
Through the ages: Visitor of the apocalypse

In a world of death and life. where humanity hangs on a thread. a visitor came, would he save the remnants of humanity? and lead them back into a new peak? or, would he guide the new dominant race of this new order. who knows, but I know its a story worth writing. Arc 1 Not the worst apocalypse. Follow as Daniel Explores this new apocalyptic world. limiting himself to that of a 1st tier Astral psion. with a body strong enough to decimate 21 century armies barehanded.

MA_Writecraft · ไซไฟ
11 Chs

Chapter 2 Death city: Necropolis. Act 4 of 5.

Act 4 Through the city.

Pov ???

In the buzzle of a lively city, at the beginning of the set of dusk. At the backdrop of foot traffic, a Latino boy walked, as he parked and chained his bike to the side of a compound. And then walked on a stone path. Tap tap tap. . .

The glass door was open. Welcome! Oh is that you Marco? Your uncles, already inside, here, on the house. A fairly pretty girl, with delicate eyes, and a sweet smile. wearing a tailored apron, Chinese V-neck shirt, and soft slacks.

Oh! Thank you, Sayuri. So, how are you holding up? Many customers lately. I asked, as I picked up the bath stuff, Sayuri gave me. Well it's been slow, honestly I like it that way, bad for my gramps business. but good for me, and between you and me most of his money comes from the big one, in the city square.

This place, it's not even making money anymore, yeah it has a lot of regulars. but gramps, and dad, only keeps it alive because of great grand dad. I nodded. Yeah I understand that, it's always good if you can, too keep your roots close.

Probably why your dad wanted you to work here this summer. Pfft. Ha ha ha you sound like my old man Marco! The girl started to laugh. Well I was being honest! That's what my dad told me and why I'm working at my Uncles! Marco looked embarrassed, his cheeks red.

Hey! I'm going, see you. Oh and say hi to your gramps for me. And then the boy entered the changing room. The girl stopped laughing and sighed. . . Stupid girl, you chased the cute boy away, welp I'll catch him one of these days, summer break just started.

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Pov Sandra Mori

The shack was a treasure trove, but we couldn't take everything with us, so we left it for now. But Mike asked us if we can turn it into some kind of outpost later, the idea was good. The place was secure, except maybe the basement. but overall if we can clear the entire building and connect it to the shack, and then block off the alleys, then we can use it.

But that's more than a week's worth of work. Maybe if the camp has more people to try, but for now no. We said we'll make a plan and he nodded, locking up the store with not only the electrical locks, but some mechanical ones, he even left traps and WW2 barbwires everywhere, in our off time.

He really wants to keep this place available. We didn't stop him, it was his uncle's place. Can't exactly say. . . yeah we let him do what he wanted. After we woke up finally having a full night rest and a hardy breakfast, thanks to Marco, I love that boy.

We were finally making our way through the plaza. I can feel the weight of the new weapons, and the new bag I was carrying, it's not enough to actually feel awkward when we are walking.

But I don't think I can run as fast, but I didn't think about it as I took point, with Mike. I was holding my newly modified nail gun. The battery, was converted to a small electrical gas engine. With pressure chambers. Making the nail shoot farther and the battery lasts longer than the 30 shot use, before charging.

The body was changed, from a plywood frame, that I duct taped together. into a bolt fastened rifle body, it was a lot easier to aim, and handle, and the recoil doesn't change my aim anymore.

Psst! A short whistle came from Mike as he held his hand, and pressed himself, to a glass wall of a retailer shop. I followed him. What did you see? I whispered to him. A horde, more than 20 in front, more in the back. Then he looked towards the store.

He motioned for Jane to come over, her leg was getting better and we changed her old splint, into a military splint replica used in WW2. it was now a padded metal frame, supporting her foot. Then we added some foam to make her steps quieter.

She hubbled towards the door, as Mike continued to silently look around the corner, I followed him and I saw what he saw. groups of those zombies ripping into hunks of carrion, I can't even recognize what they were eating.

I felt acid come up my throat, I was about to vomit. but Mike, looked back as he heard me gag, and forced my mouth closed, as he dragged me towards the rest of the group. as Jane kept picking the shop door.

Click! Mike looked panicked, Jackson noticed so he immediately pushed everyone in as the door opened. It was a hydraulic door, but looked rustic from the outside. My head wasn't in the game as Mike closed the door slowly, and locked it and barricaded it with a podium near the entrance.

