
Through Your Eyes

Just when I thought I had successfully moved on from a loveless relationship, I realized I had made the same mistake again. I fell in love again with a kind and handsome billionaire, and I thought he was already the perfect man. Before our marriage took place, I learned about his deep secret--the secret that evolved around my identity. And the secret that shattered my respect for him. I broke off our engagement and claimed everything that belonged to me. I hated him like he was the fiercest criminal in the world. I accused him as a thief, stripping him off from his once, dazzling glory. But then, a particular event led me to the truth. Only to know that I was late already!

gents46 · สมัยใหม่
129 Chs

The Love Triangle 4


After a few days, my health improved. My voice also came back, though it still sounded hoarse. I only came back to the hospital once for my last hemodialysis and the removal of my intrajugular catheter afterward.

An intrajugular catheter is a type of catheter inserted into a vein in the neck called intrajugular vein. The catheter is used as a route for the exchange of blood from a person's body to the dialyzer and back to the body.

The moment Sean wheeled me to the Hemodialysis Unit, a bouquet of red roses beside my assigned dialysis machine met our eyes. I pulled in a deep breath, wondering how Sean felt about this.

"How does he know I will be here?" I whispered to Sean's ears while my eyes roamed at my left and right, looking for signs of Eric's presence.

"Good morning, doc. Someone delivered these flowers for you," the nurse assigned to the unit greeted us with her bright smile while simultaneously looking at the flowers beside my designated place.

I just smiled back and thanked her. I didn't have to ask who sent it to me. I glanced at Sean, and I saw him removing the card tied to one of the stems. He handed it to me afterward, and I opened it in front of him.

My dearest Red,

I wish to talk to you alone as soon as possible. I have so many things to tell you and one of those is to tell you how much I want you back in my life.

Loving you so much,


I felt like puking out at those words that Eric said. I squeezed the card inside my palm until it became a crumpled, paper ball. I then handed it to Sean, and he threw it inside the trash bin. He did not say a word, but I saw glints of pain registering in his eyes.

"Ignore him," I said, running a finger across his cheeks, assuring him that I wouldn't allow myself to get flattered by Eric's romantic approaches. I did not mind if there were other people around us. I even wished someone would snap us a photo and send it to Eric.

"We'll have your gown fitting today. Then, we will resume our vacation. Where do you want us to go?"

My heart sank as I realized that Sean was afraid I would accept Eric back. I understood his intention in taking me for a vacation. He wanted to spend more time alone with me until I would fall in love with him. Until I would be emotionally stable enough to turn my back entirely on Eric. Perhaps, he didn't believe me and convinced himself that those five years I was with Eric was too difficult to forget.

"I want to go to one of the beautiful beaches in Hawaii," I replied, staring off at the white wall across us. I also needed a long break.

"Sure," he grinned and lifted my hands on his lips. "I'll call Philip right now."

"You seem so dependent on Philip," I commented. In everything he did and planned, Philip was always on his lips.

"He's the only person I trust regarding my personal matters," he reasoned out, and I remembered Philip talking out to me about the house in Greenville.

"By the way, I remember you looked astonished when you saw Philip on the hospital the day we moved to Laminae."

He gathered his brows, then snapped his fingers. "Ah, yes. I'm just surprised he gets a new car without telling me first."

"It looks like his car is more expensive than yours. Maybe, you need to upgrade and buy a new one." That luxurious black car flashed in my mind, and I compared it to Sean's still beautiful but outdated model. The car he bought for me was even more expensive than his.

"I can't afford it anymore," he smiled and pinched my nose.

"You're the most famous billionaire in the country, and you can't afford it?" I smirked, disappointed for having the nerve to fool me.

"Behind the famous billionaire you say is a silent, beautiful billionaire. She now owns everything I have."

"What?!" I frowned right away because I could no longer think of someone else to own what he has, other than his heir. He said he no longer had a family except for his mother, who was then at his home in Australia.

Sean placed a finger on top of my nose. He smiled and said, "Sweetheart, may I ask a favor? Please, don't ask me yet about this. You will know everything about me a few days from now."

No matter how much my mind is screaming in annoyance for the many secrets he had, but I tried to understand. I was still someone new in his life, and he couldn't just disclose everything about himself just because he had been proposing marriage from the start. One wrong move could mean his ruin, and in many movies, women were always sent as spies because sex is still a man's weakness. Speaking about sex, I then understood why Sean always refused to make love with me.

Our attention shifted to the big screen across us. It was a news break, and the voice of the newscaster caught our ears.

"The people are now demanding President Abella to step down from his presidency. Several studies have confirmed that the virus came from those Bronca bugs that crawled out from his lapel flower. During his private interview, he claimed that someone else is framing him up to destroy his image and reputation."

"When asked who he thought are the people behind this suspected plot against him, he said he could not disclose the name yet until he could gather sufficient evidence. Yet, he gave out a clue, saying that he is one of the country's famous business tycoon."

I looked at Sean, who stayed silent even as the news ended. I couldn't understand why, but somehow I felt that Patrick was the man behind this. And my heartbeats spiked harder as I thought that the closest business tycoon to him was no other than Sean.

"Didn't you say that Patrick grows those Bronca bugs?" I whispered, and Sean jolted out from his lost state.

"Yes, he grows some Bronca bugs and experiments with them,"

I watched his throat bobbed out as he swallowed hard, but he admitted to it anyway. Even if he would deny, I could tell clearly that he was feeling nervous at the moment.

"Don't you think it's him?"

My dearest followers,

I will try to write more chapters today because it's my day off. Thank you so much for staying with me. Just please don't forget to give me power votes, comments, and reviews.

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