
Sight seeing

I decide to go into the jungles Of Sothoryos south east of Valyria to get some plants and catch some animals. The best way to catch mass hoards of animals....forest fires. The best way to harvest plants is to not burn down the forest so I am at a loss for what to do.

I just have my undead going through to jungles and grabbing most of the plants and while they do this they push most of the smaller and medium-sized animals towards a decent-sized clearing. In the clearing, I have most of the other undead ready to catch the animals.

It goes pretty well I have another portion scouting around and looking for different larger-sized animals. I have caught quite a few birds some are very colorful, some look fucking weird I swear one has a vagina for a face with teeth on the sides. It kind of reminds me of the dogs in the blade. These birds do not need to exist.

The typical small cats, some snakes I made extinct. Near the end of the first portion of the island, I saw a hoard of spiders heading toward me. I burned a good portion of the forest without a second thought. Sending all of the animals to quarantine to see if they have any parasites or diseases that will affect my population and to make cures for them. This also gives my people time to document the new animals.

I have a good portion of undead going through the forests they have cleared about a few dozen miles around me. I am looking for a portion of skeletons that have not moved in a while. Entering a clearing I see giant gorillas around six of them. I get dazed a little bit I may or may not have drooled thinking about riding a king Kong look-alike. Looking around for my skeletons I see them holding their fur. They are doing nothing productive so I recall them.

Getting the gorilla's attention they charge at me I stomp on the ground just making the ground underneath them give away and they sink up to their shoulders. The Gorillas struggle for awhile until they become exhausted walking up to the biggest one he should be around forty feet tall when standing on his hind feet. Looking over this big beautify bitch. I look at him and he looks at me with hate so I comfort him...by punching him in the face...repeatedly until he submits.

It took longer than I though I mean he was just laying there twitching by the end. He may or may not have almost died, but in the end, I got myself a new mount. I also end up catching their version of 'Basilisks' Pretty much twenty-foot-long six-legged crocodile-looking fuckers that climb into the trees and ambush anything. I got a few dozen I sent to quarantine then I send them off to the trainers.

I did not find much else to take besides some runes that did not have much else worth taking. Some old books and trinkets. Time to clean out the plant life and burn the rest. As I sit there trying to light the wet plant life on fire I hear a roar in the distance. Investigating further I found a small mountain range with .... Dragons?? No those are not dragons they are smaller around 30 feet long and have a crest on the front of their head. They also have a beak, and feathers along the head and neck.

I remember now these are Brindle Wyverns they form massive flocks and swarm opponents quite literally death by a thousand cuts. As I sit there and ponder how to catch them one spots me and calls out his buddies they start circling in a massive flock of around a hundred of them.

They dive bomb me. It starts getting annoying so I just start throwing waves of ice at the first line of wyverns encasing their wings in ice as they crashed into the ground, screeching in pain. Their buddies come to help them out a few more passes at me most are one the ground or dead. I just have my skeletons tie them up and take them with the rest of the animals.

Checking the mountains I find their nests and grab all of their eggs, there were tones of them. Checking around I don't find anything else worth taking. Now back to the important things like forest fires.


Inside the small council chamber, you can see several people talking about the state of the kingdoms as of now.

Jon Arryn looks over the Small council and can only sigh and think 'I am too old for this shit' "Varys what the state from the realm." Varys is a short fat cockles triple crossing piece of shit "Well the realm is as one would say well and truly fucked. No treasury and no idea where it its since the last Master of the coin has no clue why only one gold coin was left in the treasury, then someone stole the gold coin. The delegation we sent to Dorne to ask for their surrender. Dorne sent a reply to us asking for them to surrender, It reads -To whom it may concern, Fuck you. Sincerely Dorne. So it would seem we are down to six kingdoms."

Jon looks around *Sigh* "Archmaester any news." The Archmaester looks rough he has not slept more than a few hours in the last week, "Well the Citadel is gone, either burned, looted, or underwater. All of the books are ruined no records have been saved." He looks depressed.

Varys speaks up "Also I have received word from the Riverlands most of the Tullie are dead or gone, The last time we have seen Brandon 'blackfish' Tullie Is on a boat headed to the summer isles yelling at his Maester saying and I quote 'keep this shit hole, I am going to fuck some islanders and die happy.' so after this, the Riverlands has been at civil war since then. Also, word form the Westerlands their mine collapsed, also they were robbed of everything that looked remotely valuable. Tywin did not take the news well and proceeded to take his bannerman's gold which lead to an uprising. We have a betting pool going to see when he notices his son is gone." Jon look intrigued "Ill have one hundred gold in five years."

To be continued...

A/N: What do you guys think about the shot at the end I may start putting them there to show whats going on in the kingdoms and other parts.

Thanks for reading hope you enjoyed it.