Jackson was already making a sweep into the shop while Jane stood by me supporting me up. Fuck. . . That was horrible. It's fine. . . Mike ran towards us and pulled us down. I was confused, but then I heard them.

 Grrr. . . Groans and wet splatches on dry brick pavement, sounded just outside the door. Thump! thump! thump. thump. . thump. . . Then the door smashing stopped and the sounds of movement rustled pass.

My daze left me, after the 2nd bang on the shop door. My stomach still turned, but my hand steady, as I stood at a crouch. With my gun at the ready for the eventuality. . . it was a surprise that they didn't break through, and wandered off. I guess they've eaten enough.

Mike motioned for us to go farther in, as he stayed at the door. I nodded and saw Jane nodded too. She pulled out a hand spear, holding it with one hand as she pulled out an electric nightstick in the other.

She nodded at me as she went first, crouching and moving slowly. I followed her, and at the end at the back of the store we found Jackson and Marco looking through shoes on display.

The horde just passed through, Mike stayed to keep watch. How's the sweep? Found anything? I said, as I pointed down my gun. And looked back to see Mike, leaning on the door, his ear pressed on it, listening to the horde's actions.

No, the shops, abandoned. We saw the stairs leading up, but we didn't explore it yet. . . Is it alright, I look for a change of clothes? Jane cut in while I and Jackson spoke. I thought about it, the pawnshop didn't have clothes, even the lockers were empty. Well, the owners were away, they might have been on vacation too.

I look at our clothes, and how bad they've gotten. I nodded. Sure but keep it practical. Hey, what are you guys talking about? Immediately I turned around, aimed my gun at the head of the one who spoke. but luckily I didn't fire, it was Mike.

Woah! Sandra, it's me! He held up his hands, giving me a nervous smile. Acting tough. The hordes moved on, were safe for now. I sighed, as Jackson pushed down my gun towards the ground.

Sorry, Mike. It's fine, we're all on edge. So what are you guys talking about? He asked again, and before I could answer Marco spoke. We're all getting a change of clothes, and a spare. I know a bathhouse, it's just two blocks from here. It's small, and secluded, so we can take a break there.

He said as he followed Jane, as she moved towards, a rack filled with shirts and blouses. Mike placed a hand on my shoulder, as he followed the two. I was left with Jackson. Don't worry about it too much, we all understand, come on we need to pick something too. I hope so.

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Pov Mike Yun.

I was wearing new digs, high cut running shoes with a lot of rubber. A shirt, a hoodie, gloves and running pants. The plastic greaves and bracers I was wearing weren't chafing anymore. But my thoughts about my new outfit were cut as I saw the bathhouse Marco mentioned. It was secluded and looking at the streets we needed to go through they were clear. . . well not clean, but clear of those Zs.

I put down my binoculars. Is it clear? Jackson spoke. Shook! He shot his crossbow, and he missed. hitting his target on the shoulder rather than head. The Z stumbled but didn't react to it and kept on eating. It was a normal one, and with a small horde of 6 probably the strugglers of that larger horde.

Oh, bad shot. And yeah it is, but we need to go now, before it stops being clear. He nodded as we walked towards one side and kicked down, the fire escaped. Then we slid down. I went first and then Jackson.

As I landed, I immediately knocked at the back door of the shop. And then it opened, Marco came first, his samurai sword ready to hack through me if I was undead.

It's a go. I said as I stood next to Jackson as he landed. I helped him up and then sneaked towards the end of the shop and looked around. It was still clear, and as I looked back they were already following me, Sandra was next to me again.

She looked unsettled. What we saw might have messed with her, more than I thought. Hopefully she'll be alright after a good bath, I know I will, I think this was the longest I haven't showered this year. Good thing we have a lot of alcohol and wipes, I think without it we would have died of infections by now.

As we walked single file, I heard something so I stopped everyone and moved to hug a building's wall, as I closed my eyes, focusing and then I heard it. Help! Help! Bang! bang! Gunfire, I motioned for my group to stay quiet as I looked over the wall, and saw a group of survivors, 3 of them, running and shooting being chased by a group of 20 and getting bigger.

Jackson moved, He started to shoot, and Marco with a blowgun and Sandra followed, they were aiming for those in the middle. The survivors saw this. Thank you! They rounded a corner and disappeared. The horde followed, but the strugglers noticed us, and started running towards us.

I shook the three shooters. Let's go! Then I run, with my morning star, and a spiked viking shield ready. Focusing on clearing anything on our path and then I saw it, a gated small compound, I went in. The first saw was a lone Z, I wasn't thinking, as I shield tackled it, making it fall. and then I swung my mace.

