
Throne of Battle Blood

In the vast universe, there is a forgotten ancient continent where there used to be wars and races vying for supremacy, with the human race struggling to survive in the cracks. However, after thousands of years of bloody struggle, the human race finally emerged as the ruler of this continent. However, the dawn of peace has not yet arrived, and a new crisis is quietly approaching. The hundred tribes are once again making a comeback, intending to regain their former glory. On this continent full of unknowns and dangers, there is a young practitioner who carries the dream of becoming the strongest and embarks on a journey to find the Throne of War Blood. His name is Wei Wuji. Unknown hero, a practitioner with extraordinary talent, he has gone through hardships, constantly breaking through himself and challenging his limits. He witnessed the glory and decline of the human race, as well as the life and death separation with his companions. But he never gave up on his dreams. He firmly believed that only by ascending to the throne of war blood can he become a true powerhouse and protect the people he loves and this land. Nowadays, stories of unknown heroes are circulating on this continent. His courage, wisdom, and perseverance have become role models for countless practitioners. They aspire to become strong heroes like unknown heroes, eager to stand out in the competition for the Blood Throne and become new legends. If you also aspire to become a strong hero like the unknown, and if you also aspire to constantly break through yourself on the path of cultivation, then please follow the footsteps of the unknown hero and embark on this journey of searching for the Blood Throne together! Here, you will experience endless excitement and challenges, as well as gain growth and glory. Let's pursue our own legend together in the world of Blood Throne!

liu_elk · ตะวันออก
130 Chs

The iceworms are moving, activating the consciousness.

The fact that the Divine Sense was unresponsive had been expected by Wei Wuji and Nalan Xiongxing.


The battle qi that Nalan Xiongxing had entered Wei Wuji's body suddenly split out, and in the blink of an eye, it had arrived near Wei Wuji's brow.


With the invasion of a foreign enemy, the ice crystal between his eyebrows and that consciousness finally shook slightly, and a strong ice qi rushed out from the ice crystal to meet the invading battle qi.


However, the strength of Nalan Xiong's battle qi was not comparable to that ice qi, the ice qi that rushed out from the ice crystal was rolled by Nalan Xiong's battle qi, and was instantly suppressed.


The battle qi was like an army on the march, it continued towards Wei Wuji's brow, and it was about to rush straight to the ice crystal.


Iceworm power! It's coming.


Wei Wuji's heart moved, secretly happy, it seems as expected, even if the iceworm is lazy, but it has been beaten to the door, it will not ignore?


The power of the ice silkworm surged out, Nalan Xiongxing face sank, his battle qi was instantly frozen by the power of the ice silkworm, in the blink of an eye, it was eaten up.


Nalan Xiongxing let out a deep drink, a more powerful battle qi burst out, battle qi like a rainbow, just like a large army that launched a charge, lightning-like towards the ice silkworm power to meet face to face and straight up.


"Click" sound, the war qi again was frozen and eaten, Nalan Xiongxing again increase the input of war qi, the power of the ice silkworm again will be his input of war qi frozen and eaten, so again and again, no matter how much war qi Nalan Xiongxing input, the power of the ice silkworm in the twinkling of an eye will be frozen and eaten empty.


Wei Wuji was like a passerby standing outside the battlefield, watching Nalan Xiongxingual's battle qi army retreating under the power of the iceworms surging out of his brow ice crystal, while the power of the iceworms in his brow ice crystal seemed to like the taste of Nalan Xiongxing's battle qi very much, and surprisingly, it surged out, chasing after Nalan Xiongxing's retreating battle qi.


Suddenly, Nalan Xiongxing shouted, "Stay alert!"


Wei Wuji was flabbergasted, gazing into the inner vision, only to see Nalan Xiongxing's war qi army retreating, suddenly a spin, even turned into a high-speed rotation of the war qi vortex, a strong and incomparable traction force from the war qi vortex burst out, immediately will be gushing out, chasing after the ice worm power pulled into the vortex, with the war qi vortex a burst of fast spinning, actually directly will be that the ice worm power suppression at the bottom of the vortex.


"With a buzz, Wei Wuji seemed to feel a buzz in his head, he only felt a coolness in his brow, at the same time, he felt that he and the divine sense fused with the ice crystal between his brows finally got in touch, and the divine sense also fed back a message that made him feel grave for a while, the Immortal Ice Silkworms had woken up!


As the ice crystal between his eyebrows became brighter and brighter, a vast, majestic, ancient, pale flood aura violently erupted from his body, and the ice silkworm in the ice crystal finally moved.


Wei Wuji felt that the ice qi gushing out from between his eyebrows had become even more overbearing and thick, and it was obvious that as the ice silkworms squirmed, the power of the ice silkworms was outputting even more strongly.


As the power of the Ice Silkworm continued to gush out, Wei Wuji felt that his body actually seemed to be constantly expanding, under the dual effect of the gushing out ice gas and the huge undead power that was mixed in it, he felt that his body was actually constantly being destroyed, and then remodeled and reshaped, and his body was actually being rapidly strengthened and enhanced as a result, and the emotional Ice Silkworms seemed to be unwilling to kill their own host, because of their own single movement.


"Worthy of being the overlord of the ancient times, the Immortal Ice Silkworm, it is indeed powerful!"


Nalan Xiongxing let out a loud shout as his battle qi boiled up around him, and a rich blood qi erupted from him, directly dispersing the ice qi above both of his palms.


