
Through Your Eyes

Just when I thought I had successfully moved on from a loveless relationship, I realized I had made the same mistake again. I fell in love again with a kind and handsome billionaire, and I thought he was already the perfect man. Before our marriage took place, I learned about his deep secret--the secret that evolved around my identity. And the secret that shattered my respect for him. I broke off our engagement and claimed everything that belonged to me. I hated him like he was the fiercest criminal in the world. I accused him as a thief, stripping him off from his once, dazzling glory. But then, a particular event led me to the truth. Only to know that I was late already!

gents46 · สมัยใหม่
129 Chs

New Course 13


The orderly appeared out of nowhere, saving me from chatting with this woman. I'm not willing to talk about my new relationship yet, especially in this place, because they knew Eric so well.

"Ma'am, you're room is ready. I'll be taking you there," said the orderly, rotating the wheelchair he brought for the lady's easier access.

"I don't need that," she said, moving her eyes from me to the orderly, then back to me. I just observed her. She had no makeup, but her beauty still shone out. Her fair and ruddy complexion added to her almost perfect features, especially her beautiful eyes.

"You are also not allowed to walk," the orderly insisted, extending his hand to her and helped her sit up.

I left them silently while they were yet arguing and proceeded to the station to do my morning rounds. While on the medical unit, I got busy with too many referrals that the time seemed to fly faster than usual. I had intubated three patients and transferred one of them to a government facility.

IWhen I stood up to leave, my eyes caught the label on the chart.

Rya Sevilla.

The charge nurse who was sitting beside me must have seen how my eyes wandered and how I had reacted. She cast me a quick stare, then smiled at me.

"You know her, doc?"

"Her name is familiar," I replied. Little did she realize how I had wanted to flip the chart over and look at her information. Yet, as a physician, I must set a good example of confidentiality.

The nurse then placed both of her hands on her cheeks and pressed it, followed by her squeal.

"Doc, they are both so beautiful and perfect!"

"Who?" I creased my forehead as I looked at her.


I held my breath as I waited for her reply.

"The patient and her boyfriend. He visited her earlier."

I stared at her and got lost in my thoughts. I did not know why but I felt that the boyfriend could either be Eric or Sean. Of course, the president wouldn't want to come over and escalate the scandal.

"You saw them?"

"Yes, doc. I went to her room to give her some instructions. And there he was, so handsome! I can already imagine how cute their baby will be."

My heart percussed like it was on a finale of a closing music piece. I was almost tempted to show them the photos of Sean or Eric. To prevent my loss of self-control, I went out of the station, allowing myself to wonder what the two were doing when the nurse came in.

When I finally went back to the lounge, I already had three missed calls from Sean and five from Eric. I called Sean back to explain why I wasn't able to pick up his call. Before I could even start, he dismissed the subject right away.

"I don't mind at all. Tell me if you're done so I could pick you up at the ER entrance."

I felt awkward for this arrangement--dropping and fetching me up. I knew he was a very busy person, yet he still spared me his time. I hope he wouldn't change in the future. Sean was too perfect for a man in my dreams--too good to be true.

"I want to apply for a car loan," I told Sean the moment I sat beside him in the car.

"Hmmn. Why?" He glanced at me while his hands were on the steering wheel.

"Because I don't want you to sacrifice your time with me. Sean, I know you're very busy."

He chuckled. "As what others say, there's no such word as busy; it's only a matter of priority."


"What kind of a boyfriend I am if I don't give you my time?"


"If I'm out of town, I could have any of the company drivers to pick you up."

"But I don't want other people to pick me up. How about borrowing one of your cars?"

Sean laughed softly as he reached out for my hand. "Red, I only have one car."

I stared at him in disbelief. Rich men always bought all the cars they fancied as if they are just mere toys in the market.

"Even my house is small. I don't need a big one, and I don't deserve to own a mansion."

I shook my head and gave out a thin smile. "I don't understand you at all."

"Someday, you will."

Sean stopped in front of a restaurant along the highway. He then helped me unhooked my seatbelt.

"Let's get inside. You must be very hungry already." Knowing that he would not accept my refusal, I nodded.

Soon, we were inside the restaurant. Sean had already reserved a table on a secluded corner. After the waiter got the order, Sean excused himself and head out for the bathroom. I also occupied myself by opening the notifications on my phone. A headline then caught my attention.

"The first lady expressed her displeasure on the scandal that went viral in just a few hours after a netizen uploaded it. She denied the claim that her husband had an illicit love affair with a lady from Sama Island, saying that her husband couldn't afford to cheat on her. However, the majority of the netizens did not believe because the video was clear. The authorities tried to locate the other woman to hear her side of the story, but sadly, she was able to escape before the investigation started."

So, Rya Sevilla's coming to the hospital might not be because she felt ill, but perhaps a part of her escape plan. Of all the places in the whole, wide world, why did Rya Sevilla come from Sama Island? It makes it annoying because I always had this thought that Rya Sevilla and Calla Rivera are one.

"Red?" a familiar voice broke into my train of thoughts.

I looked up and saw Shirley. Weren't she in Sama Island as Eric had told me earlier? I did not know if I should smile or be angry. She broke my trust and even had controversial sex with the man who made love to me every day for five years. On the other hand, she severed the tie that connected Eric and me. In other words, she paved my path to freedom.