
Tides of Fate: A Jon and Dany Saga

Amidst the looming shadow of famine, Ned Stark's unwavering honor propels him into the heart of the crisis. With Jon Snow by his side, they embark on a journey to Pentos, where destiny converges with the path of a young Daenerys Targaryen. As sparks ignite between Jon and Dany, the very fabric of fate begins to unravel, rewriting the tale of Ice and Fire. Set against the backdrop of Season 1, this epic saga delves into a world where alliances are forged, betrayals are inevitable, and love defies the boundaries of destiny. Excited to delve deeper into 'Tides of Fate: A Jon and Dany Saga'? Unlock advance chapters now at patreon.com/SagaSpinner. Your journey awaits!

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10 Chs

Chapter 6: One Night

Daenerys' lips opened, Jon's tongue plunging between hers as he wrapped his strong arms around her waist and pulled her as close as possible. She complied, wanting to be flush against him, feel his hard body on hers.

The small yip that left the enchanting Daenerys Stormborn's throat as they collapsed on the bed made Jon smile against her lips, his strength ensuring they never had to break their hungry kiss. They had kissed before, sometimes passionately, but never like this. Never gone this far. I couldn't have kept my hands off her if I knew. No woman could compare to Dany. Hands roaming over the lithe curves and supple breasts barely concealed by her flimsy nightgown, every moan coaxed from Dany at a new spot discovered was sent right to Jon's member, now as hard as Valyrian steel.

"Gods, Dany, I love you."

Her heart was bursting. "I love you too. Oh, Jon…"

Nimble fingers enclosed around the fabric of his tunic, nearly ripping it to get it off. Seeing Jon's bare torso exposed to her, Dany latched her lips to his neck, loving how strong and warm it felt to her tongue. Loving the grunts that he made because of her. "Dany," she heard him whisper, making her heart hitch with love. Leaning up slightly, Daenerys closed her eyes and lowered the straps of her nightgown. She had a good opinion of her body - at least from what Viserys and Doreah had told her of it - but in front of Jon she was shy and nervous. 'I want to please him.' Opening them after several seconds passed, a shiver of pleasure warmed her core at the pure lust in his dark grey eyes.

"You're beautiful," Jon managed to ground out, staring at the milky globes that Daenerys had exposed for him. Seeing her shy blush, he grabbed her hands in his, kissing them. "You are, Dany." She seemed to melt at that, thrusting out her chest.

If she was to live her life as her brother's pawn, Dany would have this pleasure first. Enjoy the man she truly loved before it was too late. "Make love to me, Jon."

Jon was eager to comply. "As you wish, my Lady."

Gasping, Dany fought to keep her eyes open as her wolf latched to one breast. Her hands grasped his head, holding him there. "Please, don't stop." Licking, nipping, and sucking, Jon's hot mouth brought her so much pleasure - more than she had ever thought possible. His stubble tickled her skin. The grip on his wavy hair tightened. "Gods, you are wonderful!" How he did it, made her close to shattering with barely any touches, was dizzying and amazing at the same time.

Breast red and slick from his attention, Jon released it and attacked the other, earning yet another round of those delicious moans and whimpers that he now adored. Straining against his now tight trousers, he quickly began to shove it down his legs. The nipple left his mouth with a pop. Soon her thin shift joined the trousers on the floor, both of them completely bare. Unlike back home, Jon didn't need a crackling fire to keep comfortable in this state.

Unsure and dejected at Jon abandoning her breasts, Dany opened her eyes only to have them immediately widen. There he was, nude. She had seen nude men before, but never in this light. Never one so… perfect. Rippling muscles, taut stomach, length thick and long as it poked into her stomach. Daenerys gulped, reaching down to touch it. A hiss escaped Jon's lips when she closed her fingers around it. She found she liked that noise very much. "Enjoying this, Jon Snow?" Dany said with a small smile.

