
Three meals in the cockpit

John smiled as the mine owner plugged in an auth device to his Ship's logging manifest and pressed a couple of buttons confirming the transaction. John was right on the outskirts of the outer rim and currently landed on a mining colony known as Karron, a huge asteroid in the process of being hollowed out to extract the mineral wealth stored within. John cast his mind back to that eventful day over 2 months ago. He had been back in the Core Worlds having a drink at a local bar, well known for its tolerant attitude to the odd and eccentric. His companion was a drunk deep spacer he had befriended years before. The gnarled old spacer was called Jonah, or 'Mad Jonah' to the other regulars in the bar, who strongly suspected the poor unfortunate had gone space crazy years ago. John liked the old timer though and would spend hours listening to his wild stories of incredible sights beyond the outer rim. On this particular night, Jonah had recently returned from his latest jaunt into deep space and had been recounting a lurid time spent in a brothel on Karron......

Daoisthbucq0 · ไซไฟ
20 Chs

CH. 016

John stretched and then sat up, leaving the girls curled around him in bed.

"You ladies have a rest then come and join me in the officer's lounge in 30 minutes" he said "I owe you girls that celebratory dinner!"

He manoeuvred his way out of the bed, being careful not to accidentally lean his weight on Calara as he climbed over her. The girls snuggled up together, watching him get dressed before waving him goodbye with smiles on their beautiful young faces.

John strolled down the corridor to the Kitchen, whistling happily to himself. He remembered the blood soaked armour down in the hangar that desperately needed a good clean, but he shrugged nonchalantly.

"I'll clean it up later." he thought, eager to go and get started on the cooking.

He stopped suddenly, surprised by his own thoughts. For years he had been obsessed with cleanliness, scrubbing the Fool's Gold until it shined, a slave to his obsessive need to keep things clean and well ordered. He was no longer troubled by those concerns and thinking back on it, he hadn't been for at least a month or so. Prior to that, the idea of leaving a messy chaotic jumble like that in his domain would have been like a nagging splinter in his mind, leaving him unable to focus on anything else until he restored order to his ship.

Shrugging it off, he carried on walking to the kitchen, figuring that he had enough on his plate with keeping the girls entertained, to be worrying about such trivialities. He entered the well stocked kitchen and grabbed sheets of pasta, white sauce, herbs and the ingredients for a tasty homemade Bolognese sauce that his grandmother had taught him decades ago.

30 minutes later, the girls walked into the officer's lounge and gathered around the table. John came out of the kitchen with a big dish of lasagne that he had just cooked up for them, the cheese on the top piping hot.

"Here you go girls, try this!" he said enthusiastically. "Have any of you had lasagne before?" he asked curiously.

None of the girls had and it smelled so delicious they couldn't wait to try it. John walked around the table holding the chairs out for each girl in turn, waiting for them to sit down. Alyssa and Sparks wondered what he was doing for a moment, but Calara had seen this kind of old fashioned chivalry before and therefore knew how to respond. Alyssa just followed the Latina's lead, waiting to be seated. He reached Sparks last, expecting her to have a hugely swollen belly after their passionate love making earlier, but her stomach was slim and toned. He stood behind her as she waited to be seated and reached around, running his hand over the smooth toned skin of her midriff.

"Where did it all go?" he asked curiously, enjoying the feel of her supple teenage flesh beneath his fingers.

"We fancied a starter!" Alyssa grinned at him impishly, rubbing her own stomach contentedly. Calara smiled up at him coyly.

John laughed and then turned Sparks around to kiss her soundly. The sultry redhead put her arms around his neck and returned his lovely greeting. They smiled at each other happily and then he held out the chair for her, so she could sit too.

The four of them tucked into dinner like they were starving, enjoying the food and a bottle of wine. It was a nice relaxing evening and just what they all needed after the mayhem and excitement of the day. After clearing up they returned to bed, eager to get a good night's sleep so that they would be well rested before they caught up with the pirates tomorrow.

The three girls each took turns going down on him until he couldn't hold back any longer and Calara ended up being the one to provide a nice warm home in her belly for his load.

"It was wonderful to see you change Sparks" she sighed contentedly, rubbing her full stomach "but I can't tell you how good it feels to be swallowing down John's cum again".

They drifted off into a deep restful sleep and awoke the next morning feeling completely refreshed. After a shower they had breakfast and then went their separate ways; Calara going up to the Command deck to further familiarise herself with their target, the Heavy Cruiser Stalingrad, whilst the others went down to the cargo deck to clean up the combat gear.

