
Through the clock

She found a strange girl, a strange book, and the secret on how to manipulate time. Leona thought her life couldn't get any more boring, until she found a strange girl in the forest that leads her to an antique shop while searching for her lost cat. A boy gives Leona a book containing the secret to time travel. The three of them goes on adventure through time, each trying to fix their bad past. They think they are the luckiest people alive, but discovers that the book and Time Portal is even more sinister than imaginable. "If that portal is ever opened, anything could enter or escape... Even the mythical things."

Lisa_Viljoen · แฟนตาซี
22 Chs

Chapter 16

Jesper's POV

Jesper's numb arms were weighed to the ground no matter how hard he tried to stop Leona from running. Soon enough someone had to stop her. That brat couldn't ruin his entire plan. At least David went with the two of them, he could send reports back. Jesper was getting dizzier by the minute as he watched the blood stream from his arm. If he didn't get any help soon he might take his last breath supported against the tree. It seemed like the universe reacted to his silent plead, because black helicopters flew near the ground. They started landing a few meters from him. Jesper wasn't sure if it was a good thing since Derora warned them about the helicopters. At least they wouldn't let him die right away, or so he hoped.

Scottish men in black uniforms jumped from the shiny mechanical bird of possible doom. A few of them stormed the same way David and the rest went. Jesper couldn't help but notice guns as big as swords slung over their shoulders. A man with a brown stubble beard marched towards him.

"Where did yer friends gae!?" He yelled with a barrel point against Jesper's head. The man had cold blue eyes, and smelled of cheap cologne. Jesper tried to swallow his laugh when he heard the man's accent. The man stared him dead in the eye, but Jesper didn't want to snitch just then. He wanted to know what was on the spell first.

"I'm s-sorry I- d-don't understand," Jesper uttered. The bulky man pulled a photo from his front pocket of which seemed to be a younger version of Derora. He wondered why Derora was in trouble. She seemed too shy to cause any scene.

"Ye know where this girl is, A saw ye walkin wi thaim!" He pushed the picture too close to Jesper's eyes.

Jesper opened his mouth to answer, but no words came out. Black started creeping at the corners of his vision, and he lost consciousness. The man eyed him suspiciously, but ordered the other men to carry him to the helicopter.


White tables and chairs lined the conference room, the organisation seemed pretty boring seeing the only theme was black and white. Jesper realized he was tied to a chair at the end of a long table, and a man was seated at the other end. The man wore a black fedora hat which seemed to fit his dark eyes and porcelain skin. The man stared at him intensely without speaking. When he finally opened his mouth, a deep voice sounding almost like a frog escaped.

"Are you feeling well enough to have a chat?" he asked sarcastically.

Jesper glanced at his arm to see it wrapped in bandages. He gave a halfhearted nod.

The fedora man lifted a hand rolled cigar to his mouth taking a deep breath, and blowing bubbled towards Jespers face. It smelled of cherry tobacco.

"Where was Derora and her two little friends headed?" He blowed another cloud of smoke up into the air.

Jesper tried to tug free, but the knots around his wrists were tied to tight around the chair.

"If I tell you, what's in it for me?" He asked hopelessly.

The man smiled a yellow toothed smile while looking out under his hat.

"10 000 dollars"

Jesper smiled as he looked at the pinboard across the room, filled with photos of Derora's face.