"Aye." He was so hard it was painful. "I could explode at any minute, Dany."

The thought was sobering, bringing out the gravity of what they were about to do. 'I don't care.' Daenerys wanted this boy to be her first. To always have this memory of when she was truly happy. "I love you, Jon."

"Love you too," he replied, replacing her hand and guiding his length to her entrance - it was how Theon always described how to do the act, though this moment was nothing like his tawdry stories. Loving, not debased. With the perfect woman beneath him. The woman he loved. "There's no going back from this."

"I know. Please don't make me wait." On instinct, she locked her legs around his waist, leaving Jon no recourse but to slide inside her.

The feeling was like no other. Hot and wet walls sheathed him, soaking his length and drawing him further inside. All the stories Robb and Theon told him made sense to Jon now, though he doubted anything they experienced could compare to Dany. The heat was intense, dragonfire, though perfect to him. "Dany." His Dany, at least for now. Reveling in the feelings, a soft whimper of pain drew his eyes to hers. "Should I stop?" he asked with concern, seeing her discomfort.

Dany shook her head almost violently, cupping his cheek. "No, do not stop. I'll be fine." She kissed him and all his tension melted. Slowly, he began to rock inside her. Daenerys let out a scream inside his mouth. The kiss never broke, the princess using it to ground herself in reality. It felt like nothing she could have ever experienced. A delicious fullness, satisfying an empty, carnal longing deep within her body and soul. "Jon. Jon. Jon," she purred into his mouth, tightening her legs to spur him on. Something was building inside her, something that would soon burst with the force of a thousand dragons.

Increasing the force and speed of his thrusts, Jon gritted his teeth as he watched Dany's eyes roll in the back of her head. Whatever pain was evidently gone, replaced with pleasure. If she felt even a fraction of the pleasure he was feeling… Walls contracting like a vice around him, Jon felt it happen. The breaking point before his release. "Dany!"

The sensation of his seed coating her walls did it for her. The dam broke. "Jon!" Daenerys shattered around him, stars and flame in her vision as the rippling climax coursed through her entire body. She felt him collapse on her, his welcome weight pressing down on her body as the final shockwaves left her system - leaving nothing but spellbinding bliss.

Feeling his heart beating out of his chest, Jon rolled off Daenerys' body and onto his back. A smile crossed his face as the lithe form of his lover immediately turned as well and snuggled against him. Silver hair spilled out on his chest, soft lips placing a kiss right on his heart. "Mmmmm, I love your heartbeat."

"I'm glad," he replied, stroking her shoulder. "Why is it that it always goes like this?"

Dany looked up at him. A slender hand reached up to play with one of his raven curls. "What do you mean, Jon Snow?" The soft glow of the moon highlighted her violet eyes, making her even more regal than before.

Leaning forward, abdominal muscles strained for a slight moment as he pecked her lips. "Our relationship, all the important moments began with you approaching me, mostly while I'm in my room."

Blinking, Dany's jaw dropped for a moment before a delightful giggling left her lips. "You may be right." She rested her head on his chest and nuzzled it lovingly. "Whatever happened, it worked."

"Aye, it did." Jon wrapped his arms tightly around Dany, loving the pleasant warmth radiating off her porcelain skin. 'The benefits of sleeping with a dragon,' he thought happily, closing his eyes with a pleased sigh.

"What are these benefits you speak of?" His eyes opened and found the object of his joy lying atop him. She sported a quizzical look on her face, as if daring him to answer the question.

Surprised, Jon, gulped. "Did I say that out loud?"

Much as she tried to remain dour, Dany couldn't help the smirk on her face. 'It would be impossible to be dignified when alone with this man.' He made her want to act like a love-struck maiden - which in this case, she was. "Yes you did, Jon Snow, so you have to answer your Princess."

Grey eyes found themselves rolled. "Your warmth. I could very well use you on cold, winter nights in the north."

"So I'm just a mobile brazier to you?"

