

Lukasz gave a distress signal when the space boat entered the atmosphere of Gloriaterra.

General Thomas immediately turned on the video call.

— Lukasz, how many people were evacuated? Vishnevski, answer me!— it was noticeable that the general was nervous.

— Cornelius... I don't know for sure, but the captain of the cruiser, Cornelius Kaminsky, is possible...—Lukasz felt his eyes sting from crying.— Maybe he didn't survive...—

The general punched the wall crazily.

— I was thinking that I shouldn't have sent him on duty in such a state... If your group is in good health, you will all go there for a high-speed shuttle. After the incident on the lost planet, we must not lose people! —


The Sapphire flew to earth, enveloped in a purple glow. There was no air at all.

The fire was burning inside, but it turned purple with bright purple reflections.

Cornelius tries to scream, but he can't. He can only move his eyes, everything else is numb.

A tear flows down his cheek and immediately begins to boil in an airless space.

Cornelius is boiling all over...

Suddenly a drop of purple fire fell on his body and everything froze.

The ship hit the ground.

Cornelius was waiting for it to catch fire... Oh, how he had been waiting for this!

The fire engulfed his right arm, and the purple flame burned his eyes.

Black smoke rises into the air from it.

It seems like centuries have passed, but in fact only seconds.

He was quickly enveloped in flames from this nebula.

And the black smoke was sucked into the mouth, into the nose, into the eyes...

When the Sapphire cracked, Cornelius finally let out a scream...


— I saw that the Sapphire fell somewhere here!—Lukasz parted the branches.— It definitely should be here, I looked at the coordinates on the boat's display! —

Lukasz let out an inarticulate scream when he saw a piece of the Sapphire's porthole on a tree.

Cornelius was recovered from the wreckage.

Lukasz cut his palm when he was throwing metal in different directions.

General Thomas exhaled loudly, checking Kaminsky's pulse.

Looking into Lukasz's eyes, he shook his head.

— Failure of hearts.— He said.

Lukas fell to his knees, crying.

— Cory... Why?— That's all he could whisper.


Radek Kaminsky saw the message on the transmitter.

His eyes went dark, and my heart gave way to a dull ache.


He did not understand how he got to the hospital at the spaceport.

It seems that he got up and walked right during the lesson...

— Where is he?!—Radoslav approached General Thomas.— And where were you?!—

— I'm very sorry, Mr. Kaminsky...—The general said, lowering his head.

— Where is my son?—Radek asked with tears in his eyes.

— Come on.—

Cornelius was lying on one of the beds in the infirmary.

— It's like sleeping...—Radoslav ran up and hugged his son.— Come back to me, Cornelek, come back! Come back to me! When your mother gave me such a beautiful

A gift, when fate blessed us with you, we were seventeen years old. For me, there has never been a more beautiful sight. The eyes are like the sky... I remember how I held you on

hands... Don't leave us so quickly! —

— Leave you alone?—The general asked.

— Yes!—Radek clutched his chest.

— Medic! Get a medic over here! An attack is possible here!—General Thomas shouted, immediately running out into the corridor.

The doctor came running, the man in the blue uniform gave Radek some medicine, the pain in his hearts seemed to subside.

The doctor checked Radoslav's heart rhythms with a scanner, but something happened that made them all freeze.

There was a sigh from the bed where Cornelius's body lay.


Cornelius was taken to the intensive care unit.

— How can he be alive?—General Thomas asked one of the orderlies loudly.— An hour without air! —

— Sir, step back!—The doctor pushed the man away.

Radek turned around. Dariusz was also informed of the terrible news ahead of time and he is already here.

— Dad...—Darek came up to his father, covered in tears.— Is Cornelek dead?—

— No, he's alive, my sunshine, he's alive! The doctors were wrong...—Radek picked up his youngest son in his arms.— Doctors can always make mistakes...—


— Can I go to him?—Radoslav asked when he saw that the doctors began to take turns coming out of the intensive care unit.

— Captain of the cruiser "Sapphire" Cornelius Kaminski is in quarantine, but taking into account the mitigating factor, the fact that you are his family gives you the right to talk to him, but it is forbidden to enter the bubble.— said the doctor.— Don't worry, he doesn't interfere with talking...—

Radek took Dariush's hand and together they entered the room in which Cornelia was placed.

— Cory, my brother!—Darek ran close to the bubble.—They told us you were dead!—

Cornelius opened his eyes and got out of bed.

—Adults talk too much sometimes, Darek...—Cornelius also approached the bubble wall.— How are you? I hope I didn't scare you...—He looked at his father.— Dad, you're still looking at me so scared... Are your hearts all right?—

— Cory...—Radek recoiled.—What's wrong with your eyes?—

Cornelius looked at him in surprise.

— What's wrong with my eyes, Dad? As you can see, I don't have a mirror here, I can't look at myself!—He looked around.— I barely begged for this to be left for me...—

From under a white T—shirt, he pulled out a pendant that Dariusz had given him.

Darek smiled.

— Dad was afraid that your eyes are black now, brother...— He said.

Cornelius sighed.

— I felt that something was wrong... I hope you will come to me tomorrow? I hear that the orderlies are closing the wards...—Cornelius smiled.— Bye, Darek! I promise tomorrow.

to stay with you longer... But you will be with me at night...—

Cornelius stroked the pendant.

— See you tomorrow, my beautiful boy...—Radoslav kissed his son on the forehead through the fabric of the bubble.— Get well soon...—

When they left the hospital, Radek noticed out of the corner of his eye that they were taking away the infirmary bed where Cornelius had been lying before.

It was... Charred?


Radek did not return to class, he spent the rest of the day with Darek.

— Dad, when I grow up, can I also become a pilot like Cornelius?—Darek asked as they walked through the park.

The sky is already turning dark purple, even despite the clock, it is clear that it is already evening.

— Working in space is the scariest thing. For example, Uncle Lukasz... Have you seen how gray he is? And he's younger than me! His gray hair is from fear...— Radek walked up to the toll booth where his nitrobike was parked. The last time he rode it was when his wife was still alive.— Daryus, shall we take a ride?—

— Of course, Dad...—Darek seemed to smile, but his eyes were sad.

Radek himself felt that he was beginning to feel sad.

— Don't be afraid, my dear... He will come back to us...—Cornelius will not disappear anywhere...— He said.