas" she said and left to the extra room

"Donald what did you do?"

"Nothing. I don't know what got into her"

"Really? You were resistant on coming home, then we meet her being all good which I was told is impossible if she doesn't trust you and then she keeps revolving around one word: kill, kill."

"Dude seriously what did you do to her?"

"Nothing. I didn't do_"


"Ivy? Ivy are you okay in there"

"I said no! Let me go! Dean let me go already. I will never be on your side"

Just from hearing the name Dean, George knocked down the door and entered with Donald. The room was dark so they couldn't see well. The only light was the light reflecting from the evening sun and the light from the corridor which suddenly went off

"Ivy? If it's you or Dean this isn't funny" George said and moved forward but something wrapped him making him loose his balance and almost fell but someone caught him.

As for Donald, he just felt something grab his legs and he was pulled up then all the lights came back.

"Ivy what's the meaning of this!"


"Albert can I talk to you?"

"Since when did you ask before talking. Go on I'm listening" Albert said and kept the book he was reading aside

"Who is Ivy?" Sarah asked with a serious look

"What do you mean?"

"You know what I'm talking about. Is she really a Vinci? Or are two you hiding something?"

"Ofcourse she's a Vinci and why would we be hiding something?"

"*sigh* Is she Gina?"


Sarah hits his head

"Ouches. Why did you do that?"

"Answer me. When you and the others went to Foreville, I continued with my search for Gina and Aunt Rhianna with the help of Dean. We asked questions around the villages close to this place. We were told a certain lady found a girl by the waterfall"

"But by the time we could find the lady, the girl was no longer with her. And then a year after that, Nora Da Vinci's lost twin returned. It sounded suspicious but I had given up. Couple with the fact that Dean disappeared."

"But when I saw Ivy, I couldn't help but feel that she's Gina. So please Albert, is she Gina?"

"Well I'm currently on a strike concerning her..*sigh* Yes she's Gina"

Tears start rolling down Sarah's face

"But she didn't want to tell anyone. That it might put more lives at ri_" Albert was interupted by his ringing phone


"Come over quick"


"And I said I won't lead you worse joining you. How many times must I say it?"

"But Empress. If you don't then_"

"As much as I love the name Empress, I don't want to be your leader! Quit daring me already"

Ivy was watching Donald and George when a demon suddenly bowed by the broken door. She has been trying to make them leave without hurting them but they still stayed

"I don't know why you wouldn't want to eliminate them. If you won't then I will"

"And if you do I'll eliminate you myself then mourn later"

"I'm here. Wow quite a reunion I must say"

Albert walked in with Sarah who went to help George and Donald who were still tied up. When George was free he immediately grabbed one demon and slammed his head to the ground causing it to break with some blood splashing on him and the walls

"It wasn't that difficult" George said and turned to grab another demon but Ivy grabbed his hand

"Don't you dare to touch another"

"Or else what?" George released his hand and was about to pull another demon but Ivy threw him through the window

"You four. GO BACK" she warned the remaining demons and jumped out of the window and the demons obeyed and disappeared

"Won't you stop your girlfriend Albert?" Donald asked when he was released

"He can't kill her and she'll try not to eliminate him. So why should I interf_" he was again interupted but this time by thunder.

Sarah rushed to the window to look but couldn't see anything thanks to the sudden rain which was heavily pouring outside

"Uhm..you guys?"

"You're starting to get on my nerves Ivy"

George said and stretched out to adjust his supposed broken bones. Lucky him, he's immortal

"While you're exaggerating with this attitude of yours. I know you have a problem with demons but not all of them are bad mister"

"Really?" they started moving in circles not minding the rain

"I guess they never touched a loved one of yours. Cause if they did, you might be worst than me"

"I won't be like you. I won't kill other innocent creatures because of the crime of another. So stop this madness"

"Both of you stop this madness" Drex, who came from nowhere,held Ivy who wanted to still attack George

He took them inside and continued with his 'parenting' when they changed and were seated in the living room with Donald, Albert and Sarah.

"It hasn't been up to a week and you're already on each other's neck"

"It's not my fault I was given a lunatic for a group mate"

"Really? I'm now a lunatic for stopping a CRIME. Well, it's not my fault I have a heartless beast for a brother" Ivy said and stormed to her room.

"Gi.. I'll.. just talk to her" Sarah said and immediately followed Ivy.

"Well..I guess this is goodbye then" Albert stood up to leave but Drex pulled him back