"More or less," Jon teased, causing her to smack him on the chest.

"Shut up." It felt nice, being able to be herself. Daenerys loved this man, feeling privileged to see him crawl out of his brooding shell. Jon Snow was far more than the Bastard of Winterfell, the amazing, honorable man that so enraptured her kept hidden due to the anger of the outside world. Her blood boiled. 'If only I could march to Winterfell and make sure they all knew how wonderful this man is…' If only she could march. 'I can't.' She couldn't. In two days would likely never see this man again. Thoughts spewing forth from where their passion had forced them into, out of sight, tears welled in Dany's eyes - spilling onto her lover's chest.

Jon felt the superheated droplets on his skin. "Hey, what's wrong, sweetling?"

A contented warmth spread through Daenerys at the pet name, heart swelling with love. 'We may have only known each other for mere weeks, but this is real.' She snuggled closer to him. "I love this. The first time I've felt at peace in years."

Smiling, Jon ran his hands through her shimmering locks. "If only my siblings were in the same house as us, then it would be complete for me."

"Even Sansa?" Dany remembered Jon telling her how she was always cold to him.

"Aye. I still love her, Dany. She's my blood."

Dany placed a kiss on his chest. "You're a good brother, Jon. Loving and loyal to a fault." A resigned breath left her lips. "Viserys was once like that, kind and sweet. When we lived in Braavos, in a house with a red door, he would often tell me stories at night about our house. The history of old Valyria."

"That doesn't sound like him now," Jon couldn't help but observe.

"King Robert's agents killed our protector, and we were forced to flee with nothing but the clothes on our backs to save ourselves. Everyone used to call him the Beggar King. It… changed him." She shimmied up the bed, resting her head in the crook of his neck. "Now, he's cold and power-mad - like your father said about mine." Fresh tears trickled from her eyes. "And I am not his sister, but a pawn in his quest for the throne. I don't want to be a pawn."

Close to tears himself, Jon held her tighter, kissing her cheek. "All my life, I wished to be my father's trueborn son as Robb is. Growing up, I knew that was impossible, and dreamed of joining the Night's Watch, where I'd be accepted." As his uncle said, there were many bastards there, and all were brothers in the black. "Now, I would rather just be with you."

The sobs escaped, Dany unable to control herself anymore. "I want the same, my sweet wolf." She kissed him, deeply. "I want to run away with you, beyond the Red Wastes to places unknown, where we can be together. But, but, but…" It hurt to continue, so she instead kissed him again.

A hand rested on his heart, pressing not a soft warmth but the pure heat of dragonfire into him. Unlike how one would expect, it felt welcome to Jon… more calming than anything before. "Dany…"

She clutched him tightly. "Don't, Jon. Just hold me."

Nothing mattered to the two lovers in that moment, just each other. Enjoying every newfound act of sexual intimacy. Celebrating a love that almost never happened, and honoring one that likely could never continue. Two lost souls that found each other.

Fire and Ice.

Late in the night, moon still high in the sky, Jon blinked awake. Mind foggy at a rapping at the door.

A foggy feeling that vanished at the warm, feminine body he pressed against. Dany… She was naked, gloriously so. An utterly breathtaking sight that Jon would never forget even to his dying day. But he knew she wasn't supposed to be here… the person at the door... He couldn't let anyone see her. Quietly, he pulled the covers till she was nearly draped underneath it. The Valyrian beauty shifting in her sleep. Jon's heart panged with love for her.

Scrambling out of bed, he tiptoed towards the door. Opening it a crack, he was face to face with Ned. "Father…?"

He barely got out the word when Eddard Stark pushed the door open, darting in rather quickly and shutting it behind him. "Listen very closely, son. Find Daenerys and bring…" Ned trailed off, finally aware of a third person in the chamber with them. Face flushing red at the sight - not that Jon acted any differently.