Everyone made it as Jackson and Marco closed and locked the small gate, using a padlock. Everyone was breathing heavily, except Marco and Jackson. Thump! Thump, Thump, thump. . . 3, 4, 6. they kept coming. . . Thunk. Marco started stabbing through the bar, with his blade. Falling one, then another. Jane joined in and used her spear. Thump. . .

As the last one fell, I took a deep breath and looked around the bathhouse. It was a small garden with a path towards a glass doored shop front. When I entered there was a chime bell, so I kept the door open and then kept ringing the bell.

Hey? Are you okay Marco? Did you know her? I heard Jane trying to talk to Marco. . . They're probably talking about the one I took down. I didn't go for the face but the top of the head. . . I should have aimed for the face, it's never a good time if you recognize one of them.

Nothing attacked me, so it's clear for now. Yeah, she works here part time. . . I think her uncle owns this place. . . I didn't know her well, but she deserved better than this. I heard cloth shifting. No one deserves this kid. I heard Jackson patting his shoulder.

Is it clear? Sandra spoke at my side, I already heard someone walking towards me, so I wasn't surprised. Yeah I think? Either that or the Zs inside has bad hearing. She looked confused but looked up and realized what I was doing.

Alright, let's gather everyone, and enter at once. Let's not risk it. I nodded at her. I closed the door and followed her towards the group. I saw the Z that I took down, had a handkerchief on her face. You know if you want we can burn her.

I told Marco, as he stood up finishing his prayer. No, I want to but, we might attract attention. It's fine it's just one body. . . wait, this place is an old bath house right? Marco shrugged. It might have a furnace, we can burn her there. I told Marco and I saw his eyes brighten up a little.

But before that, we need to clear the place first. Marco nodded as he held the corpse by the arms and dragged it towards the door, sitting it up on the wall. Then he pulled out his sword and then joined us in a loose circle as we entered.

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Pov Jane Kunstler

A red haired girl soaked, naked. her breast was on the smaller end in term of size, her second lip was clean shaven, overall she was petite with little fat. And a gun and towel laid at her side. Sigh. . . you can relax, you know? We already barricaded the doors and windows. We'll hear it when something happens.

Jane spoke, as she tried coaxing. The lady in front of her. She was a brunette, naked, with a small bush on her womanhood, had a bit more of a curve to her, taller, her breast a little bit bigger, but a thicker fatty layer on her curves. Sandra answered. Sigh. . . Sorry but it's been awhile, since I relaxed, kinda hard to let go. . . I need to let go, or I might. . .

Oh, shush! Stop with the drama! And that was an accident! Mike isn't even bothered, by it! I talked to him, and he noticed, how glum you looked, he's getting worried about you, girl. The girl stood up and started fundling the older girl's breast.

Jane, stop! No! You stop! You're distracting our guide! With this! Hahaha. Haha ha. Both girls ended their talk laughing. And going back to soaking, enjoying the hot medicine water. It smelled like wine, salts and flowers.

Pov Jackson Luckas

Ahh. . . This feels good. A dark skinned, like that of earthly clay. young man spoke, as steaming medicine water kept pouring in. He had a towel on his sharply cut hair, a smile rediatied happiness, a towel was covering his lower half showing his athletic build.

You can say that again, I'm sick of using wipes. A latino boy spoke, his figure was fit for his age, but nothing remarkable from someone practicing martial arts. Also wore a towel to save his dignity. But he looked sullen after he spoke.

Hey man, you want to talk about it? Mike spoke, he was a young Asian man, pale skinned, hairy chest, which is uncommon for his people. He was giving the boy a serious look, but also it was relaxed, his figure was nothing special but you can tell he does alot of cardio.

There were weapons and milk drinks at their sides, as they soaked in the hot bath. Well. . . She was. . . a girl, we always meet here, and sometimes at school, she was. . . playful? Always laughing at me, even if I don't make jokes, I always feel embarrassed when that happens. Marco looked more sullen as he stared at the pool.

I pressed a hand on him, and so did Mike. Come on Champ, it's better to deal with this now, it'll only get harder if you wait for later. Marco gave a forced smile at Mike as he said that. I, my little sister, she. . . left us early. . . She got hit hard, during the last, chinese flu outbreak, I was a rebellious teen back then. Even though I wasn't seeing my folks, I always visited her in the hospital.

but when she was gone, I just disappeared for a year. I was alone, figuring things out. But once I came back, everyone moved on, they had help and each other, it wasn't easy for them, but I was still a wreck and I kept ignoring it even now. . . it's hard every time I looked back, but it only gotten easier when I started talking about it, even made a girlfriend out of a girl majoring in psychology when I opened up to her.

