
Through Your Eyes

Just when I thought I had successfully moved on from a loveless relationship, I realized I had made the same mistake again. I fell in love again with a kind and handsome billionaire, and I thought he was already the perfect man. Before our marriage took place, I learned about his deep secret--the secret that evolved around my identity. And the secret that shattered my respect for him. I broke off our engagement and claimed everything that belonged to me. I hated him like he was the fiercest criminal in the world. I accused him as a thief, stripping him off from his once, dazzling glory. But then, a particular event led me to the truth. Only to know that I was late already!

gents46 · สมัยใหม่
129 Chs

Book 2: Chapter 42

"What is bothering you, babe?"

His voice--quite loaded with concerned tone--drew out the melancholic side of me. Instead of telling my intention, I ended up breaking apart, howling out my grief and confusion into a wail. I didn't know how long I emptied my heart this way, but the crackles I heard from the other line implied that he was patiently listening.

"Sean, I'm already so confused," I said in between my stifled sobs after a long while.

"I'm sorry."

"Sean, please take back the company. I was such a fool to put it at risk. I want to go back to my old, simple life. I don't want this kind of trouble anymore. You know, I can already fend for myself and my child as a doctor."

His silence for a couple of seconds was his response. Afraid that he would drop the call, I continued talking.

"With so many lies, I don't know whom to trust anymore. I just want to go home."

Finally, I heard some grunts before his voice flowed into my ear again. "It's not that easy, Red. I have already tendered my resignation, and the BOD is now appointing somebody else. Aside from that, everything is complicated."

"Sean, please," I began to wail again. I was seeing the company crumbling at the back of my mind.

Never had I felt so bad for being rejected this way. But it's my fault. If I felt awful at this, how much more it was for Sean when I shamed and stripped from him his once dazzling glory.

"Atty. Evarez is there. You can ask for his thoughts on every plan and decision that you have to make."

But Atty. Evarez is a traitor, I thought. I didn't think he had any idea about Mr. Ian's intentions. What if I was right with my intuitions?

"Sean, I'm giving up already."

"Dear, the blood of the Greys also flows in your veins. You don't want to disappoint them, right?"

From this tone, it looked like Sean didn't care about me and the legacy anymore. But then, it was my fault again. Call me stupid, but his voice made me realize there was still a place in my heart that was yearning for his presence. And as silly as I was, I asked for another favor.

"Sean, may I see you?"

Another moment of silence came as his answer.

"Sean?" I persisted.

"But you might not like what you will see."

"I won't mind. Promise."

My heartbeats started the race marathon again. And its every beat felt like a nail slamming into my heart. My thoughts then flashed some scenes I didn't like to see. And that exactly what was happening.

The short beeps from the other line implied that Sean ended the call. But before I could stretch out and lean my back on the chair, the green icon reappeared on the screen. And after hitting it with the tip of my finger, Sean's face greeted my eyes. Those gentle eyes of his that held a thousand emotions looked straight into my face. His lips twisted into a weak smile, but gone was the sparks that always told his affection.

"Babe, you're getting thinner."

"Pregnancy-induced," I lied, my lips curling into a bitter smile.

I watched him clearing his throat, but my gaze escaped and fell on the figure behind his back. I didn't know if he did it on purpose, but I didn't think he didn't realize that his position allowed me to see that he was inside a hotel room. Although he was sitting on a couch, the camera still exposed the bed behind him, and on it was Calla lying down on her back. Her bump already showed, and the sight of it stung my eyes.

"She just arrived and got exhausted from the travel," Sean commented after following my gaze.

"I'm glad you're together again," I replied, taking a deep breath slowly to put my tears on hold.

"Babe, it's not what you think, but she comes over to help."

"What kind of help do you need, Sean?"

I ached at the thought that instead of asking help from whatever trouble he was in, he was seeking it from Calla, instead. And Calla was more than ready to do give it, even taking the long flight just to deliver the favor.

"I hope we can still talk about all of these, but it's not what you're maybe thinking now."

I scoffed. And to end this misery, I bid goodbye to him. "I don't want to hold you long, so good luck. I wish you both lasting happiness."

"Babe, I love the tone…"

I didn't want to hear him anymore. I was already afraid that the floodgates behind my eyes would break free, and I would get drowned emotionally in front of him. I thought everything was over between Calla and him and that Mia would get into the picture. But I was all wrong.

The door screeched open, and when I lifted my head, I saw Atty. Evarez 's figure filling between the door frame. He broke into a polite smile, so I also smiled back.

"Done, Dr. Red?" he asked, staring into my face. He must have seen my cherry-like eye bags.

"Yes," I replied, handing him the phone.

To my relief, Atty. Evarez just shut his mouth even if his eyes spoke those unspoken questions.

"Dr. Red, the people are coming already."

I couldn't care less already, even if there were battalions of them.

Soon, all of the people I saw during the meeting came in batches. I wore a smile to welcome them, but it was Atty. Evarez who welcomed and ushered them to their seats. Their gazes weren't resentful and doubtful anymore, unlike how they looked at me during the previous gathering.

Without further ado, the discussion started, presided by Atty. Evarez.

"To give you a heads up, Dr. Grey," Atty. Evarez started, directing his statement at me. "Mr. Sean Grey announced his resignation as the CEO of the TAG Corporation. So, everyone agreed to appoint someone else, and the majority's choice is Mr. Ian of Riddance Corporation."

My brows pulled up closer, deepening the frown on my face. The link of that name to Riddance Corporation was irritating me already.

"Can anyone explain why every one of you seems to link him to Riddance Corporation?"

Someone from the group raised his hand.

"Go ahead, Mr. Loiue," Atty. Evarez said.

"Riddance Corporation used to be a very small company that was on the verge of bankruptcy until Mr. Grey came to its rescue. After a few years, his company grew big, and he also became one of the shareholders of TAG Corporation. In fact, he has the highest share among the minority. Being single and focused, the majority sees him as the best person to take over Mr. Grey's position."

I nodded, but my heart refused to accept. I didn't want him to rule over the delicate emblem of my grandfather's hard work.

"But Dr. Grey, I lost faith in this company already. I am selling my share to someone named Mr. Martela. Then, I will be investing in Mr. Ian's company," said one of the men. My eyes flew wide at this declaration, having talked to Eric a few minutes ago.

"Someone also raised his hand and spoke, "I am also selling my share to Mr. Ian."

And just like a domino effect, all of them expressed their lost trust in the company. Then to my dismay, they also had decided to sell their shares to Mr. Ian of Riddance Corporation.