
Stacy put it down

Stacy's heart was pounding out of her chest. "Stay back." She warned, then as a afterthought she grabbed the knife from behind her. Twisting to avoid being cornered, she pushed him back far enough to surprise the stranger.

His face twisted up in amusement, "Stacy put it down please, I don't want you to hurt yourself." He put his hands up in a playful surrender. But she was not having it. A stranger, someone who knows her name, and could move incredibly fast while being absolutely quiet. This was a nightmare not whatever fun twisted game he thought they were playing.

"No." She said bluntly, her confidence slowly pouring back into her body. "How do you know my name she demanded." Even though her stubbornness was somewhat annoying to him, he couldn't deny how cute she was when she was bossy. He took a dramatic deep breath and lowered himself to his knees.

"I can't tell you that." She stepped forward a bit, "Well how'd you know where I live." Raising her eyebrows trying to look intimidating. His amusement just grew. "I can't tell you that either." He sat on the floor crossing his legs like a small child. "What can you tell me?" This time her question actually came out as a question not a statement.

He started humming softly, "My name is not important, I have been called many things over the years." He closed his eyes and slightly smiled, he could feel her frustration growing. "But," he added, "you can call me Logan." She rolled her eyes, "Ok Logan, where did you come from." He opened one eye as she moved a little closer. "I've been here the whole time, you've just never noticed me before."

She couldn't believe this crazy person. Well that was if he even was a person. He had the same features as a human, but something underneath the skin wasn't quite right. It was almost like he was glowing from the inside out.

She moved a little closer. Feeling how close she was Logan took his chance, reached for her wrist and took the knife. She gasped in shock, "HEY!" He looked at her, their green and blue eyes staring into each others unblinkingly.

She looked away and backed up, he then raised the knife to his chest. The knife glowed as a sizzling sound came from it, soon it turned into a pile of silver dust on her wooden floor. "How'd you do that?!" She exclaimed. He smiled at her his handsome features becoming more noticeable to Stacy now. "I'm not like the people you know," hesitating he added with a wink, "I'm special."