"Jon…" Missing the feel of his body spooning her, Daenerys rolling onto her other side in search for him. "Come back to…" At the sight of Lord Stark, her eyes widened. Moving to pull the sheets further up her body, only to find herself already covered. Frantic, head whipping from side to side as her mind failed her, Dany saw her discarded nightgown on the floor beside Jon's bed. Hand darting out to pick it up.

Expecting a scolding, Jon was surprised when it didn't come. His father only sighing. "Father… it's not what it looks like." Great job, Jon. Was that literally all he could say.

Pinching the bridge of his nose, Ned could only let out a snort. "I'm not surprised," he murmured. In a way, this validating every conclusion he had made. And makes everything tonight far easier. "Get dressed, Jon." The Lord of Winterfell's demand was gruff and left no room for doubt. He grabbed Jon's leather tunic and thrust it into the silent boy's hands. "We're leaving."

Hearing the words, Dany felt like a vice was clenching around her heart. No! I need more time with him! "Don't leave," she begged, scrambling out of bed with the lace of her nightgown falling down the length of her creamy legs. Daenerys couldn't bear to only have one night with Jon before not seeing him again. "It wasn't Jon's doing, Lord Stark! I came to him, it's my doing." Watching Jon clothe himself from the corner of her eye, Dany grabbed at Ned's arm. Gazing up with a pleading look. "Please stay till the wedding, Lord Stark. I can't lose him yet."

Shifting his gaze down to her, searching her wide violet eyes fill with tears, Ned's lips curled into a wan smile. "You love him, don't you?"

Taken aback by the question, Dany could only nod. "Yes," she ground out through her heartbreak. "I know it hasn't been long, but I do."


Quiet, brooding, Jon gulped. "I do, father." He felt a resolve swelling within him, looking at Dany with eyes an equal part love and determination. "She can't stay here. We can't let her marry a rapist." His heart burst with love at her tearful smile.

Gods, Lya, he's too much like you for his own good. Any lingering doubts Ned had were banished away. "Well, it appears we have to hurry then." He looked back at her with sympathetic eyes. "You're coming with us, Princess."

Dany's eyes nearly bugged out of her skull. "What?" Looking at Jon, she could see his jaw dropped.

"There is nothing honorable in letting the girl my son loves be sold to a rapist. I will take you to Winterfell."

Suddenly, Dany felt herself crushed in Jon's embrace. His mouth crashing on hers, both of them smiling like idiots into the kiss. It lasted only a moment, but neither of them had ever felt as happy as they did at that moment.

Chuckling quietly, Ned averted his gaze to give the couple their moment. He couldn't help but enjoy the moment of joy for Jon. Feeling a warmth in his heart that his promise to Lyanna was finally being carried out. But they still had work to do. Clearing his throat, the two broke apart. "I had the servants slip milk of the poppy into the drinks of the guards. That should keep them asleep for a few hours, but we have to hurry. My men are waiting at the ship. You must disguise yourself, princess." No one could know that it was Daenerys Targaryen they were bringing north. "Get her to the stables, Jon. Be quick about it." With that Ned ducked out.

Racing to grab the one pair of riding clothes she had, Daenerys quickly threw them on. Barely tying the last knot before Jon was pulling her out of the room. "We need to get Ghost." Luckily for their… amorous activities… Jon's direwolf was somewhere else that night.

Dany ran along with Jon through the hallways when she remembered something. Felt her blood calling to her. "Jon. Wait." She yanked her arm out of his grasp. "There's one more thing I need to get."

"We don't have time for this!" Jon ran a hand through his hair in exasperation.

Kissing him, feeling his worry melt, Dany pulled back to look in his eyes. "Do you trust me?"

Love shone in his greys. "With my life."

Another kiss came, this one far quicker. "I won't be long. I'll meet you with your father at the stables." With that she dashed off.