Just now, from Wei Wuji brow ice crystals swarmed out of the power of ice silkworms instantly his battle qi vortex ice blocked most of the, at the same time an ice qi along his palms on Wei Wuji body invasion and up, even wanted to intrude into his body, look at his battle qi is going to be frozen, the loss of a failure, he had to be in the body of the blood qi ignited the battle qi, go all out.


Nalan Rongruo on the side of the face condensed, a trace of worry floated on her face, Nalan Xiongxing has been unreservedly full strength to strike, her figure moved, came to the back of Nalan Xiongxing, ready to strike at any time.


Nalan Xiongxing blood color battle qi surging boiling rushed to the Wei Wuji body, "click" sound, he was frozen battle qi vortex in a blood red instantly broke the seal out, a more powerful traction force from the vortex generated, once again the surging out of the ice silkworm force suppressed.


Wei Wuji's body suddenly shook, the ice crystals between his eyebrows suddenly flashed into his eyebrows and disappeared.


In Wei Wuji's internal vision, the ice crystal that disappeared from the center of his brow had slowly moved, gushing majestic ice silkworm power toward Nalan Xiongxing's blood-colored battle qi, gradually leaving the position under his brow.


Nalan Xiongxing immediately felt the pressure multiply, he violently let out a loud shout, "It's time!"


Without the need for Nalan Xiongxing to remind him, Wei Wuji knew that the critical moment had come, all of his mind sank into his body while he kept contacting his Divine Sense that was fused with the ice crystal.


Suddenly, Wei Wuji only felt a coldness in his brow, a sharp pain that almost made him faint on the spot came, that divine sense fused with the ice crystal was like a wanderer who had been away from home for many years and suddenly returned home, rushing into the depths of his brow with joy.


With a boom, Wei Wuji only felt a roar in his brain, a sensation of his skull wanting to split came over him, and his eyes suddenly went black.


When he opened his eyes again, he only saw a huge space as vast as the sea had appeared in front of him, at this time he was within this space, just like a drop in the ocean, small and insignificant.


Wei Wuji looked at his own only three inches, suspended in the space above the small body, a smile appeared on his face, he raised his hand to look at, laughed: "This is my divine consciousness body? Is this my Divine Sense Space?"


Suddenly, his gaze turned and landed on top of a wide river at his feet that was flooded with ripples and running endlessly within the huge space, he couldn't help but be slightly stunned, "This is the Sea of Consciousness? Wasn't it said that when the Divine Sense Space was first activated, the Sea of Consciousness was like a small trickling stream? How come mine is a river? And it was still that wide, compared to his Divine Sense Body of only three inches, this river was indeed a bit too wide.


Wei Wuji's Divine Sense Body shook his head, casting this question aside for the time being. Since he wasn't sure, he would just ask Elder Nalan for guidance later.


His Divine Consciousness body moved and flew towards the sky above this space, far away, he saw a low ice mountain standing at the edge of the river in the Sea of Consciousness, he knew without thinking that it was a sliver of the Essential Ice Qi contained in the Divine Consciousness that he had returned to earlier, and at the moment, it was transformed into a low ice mountain within his Divine Consciousness space, where, no matter what step he reached in his cultivation in the future, would be the home of his future Essential Ice Qi. future home of his Essence Ice Qi.


Wei Wuji's Divine Consciousness body rushed all the way up, finally came to the sky above this space, he raised his eyes and looked around, only to see that within his Divine Consciousness space, in addition to the Sea of Consciousness and the low iceberg, there was nothing else, the entire space was barren, it looked kind of indescribably bleak.


Wei Wuji does not care about this, he already know from Nalan Rongruo there, the first activation of the divine consciousness space are like this, only when their own divine consciousness body grows to be strong enough, then you can be in this space within the primitive opening, set the five elements, open the yin and yang, sun and moon, the cycle of endless, this is the reincarnation of those realm of the reincarnation of the great powers can be large or small reincarnation of the prototype of the realm.


All of this, for now he is still so small body of divine consciousness, everything is still too early, his current priority is to continue to strengthen the body of the vital essence of the qi and the brow of the divine consciousness, especially after the activation of the space of the divine consciousness, for the strengthening of the divine consciousness is also in the vital essence of the qi on top of the strengthening of this is a general practitioner in the fetal breath realm when the matter, depending on the body of the divine consciousness of the fetus, so that he grew gradually until he can open up the space. space and grow independently until then.


And the bitter realm of human cultivators in order to protect the divine consciousness is still growing, in addition to their own vital essence, vital apparatus is also another protection of the divine consciousness, as long as the divine consciousness is not too damaged, themselves and is not immediately killed on the spot, you can rely on the vital essence of the protection of the vital essence of the gas and the vital apparatus, to enter the state of the tortoise, as long as the back of the timely and properly recuperated, will be able to gradually recover until cured, so there is a realm of the fetal realm of the powerful, and the realm of the strongest. So there is a legend that a strong person in the Fetal Breath realm can be unharmed if he still has a breath of life.


The Chu Yun of that day, not only was the divine sense severely damaged, the vital apparatus was also broken, and his own meridians were broken, so he could not use his vital energy to retain that breath of divine sense, and ultimately fell helplessly.


Now Wei Wuji activated the Divine Sense space, can be said in the Divine Sense in this regard, has been ahead of schedule in the realm of the fetal rest of the road, but unfortunately he still has a fire vortex in his body, so that he temporarily can not enter the realm of the body, the body's vitality to strengthen the speed of the limited, otherwise he would soon be able to enter the realm of the fetal rest of the world.


Hey, everything is predestined by heaven, half of it can't be done by people ah! Wei Wuji's divine consciousness body let out a long sigh and said!