
Thrones of the Past (ASOIAF/GOT)

Julius Caesar, How silly! wait your being serious. Woah Woah, why him, he'd be too hard to write, boss. In the World of Ice and Fire as well, Come on Boss your making it harder for me. Atleast let me give him a power up. And So Julius Caesar was thrust into a world simply for our entertainment. Will he survive or simply fall to a faceless assassin

MrEuripedes · ซีรีส์โทรทัศน์
17 Chs

The Struggles Of Three

" I came, I saw, I conquered. "

Julius Caesar


Gaius Julius Caesar/ Year 279 AC :

The marching of our troops was calm, the songs we had sung differed from centuries. The younger the more modern they had sung, The older generation enjoyed their more classical pieces. While me and my Praetorians you ask?, we sung what we had enjoyed. I mostly listened but I would join in to allow myself to get lost in the songs and instrumentals.

The standard bearers had held their banners with pride, smiles all adorned on there faces. A sense of pride at the duty they had been given. For if one was too fall, the whole century and even the legion must do their best to gain it back no matter how many men fall. That was how important the standard had been to us Romans.

The march would be long, 4 days at most if we did our standard twenty mile march a day. Although we may reach their earlier if we marched further and faster, however that would exhaust out my troops leaving us exposed to attacks by monsters or the natives of this land.

The ocean and the occasional rock or wildlife that frequented to the outskirts of the jungle were the only things we ever saw for the past hour of our march, it had grown boring. Although it was better to be bored than surrounded in a place we did not know. We were not back in Rome or Gaul, a place I knew like the back of my hand. 

We were in a whole new environment, a place that posed new and most likely stronger dangers to me and my own soldiers. Some men had been talking about a strange creature that had been stalking them according to reports of my centurions near the rear. They were the more grizzled bunch so I had known they would be the most able to deal with a ambush. 

Although it would most likely mean a loss of quite a few of our men, men that costed too much to replace. The songs and marching continued as I was buried in my thoughts, the Praetorians keeping their eyes out for anything that was strange or odd.

A Lizard had caught their attention a few times, It had moved fast and was large. This could mean it was the same one that the beast tamers had found and caught or it was another species that had similar features.

I had told them to stay alert for if it neared us any further, for if it fought us we would be trapped between the ocean and a Large Lizard. Both were displeasing if I had to say so.

A Praetorian rode up to me leaning close, " My Emperor, the lizard. There is only one, would you allow us to give chase. " The Praetorian spoke his voice low as too not alert the soldiers behind us.

I shook my head at him, " Chasing with horses in the jungle? Leave it, we will setup camp soon. " I rubbed my horses head before gesturing the man to enter formation again.

I had been leading at the front of my army, A stupid decision but I was a Leader, I could not be cowardly before my men . If I was the first to face battle so be it, may Mars allow my victory and survival. If I was the last, May Mars allow me to face the enemy head on. I was a warrior, I could not sit on a throne most of my life listening to the senate all day long.

It would simply drive me mad, I do not understand how the previous kings had been able to put up with the babbling mess that is the senate. Most of them would most likely turn if I went against their interest. It would be of no surprise as that was the human heart. Fickle.

I wonder how Irene is handling that mess, better her than me. I chuckled to myself staring at the sun, I noticed it was soon to set. Turning my horse to the people I spoke, " Soldiers, Set up camp! " The Cornicularius trumpeted out my commands to the troops almost immediately.

The troops quickly stopped their march dropping their rucksacks and headed to their own Conterberniums. Grabbing the axes they were now ready to set up their fortifications around their new camp. 

Many went to the jungle to chop down, the slaves were left to set up camp with the supplies the donkeys had held. Placing the tents up and placing a hitching post for the donkeys. Those that had stayed acted as guards for the slaves as well as for those cutting down the trees, the lizard being a major threat that many of the Praetorians watched for.

it did not take long to build, It took at most four hours. Quite quick for the size of our force but we did not need to place as many wood defenses due to the natural cliff being a already made defense for us.

My tent had been the first to be set up, a small table with a wooden stump was placed, a map upon the table. A hammock laid to the side of the table, taking a seat on the stump I stared down at the map. We were close to being a quarter away if the map was correct on where our bridge to this land was.

I laid my knuckle on my cheek, my mind landing back on the times I was a leader, Cooped up in a tent in the different temperatures of the Gaul's, I chuckled as I remembered how those barbarians had fought naked. Yet they fought so fearless, maybe I would have my men strip before battle. I laughed to myself thinking of the thousands of Roman soldiers naked, shield to shield. A funny sight it would be indeed.