Illyrio was nowhere to be found. Not surprising to Dany - the merchant was a glutton for food and spirits, so any potions the servants that Lord Stark's men bribed poured into his wine would probably take immediate effect. The solar was unlocked, not a sound except for the sizzling brazier that gave the room light. Enough light to move around.


The chest was on the table where she saw it last. Nestled along with the rest of the ornate, gilded furniture. More luxury than she had ever known before - was this how her life would have been had her brother won Robert's Rebellion? Probably, she mused bitterly. But I met Jon in this life. Daenerys smiled. Such was enough to make it all worth it. Opening the chest, she was greeted by the sight of the dazzling eggs. Scales etched with intricate colors and swirls. One cream, one emerald, and one black with ripples of blood red.

Hissed whispers filled her ears, the Princess in a daze as she picked up the black one. Running her hand along the smooth scales. Ossified to stone, but Daenerys could feel something. Something calling to her, a warmth nestled deep within...

A crash rang out through the solar, Daenerys nearly jumping out of her skin. One of the eggs falling to the floor. "You little whore!" Viserys snarled, dragging her handmaiden into the room by her hair, knife in hand. "This little bitch told me everything!" With a shove, Doreah was thrown to the floor in tears. "You betray me, the rightful King of the Seven Kingdoms, by whoring yourself out to a northern bastard!" Face was red with rage, he smelled like a distillery. Daenerys pursed her lips, frantically trying to find a way out of this.

"Forgive me Khaleesi," the whimpering girl cried.

Viserys kicked her in the stomach. "Shut the fuck up!" His eyes shifted to her. "And you! How dare you ruin everything we've worked for?! Betray your own house?"

"Brother, I…"

"What was going through your mind, hmmm?" Snarling in anger, he kicked Doreah yet again, causing her to spitter and cough on the floor. "What did you think when you spread your legs for his bastard cock?!"

Long cowering before her brother. Long forced to keep silent or incur 'Waking the dragon,' a surge of rage overcame Daenerys. Filling her with resolve. "Does it pleasure you, brother, to abuse a hapless woman?"

Viserys was taken aback at his sister's pure coldness and steel. That she would actually challenge him. The surprise quickly changed to anger. "You do not speak back to me, slut!"

"Slut? You call me a slut after saying you would sell me to the entire Dothraki horde?" Her fists clenched, violet eyes darkening to a blazing amethyst. "Yes, I made love to Jon Snow. Yes, he took my maidenhead, and I regret nothing." A dark smirk coiled on Daenerys' lips. "I pray to every god before me that I will grow heavy with his child."

Jaw dropping at her prayer, at the very thought of a northern traitorous bastard putting his child in her belly, Viserys' face turned a ripe purple. "You…" Hissing, he stepped menacingly towards her. Forcing the now wide eyed Dany to flinch back. I'll show you not to wake the Dragon... At that moment he stilled, noticing the fallen egg on the ground. The other two eggs out of the box behind her. Silence booming for interminable seconds, Viserys suddenly laughed. Lips curling in a dark grin. "Sweet sister, are you escaping with the bastard?"

Daenerys said nothing, calming the wild thumping of her heart. "So what if I am?"

"Oh, my dear sister, you know I can't let that happen."

Her lips curled into a scowl. "You aren't going to be King, brother. They don't drink secret toasts to your health in Westeros. You are not even on their minds, and to think a Dothraki Horde would make them think differently is laughable… that's if they even cross the Narrow Sea to begin with."

"Do you think I care about what some half-breed Dothraki chattel think?" he replied incredulously. "They will do as I command!" Rage building, Viserys advanced on her again. Knife glinting from the firelight in the brazier. "I am your King, and you will obey me. Not some northern bastard."

Protectiveness rising up - an innate maternal instinct that boiled like dragonfire within her - a clenched fist slammed into Viserys' jaw. Daenerys put her entire force into the blow, but her larger and stronger brother only rocked back several steps. She didn't back down, though "Do not call him a bastard," she ground out through clenched teeth. "He is more a man than you will ever be."