I looked at Mike, and I think more than half of what he said was a lie, but as I looked at Marco, looking less sullen and actually stopped forcing a smile. I didn't question Mike, I'll talk about it with him, with drinks at another time. Marco continued and yeah.

From how he's describing their relationship, I think the girl was trying to give hints that she likes him. . . and I think the kid knows about it, but didnt know what to do. or just didn't have the chance to do anything. Sigh . . . I hate the apocalypse. Yeah, yeah. . . They all drank their milk. Jane, stop! No you. . . We heard the girls laughing and this made me smile.

Atleast the girls are having fun. Ha ha ha. Mike said as he laughed and patted Marco as he stood up. Well I'm done sipping, see you guys outside, I nodded at him. Marco, want me to stay? No, I'm fine, I just need to think about stuff. Alright but don't stay too long or you'll get a headache.

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Pov Marco Diaz

That was a good bath. Hopefully, we don't need another one soon. I thought as we sneaked through the plaza bazaar. Which was empty, I saw signs of heavy foot traffic, but it was old. Some of the stalls layed empty, abandoned. Lucky others weren't, and there we were, stuffing dried, salted, cured, and dry-aged pork nets, thick beef strips, and seafood.

We were using two carts both quiet and newly oiled. There were already olive oils, and wines, in the first one. As we filled the second with the best slices of meat we moved on. I saw Mike held up a hand, this made me stop, pushing the second cart and pulled my bow from my back, an arrow knocked. He made a first which means hold and be ready.

There they were, the fast ones, they had blood all over them. On their fanged mouths, knife clawed hands, and pointed spines. . . I'm not sure, if they're the natural evolution of the slower ones, but I'm scared of what would happen in the future, if they are. Good thing they were only three of them.

I pulled my bow slowly as I saw Sandra and Jackson already aiming. Then after a quick aim, I released, as my breath broke out from my lungs. Then it flew. Thuk! Thuk! Tink! Thud. My arrow flew too low and broke the closest one's jaw piercing through his neck and spine.

Jackson's bolt flew high, breaking open one's skull. but keeping it alive, only Sandra's shot went true, dropping the undead. I immediately nocked another one, aiming for my quarry. It tried screaming, but I saw it gargling blood. Jackson's target was different. Aiekkkk! It started to scream but Sandra shot it next, even before Jackson nocked another bolt. Thud. Thud.

I followed, my second shot flew true, from the eye, to the back of this undead's skull. I give you peace. I whispered in a prayer. Then we stayed quiet, Mike motioned for us to follow as he made his way into a shop, it was locked with a padlock and chain, he broke it, after three hits with his mace. getting us all in as he closed the door. Marco, find something heavy.

Jackson and Sandra were already sweeping the shop which was a farmers stall. Then as I helped Mike move rice, wheat, and corn bags to the door I heard it, looking through the window a 30 no 50+ horde shuffling through the bazaar. Destroying the smaller stalls, or breaking trinkets and supplies.

Good thing we moved our scavenge with us. The horde was noisy, with the groans and stumbling steps. And of course the sound of shit breaking. . . So, do we just hide here for now? Jane whisperingly asked, as she was looking through the seeds, and reading the step by step guide of how to plant, and harvest them on their pamphlets.

Yeah, better for you guys to secure, and scavenge this place, while we wait. they're moving slowly, but from the way they wander around, they're not gonna track us here. But I'll keep watching just in case. I nodded and went towards Sandra and Jackson who went to the backroom but as I entered I bump into them.

It's clear. . . We're waiting here aren't we? Jackson only took a moment looking at me, and a very focused Mike by the door, before he understood the situation. I nodded. Well I saw some pickled vegetables in the cellar. Want to come with me Marco? You would know what will need more than me or Sana. 

Thump! Agh that hurt Sana! Well don't compare me, to you. I know how to cook! Well, not everyone is as good as Marco. she said as she placed her hand on my head. Remember, I like Indian food. She said as she joined Jane looking through the seeds.

Alright kid let's go. I followed Big bro Jack as we moved through, lit corridors and down dimly lit stairs going down, my sword was out, Jackson had his steel Kali sticks. We slowly went down, Jackson had his police light on his chest. What we saw both made me think of what I can cook, and if they'll let me smoke some.