
Almost Cannon.

I am sitting at the dining table eating a five-star meal, and before you ask while traveling the world I happened to snatch quite a few 5-star chiefs' memories and knowledge. Then I implant the memories into my maid's minds then all they need to do is practice. Now I can enjoy the best this world has to offer on a daily bases. Now that I start to go over what I have accomplished in my last twelve years in this world and realize I am a kleptomaniac on a national scale.

I have stolen everything from Blood diamonds in Africa to national swords in japan and Jade statues in china, just to have them decorate may lair. That's right you heard me right I have finally unlocked my Hub world. Turns out it has all the plants and mountains of pre-bronze age earth it is three times the size of earth has a sun and two moons, and no animals though. I will have my soldiers go around the world and grab species from different regains tigers, pandas, elephants, whales, and sharks for example.

Anyway, I had around 89 Ex-spec. Ops. vets running around grabbing some of their fellow soldiers from around to globe who are desperate. I didn't have to mess with their minds much but I put it into all of their subconsciousness that I am their boss, savior, and little brother figure who needs looking after. I know it seems scummy but fuck you I gave them purpose I gave them something worth living for either way they were going to die very badly more often than not.

I think ill stop recruiting around 343 you know numbers 7 and 3 are magic numbers(7x7x7=343=magic juju). You know what's weird since I've had them only going after the scummiest of the scum on this earth several high-ranking government officials have gone missing hmmm.... weird.

Also have several of the troops go around the world looking for several specific targets you know blacksmiths, economists, great scientific minds, mathematicians, and great farmers. Now you may be asking why well you never know which world we may end up in next so I'm having the boys build up my hub world into a powerhouse. I just copy their knowledge and with the LOHP I break it down and find better ways then, in turn, I send it into my underling's heads.

We recently finished my lair which looks like the giant castle from the Van Helsing movie on top of a huge mountain range and everything the only way up is a twelve-foot wide road spiraling around and up the nine-hundred-foot tall mountain except I made that bitch out of white marble transfigured to have no seams it looks like it was carved out of one piece of marble Cool shit you know.


It's about one year till the cannon starts, and I find out what truck-Kun was talking about by vain package I can tell you the guy I look like he is and inspiration one of the most talented people on earth. He has worked as a Police officer, teacher, tutor, firefighter, Doctor, pool boy, principal, and a Prison guard the one the only Johnny Sins...(lol just came up with this P.S. he will be bald and his name is Charles..)

I have filled out my troops to three hundred and forty-three. I have broken them into six teams of forty-nine with a daily rotation besides, two or three I have around me most of the time. My favorites are the three Igor's that's right I have 3 bodyguards named Igor triples, they are some giant fuckers also I swear.

if we were in Harry potter they were Hagrid's long-lost siblings. All three of them are identical except for different facial scars, big as bears also standing around 8'6 475 lbs. of pure aggression. Don't let their size fool you these guy move like a cat quietly and can disappear into a crowd don't even know how. with 25 years of Spetznas's experience of destroying shit perfect guard for me. The only reason they are working for me is that I also turned their younger sisters who both were rotting from lung cancer.

All of them didn't want to move on and agreed almost immediately to being turned. I don't even see how they are related to each other on one side are Half giants on the other 2 5'5 blond-haired green-eyed bomb shells, built like ballerinas, and move with the grace of one. Ever since they turned they all have been sticking close to me ensuring if anything goes wrong all I have to do is push the button hanging around my neck which is a distress beacon for ALL of my troops. Even if that fails I have a one-way connection to Mia, Lucy, the three Igors, and their sisters Lada, and Irina.

The guys I have posted at forks have noticed the Cullens are getting jumpy. Wonder if Alice has seen me coming I'm debating whether to show up near cannon or the year after right before Spider girl gets killed and snatch (Victoria form the baseball incident.).

Yea that sounds about right. I'm thinking of offering a tip to them but haven't decided I like the Cullen I mean I could mess with Edward and make him think I'm gonna steal his girl told ya klepto... sounds fun pretty much everything is in place every where I have copied and upgraded the knowledge from the greatest minds in this world enough to where I have fixed the no electronics in magic heavy areas.

The problem was pretty easy to fix. You just put rune clusters on the batteries to stop them from frying and converting the ambient magics into electricity. Cannot build an A.I. though not sure if I want to may have it go Skynet on my ass.

So far I have mastered Most books I have on charms, Runes, DADA, DA's, Healing, Mind magics, and quite a few non-magical fields. I have also had all of my troops training in horseback riding, sword fighting, forging, and animal husbandry. In the middle of my musing, I hear a thick grave voice "Young master, They are back" turning my head I see an Igor.

"Let's head in" I whisper quickly walking from the veranda into the dining room where the 6 heads of the 6 out units for the yearly report (the last unit of 49 is the house or his guard). As I walk in they all stand up and salute me. "Come on guys this isn't the military I'm not going to bust your balls over such small things now. So sit down and let's get down to brass tax." I have been trying to remove that sick, but it is too far lodged up their ass.

The head of the 6 the same spokesman from 8 years ago with the first group speaks up "Sir we have port keys to all major gold, Silver, and iron, and we found the Svalbard Seed vault and have set up port keys to its location" I nod and motion for him to continue "Sir we also have all the files to every coverup conspiracy and damming evidence ready to be released onto the internet we have it for every country in the world, its ironic that North Korea was the cleanest besides 3rd world country's." He says with a sneer flashing across his face. (If you're wondering how he is doing this when he traveled the world he has a specific location to drop people off and from there they find other locations and Charles(MC) just grabs the locations from their heads and makes a port key to these locations for later purposes)

I decide to speak up with this on the table "Now you see gentlemen and ladies everything is in place for when we leave this world first we steal all major precious metal deposits and iron stores, with Svalbard seed vault found we can start extracting the seeds onto our hub world now that it's out of the way lets start planning about the local vampires.

"No more outgoing missions have everyone stock up on blood bags and 'volunteers' from our contacts around the country stock up on anything else we will need. we will bring everyone back and double and triple their training shits going down within the next 3 years, Move out." They all stand up and salute "SIR, YES SIR." and disappear in streaks of movement.

All I can do is shake my head in exasperation I look at the three Igor just as stone-faced as the first time I have seen them and say "never change you three" one almost cracked a smile "Ve any change, but you need to grow, you are too skinny all bone no meat." the 'oldest' says with fondness in his eyes.

A/N: Checked over 02/04

should he go to school at the same time as Bella or after everything happens and grabs the spider girl then he meets the Cullens?????? Let me know in the comments.

Also, give me a review need to know if I need to change my wright style or if anything is confusing at all.

THANK YOU for reading.