Any sense of rationality left her brother, his eyes blazing. "YOU DARE STRIKE ME!"

"I am no longer afraid of you, brother."

A vicious backhand sent Dany to the floor, knocking into a table and sending many valuables crashing on the floor. Gasping for air, Dany felt Viserys climbing on top of her. "You have woken the dragon." Dany struggled as best she could as her handmaiden's watched in horror.

Fingers curling around a chain of gold coins that had been knocked off the table, Dany branded it as a mace and flogged her brother's face, catching him in the side of his cheek. "You no longer command me!" she screamed, trying to wriggle away.

But Viserys recovered too quickly. Grabbing her wrists in one hand, he pinned them above her head."I don't care what the damn Dothraki think!" His free hand began to paw at her breeches." I should put my baby in your womb!" Her fear returned, eyes wide with terror. "Keep the bloodline pure!"

No, please… Dany's eyes scrunched tightly closed. Please… Jon… save me…

The grunts and snarls were replaced with yelps as Dany felt her brother's weight lifted from her. Eyes opening to find Jon standing above her, pure rage on his expression as he repeatedly slammed his fist into Viserys' ribs. My love... Truly a knight in shining armor. Her brother swung wildly at Jon, but missed. Getting a knee in the balls for his trouble.

Cursing vilely, the rage turned to pure terror as Viserys found steel against his skin. The furious eyes of the northern bastard just daring him to try anything.

"If you dare," he breathed out as evenly as he could. "Even try to harm her again, I will kill you." There was nothing in Jon's voice that caused the threat to be anything but real. Viserys gulping, skin nicking slightly against the sharp blade pressed to his throat. He looked at Dany as if he never saw her before… the meek girl he had been able to dominate was gone now. In her place was pure dragonfire.

Inwardly, Dany took a perverse pleasure at watching her brother squirm. "Fitting, isn't it, brother? To have the 'northern bastard' and your 'sweet sister' holding your very life in their hands." He whimpered like a coward, causing Jon to roll his eyes in disgust. "I am Daenerys Stormborn of House Targaryen, and I am the dragon of this family." She looked at her beloved, grey eyes as engulfed in fire as hers. Strong and honorable, nothing like the pathetic coward her brother had turned into. The madman that left her littering with bruises day after day, turned into a whimpering mess. She held no sympathy for him. "It's time you learned never to wake the true dragon. Jon, hold out his arm."

Without batting an eye, Jon punched Viserys in the gut, knocking him to the floor. "No! Unhand me!" He writhed against the northerner as he sat on top of him, but Jon was too strong. "I am the Dragon! You can't harm the Dragon!" Jon forced his left hand out.

All the while, Dany coolly and calmly walked to the brazier. Fire dancing in her eyes. No emotion on her face. No man will brutalize me ever again. Feeling her blood run hot within her veins, Dany dipped her hands deep in the smoldering charcoal.

Horror turned to wonder on Jon's part as Dany pulled out the charcoal and wood, all of it burning bright in her hands. She did not scream, did not wail, approaching her brother with nothing but a small, innocent smile on her face. Viserys writhed and screamed, trying to escape the hold of the enraged northerner. "I am the dragon!" he shrieked. "You cannot kill the dragon."

"Shut up!" Jon hissed. Looking back at Dany. "Daenerys…"

Her smile never faltered. Not when she knelt down. Not when she kissed Jon on the lips, love in her gaze. Not when the love fell away as her eyes shifted back to Viserys. "Don't worry, sweet brother." Her voice dripped faux sweetness, as if still an innocent, sheltered girl. Cupped hands hovered above his left hand. "Fire cannot kill a dragon." Separating, the flame fell upon his arm, her brother's screams blocked out every other sound.

Excited to delve deeper into 'Tides of Fate: A Jon and Dany Saga'? Unlock advance chapters now at patreon.com/SagaSpinner. Your journey awaits!

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