
The gateway city [2]

As soon as they arrived, the two companions could observe a city completely different from the other cities in the kingdom. Not only was it very dense in terms of population, but there was also a great diversity of races. Between humans, elves, dwarves, and many others, there was no shortage of diversity.

The city, meant solely to serve as a portal for the numerous travelers of the world of Aspell, was rather small. The streets, however, were very wide, allowing for the circulation of the large number of people there.

Most of the buildings were small shops selling various items, in front of which each merchant tried to attract as many customers as possible with their words and goods.

- here we are, Alpheus. The Gateway city of the Valley kingdom. Said Atlas, stopping his horse in front of the city gates.

- It's... crowded. Remarked Alpheus, doing the same.

- It's normal! These cities are unique to each kingdom. So all travelers, merchants, or others come here to go to another allied kingdom.

- At least, thanks to that, we can easily blend in and leave the kingdom quickly.

- Yeah! After leaving the kingdom, we can rent a room to spend the night, as it's already getting late.

- You're right. Let's not waste any more time and go.

They then entered the city, both on their mounts towards one of the city's four portals.

The portal in front of them was really tall, it looked like an arch in the middle of which bathed something almost indescribable, except for its deep darkness. This thing was a hole in space-time. From the three-meter height of the portal, you could see a sign on which was written: Eryas.

Alpheus, noticing this, said to his companion:

- So we're paying a little visit to the elves?

- Yeah, buddy. We're going to Eryas, the realm of the elves. I was going to choose a place at random, but after thinking about it, I figured it wouldn't be bad to go there. Elves and dwarves are known throughout the world for their fabulous inventions. And obviously, the guy that I am preferred Eryas to Kaoreb (a kingdom mostly populated by dwarves).

- I see. Alpheus replied nonchalantly.

- Oh come on! Show a little more reaction, dude. Complained Atlas. "By the way, rumor has it that the most beautiful women in Aspell are in Eryas. Just saying!"

- I don't really have time to think about that.

- That's no reason to be serious all the time. It ages you. Retorted Atlas as the two got closer and closer to the portal, watched by two guards.

The two companions had stopped their discussion. And although they didn't show any particular feeling, they were still stressed at the thought that these guards might be aware of their outlaw status. Sure, it would be very easy for them to get rid of them, but it could bring them a lot of trouble. So their only option was to hope that the news hadn't reached the Gateway City yet.

Arriving at the portal leading to the kingdom of Eryas, the two guards watched them carefully as Atlas and Alpheus dismounted their respective horses, before the one on the left stepped forward to start bombarding them with questions:

- Hello!

- Hello! Replied the two travelers, bowing their heads slightly.

- Are you planning to go to the allied Elf kingdom?

- Indeed! Confirmed Atlas.

After his response, the guard began to walk around the companions. But having noticed Atlas's cape and Alpheus's torn shirt, he stopped halfway to tell them:

- Your clothes are in a sorry state. You seem... hmmm... suspicious! Said the guard, eyeing them suspiciously.

- I understand your concerns about us. But please forgive the poor riders we are. Apologized Atlas, displaying a face full of sincerity to the guard. "As my mount was galloping at a breakneck speed, my floating cape caught on the sturdy branch of a thorny tree. But when my companion saw me about to fall, he reached out to catch me. Unfortunately, this only caused the sleeve of his shirt to be torn, and in trying to help me, he also fell off his horse, thus soiling his clothes. What a good companion I had!" he added with a caricatural smile, while tapping Alpheus's shoulder.

- And your torn piece of cape? Asked the second guard, addressing Atlas.

Unlike the first, the second guard didn't seem to believe Atlas's words at all and was looking for any flaws in his story.

Alpheus, who until then had let his companion take the lead, began to lose patience and clenched his fists slightly. Atlas noticed this instantly and immediately took the floor to handle the situation:

- Actually, we had to tear the cape because it wouldn't come off the tree thorns, and we didn't want to get attacked by dangerous creatures.

- That's quite a series of events.

- Such is life. Atlas replied promptly, still wearing a forced smile.

The guard took a few seconds to think before saying:

- But you have a katana, I see. You must know how to fight, right?

- Unfortunately, I'm not that skilled, I'm even a bit clumsy at times. He replied, scratching his head.

Despite all of Atlas' excuses which seemed, on some level, plausible, the guard remained hesitant.

Apparently, the guard wasn't going to let them through, so Atlas had to try his luck: "the bribe".

- Maybe we won't pass today, but one thing is for sure, you do your job really well. Yet, everyone knows you're paid a pittance.

- Don't even try to...

The guard didn't even have time to finish his sentence before a bag containing fifty silver coins flew towards him. After catching it, he glanced briefly into the bag, which caused a satisfied grin before inviting the travelers to pass.

"You should have started with that! Please, go ahead, gentlemen."

His attitude had drastically changed. But it pleased both Atlas and Alpheus. The main thing was that they could pass, even if it meant parting with some of their savings or rather that of the bandits.

After passing through the gate, they found themselves in a place similar to what Atlas had seen in the portal leading to Solis. A place of strange whiteness, contrary to the darkness they could observe from outside the gate, seeming to detach from notions of time and space.

It only took them a few seconds to cross before arriving at the Gateway City of the kingdom of Eryas.

Upon arriving there, the elven gate guards, easily recognizable with their long pointed ears, only looked at them before allowing them to continue on their way.

They could therefore notice that the portal city in front of them was very similar to Valley's. But with one difference, the vegetation there was much denser, a key aspect of every elven city.

Other than that, most of the buildings were shops, with only a few spaces where some city merchants spent their nights. Moreover, these buildings were very close together, leaving only large spaces for roads.

- We'll be able to catch our breath a bit, Alpheus.

- Yes. But let's keep in mind that by tomorrow morning, we'll probably be fugitives in all the kingdoms allied with Valley.

- Unfortunately, yes. But we should be able to have a quiet night.

They then walked through the city in search of an inn sign. After only 15 minutes of walking, they found one where they could spend the night. It was a cheap inn, and after some lengthy negotiations for only 40 silver coins, they were able to spend the night peacefully, each in their own room.



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