I wonder how the city is doing, more specifically how my new wife is dealing with all this political hassle that I put her up to on the spot. I must thank Hermanus later for allowing me the excuse to leave my Emperorship position for a few weeks.


Empress Irene POV :

" These senators are worse than those damn Byzantine nobles! ", I held my head as I leaned back in the chair in my husbands courters. I had not believed I would have been married to Julius, but it seemed God had willed it. He was a Warrior, not a Emperor. The smile I witnessed on his face the moment he turned to me as he heard his armies call for him.

It was priceless, he was like a boy frolicking through a field of dandelions. his blond hair that adorned his head and his eyes that hued a strange orange seemed to glow even brighter as I gave him that kiss that allowed him to head off to battle. He was practically perfect, I do not care if I could have been married to the Emperor of the Byzantium. I would have always picked to marry Caesar.

Even if I had to deal with the senate, the same ones that had made me take a break, damn their incessant chatter. They would not stop bickering once a issue occurred, I did not understand how Julius could control such a loud bunch. He had not raised his voice even once since our marriage, and yet I had to do it twice in a day.

The blacksmiths had committed a worker strike for they have had a lack of customers, stopping there business for the entire week. This ruins the plans for the chariot races that would start the games meaning we could only do one race. Another pain that had to happen the moment Julius had left.

I had also needed to solve another issue, the construction of a new bathhouse. In celebration for Julius' future rule. That would have been no issue if the blacksmiths hadn't stopped working, we could only deal with the architectural designs and speak to the carpenters of their task that will be given once the blacksmiths stop their idiocy.

My headache only keeps getting worse, the more the night go's on. It would be best if I head to bed, but I mustn't, not until I have come up with a method for the blacksmiths to stop their idiotic strike.

I banged my fist on the desk in frustration a large dent slowly appearing in the wood that had been made of walnut. I winced at it, feeling sorry for my husband as it would leave his own wallet. He was a ruler that did not like stealing from the state. At least that was the impression I had gained from him, since our engagement and marriage. Both of which were paid from his own bank.

The door knocked thrice, " Enter! " I stared back at my desk before standing up wondering who would need my attention so late at night and not even seconds later a guard entered, it was a young Praetorian. 

A smile on his round face he stood by the door, " Empress, the emperor has set up camp. Their plumes of smoke touching the sky. " Hearing him as smirk appeared on my face one many had called cold.

Standing up from the desk I placed a pair of gloves on my hand, " Please, where may I see this smoke. " I walked towards the guard leaving the room looking through the windows I saw it.

Thousands of plumes of smoke rose towards the sky, their camp on a cliff, ' Oh Caesar, please be safe. ' I placed both of my hands together praying to god, my eyes shut.

The city was silent as the moon was already high in the sky, meaning it had become midday. Shaking my head I decided it best to retreat to my chambers and sleep, I hope tomorrow wouldn't be as troublesome as today had been.

The bed was cold, my husbands body could not bring me comfort. Pulling the blanket over my body I had tried to replicate his warmth but whatever I did. It had always been colder without his body near mine. Oh how I wished he would return.


The Author :

A loud bang could be heard from the office of my publisher, " Damn YOU! Vaion. I told you to write on Julius but this is all you came up with. A Romantic Tragedy. " His tone sieving with pure rage.

I stared through the window of his room a stream of tears came down, " At least you did Julius some justice but FUCK ME! change it up a bit. Make him involved in some action. You better make it in the next 5 days otherwise I fire your ASS! " A shattering of the window before me occurred, the book coming through with it.

I released a heavy sigh as I went to grab my book rubbing my hands under my eyes. It had been hard working under such a man, I had no clue why Sir Euripedes asked so much of us. We all held different parts of his office and yet he overworked us. All on different genres, its as if he wishes for us too die. I sighed seeing another version of me walk to the office of Sir Euripedes his hands shaking.

The man had been trying to put a large amount of us to try and release the new best book. A raise would be given to us, half a vacation day. What a stingy fuck. Opening the door to my office I entered it, expecting to see Caesar but I did not. A hint of the system was inside but I had thought nothing of it.

I had made sure it was loyal to us, though I wasn't good at coding I believe I had done it correct and had programmed it to be loyal to the house not its owner. Sitting down I grabbed a bag of devils lettuce, rolling it into a cigarette I gave it a good puff. It had been a while since I could relax, this job was straight hell.


Damn, this boss sounds like a dick. Almost sounding like MAPPA here.

I also know the roman marching column isn't accurate but bear with it.

( Tell me, what you think is wrong with this chapter and I will save it for when I do rewrites of the earlier chapters )