
Thrilling Love Games

Embree is a 23-year-old man who has no idea what he is about to get into. All the supernatural monsters that you thought were terrifying turned into puppies and kitties in the wake of the most powerful beast ever to exist. Now after the monster's pet is loose to play, Embree's world changes forever but will he regret the choices he makes? New friends will be made and old ones will become only memories as the young boy goes through a newly gained life and walk the path that will be either his future or demise.

Sabrina_Lerssen · แฟนตาซี
5 Chs

Eternal Rain

Embree sat down into his big soft recliner rocking chair, kicking out the footrest with with a sigh. Thinking back to his long week of dealing with annoying and grouchy people, his face scrunched up in distaste at an unwelcomed face popping into his mind. Her obnoxious voice ringing in his ears again. "I can not believe it took you 15 minutes to bring me a damn burger with fries and it is wrong! Remake this order or I will have your job little boy!" With a shake of his head tried to think of something better. Then a loud booming rumble was heard from outside. "Great a storm is rolling in. I wonder if there is anything to eat or will I have to go to the store for food?"

Standing up Embree jumped out of his chair just as another boom sounded but it wasn't thunder sounding in the distance this time. "The heck was that?! It sounded like it came from Lila's place nextdoor." Now he rushed to get out the door and as he threw open his door an odd looking man slid in front of him. With a shocked look on his face Embree stared at the stranger in disbelief. "Are you ok?" Hesitation was thick in his voice.

A groan sounded from the man on the ground as a woman who looked like Lila stepped forward holding a long sharp sword. "Lila! Where the heck did you get that sword from and why are you acting like this? Did he try to hurt you or break into your house?" As her eyes met his he didn't recognize the woman staring back at him. No, this was someone else. She never stopped walking towards the fallen man as she locked eyes with her neighbor. As his eyes glanced away from hers he noticed she was dressed like a knight of sorts. 'What the heck is going on here? Is this some sort of cosplay or something?'

In a blink of an eye she was upon them both, her sword point against the fallen man's throat. She locked eyes with Embree once more. "You need not to interfere with things that you have no understanding of human. Step away and I won't have to end you like this filth here." As she spoke those last words, her blade tip pressed into the man's neck causing a bead of blood to form then run toward the ground. Still confused he took a step back and held up his hands. "OK, ok I understand that I need to go back inside for my sanity." As he was shutting the door the man suddenly whipped his arm, removing the blade from throat. "You choose a flower as your lie? Funny a beast like you would choose something so delicate to hide your true face." He was now up on his feet and holding his smaller blade tightly.

Her eyes shot towards the odd man again, anger very obvious on her once lovely features. Raising her blade she said something in another language then charged the man headlong. Embree slammed his door shut at that note and decided he was too tired to go to the store. 'Man all that work and stress really had a toll on my mental state. I am imaging my cute quiet neighbor is an alien knight and some homeless guy is her opponent. Maybe that is her boyfriend and this is just a game to them.' Shrugging his shoulders Embree opened his bedroom door and stared blankly at what was left of his room. Shock filled him once more as it all sank in. "What the heck happened to my room?! Don't tell me this is all real and I'm now stuck in a situation where aliens are fighting for planet earth. I don't think I can handle this level of stress right now!"

The man was seen flying turned falling from through the air and into his backyard. With a big cloud of dirt and shattered trees flying out around him. Embree could feel his right eye beginning to twitch. As Lila rushed the crouched man he felt his heart jump into his throat at what he seen next.

Lila's armor was dented in spots and the large scratches down her arm made him frightened but curious. 'How the heck...' Just as that sentence started to form the scene before him became even more odd. The crouching man was now a huge hairy looking dog, Lila still looked human though her hair was a lilac color and it seemed to be alive with the way it floated in the air around her. "What weird world have I woke up in today?"