John and Alyssa set to work cleaning their armour, while Sparks hosed out all the viscous green Kirrix blood from the dropship they had captured. She was intrigued by the alien technology and soon had a maintenance panel removed from the small yellow-brown craft to have a look at the dropship's innards. She glanced over to see John and Alyssa had finished cleaning up their gear and were now wondering what to do about the pile of Kirrix corpses stacked to the side of the hangar bay. Closing the maintenance panel behind her with a pressurised click, Sparks strode over to join the other two.

"What are you going to do with all these bodies?" she asked curiously.

"I was thinking we could just space them out the airlock" John said.

Sparks knelt down to take a closer look at their armoured carapaces and she lifted up one of the corpses to study its chitinous body plating.

"I'd like to study their armour if that's alright?" she asked tentatively.

"Sure, but why?" John replied bemused.

"Their armour seems strong and resilient, but it's much less bulky than your armour and very light weight." she explained. "Once I have my workshop, I'd like to see if I could reproduce something similar with a synthetic polymer."

"Be my guest." John smiled indulgently.

"Thanks!" she grinned exuberantly.

They left the hangar with John and Alyssa carrying their armour and weapons to take up to their room. After packing the gear away neatly, they headed up to the bridge to prepare for the fight with the pirates.

"Hey Calara, everything ok up here?" John asked the gorgeous brunette as he climbed the steps to the command podium and settled in his chair.

"Sure John." she replied, smiling at him warmly. "We've got just over an hour until we catch up with the Stalingrad. I checked the system where we should be able to ambush them and it's a binary star system called Irinis-gemini."

Calara turned to her console and pressed a couple of buttons bringing up the system map. The map blinked into existence in the middle of the bridge, casting a pale blue illumination over the command deck. It showed them their current location, travelling through a system called Iota-Carinae and then under Calara's skilled hands the map glided through the sector, passing system after system until she brought up the Irinis-gemini system.

John leaned forward to look at the map. There was a single Gas giant, an asteroid belt that was being heavily mined and one other planetoid, a habitable world called Winnesh, all orbiting the primary star in the system.

"Can you show me the exact place we'll catch..." he began.


An obnoxiously loud siren sounded through the bridge and the Invictus began to vibrate alarmingly.

"What the fuck's going on?!" John asked in alarm.

"We're being pulled out of Hyper-warp!" Alyssa exclaimed, staring at her Navigation overview intensely.

"Get our shields up and weapons ready Lieutenant!" he ordered the Latina, who was already springing into action, her hands a flurry of activity over the tactical controls.

The weapons loadout hologram hovering above her tactical station showed the armoured panels in the Invictus' hull peeling away to expose their weaponry.

"They're using an Interdictor against us John!" Sparks called out in alarm.

"Put our current star system on the map Sparks" he asked her brusquely, having no time for pleasantries.

The sultry redhead nodded determinedly and the System map snapped back to Iota-Carinae. They were on the outskirts of the system, the huge A-type star bathing the system in a white glow. The tactical map showed that they had been pulled out of hyper-warp and dragged close to Iota-Carinae Alpha, the only planetary body in the system. It was a freezing world of sub-zero temperatures, surrounded by a wide band of frozen ice chunks in concentric rings.

Their focus was dragged away from the system map for the moment when Sparks reported they were receiving incoming fire.

"Shields at 62% Commander!" she cried out in alarm "We're being attacked by multiple targets".

"Boost shields and engine power, divert all energy from weapons." John said.

Sparks swiped her hand over the power distribution hologram to obey his commands. The shields on the damage control overlay began to pulse in a light green, showing that they were recharging and the massive engines groaned as they trembled with power, the Invictus leaping forward eagerly.

"Alyssa, evasive manoeuvres, we've got to get out of their killing ground!" he said curtly.

"On it John!" the beautiful blonde said in reply, rolling the Invictus and pulled the nose of the ship around to point at the Ice planet.

"Calara, show me the tactical map!" he ordered the Latina.

The tactical map appeared, replacing the system map in the middle of the bridge and icons quickly sprung into place as they were picked up by the sensors. Their dark grey hulled assault cruiser was centred in the map, surrounded by a destroyer, a frigate, four corvettes and the heavy cruiser. It was the pirates from the Chendar system and the hacking Sparks had done on their transponders, allowed the crew to see the full order of battle arrayed against them.

"Those fleeing picket ships must have regrouped with the other pirate ships that jumped out!" Calara said, as she recognised the ship configurations.

The Invictus rocketed past the destroyer, leaving it facing the wrong direction, as Alyssa made a beeline for the belt of razor sharp chunks of ice. The corvettes and the frigate gave chase, firing their laser cannons at the fleeing ship. The carefully controlled erratic dodging that Alyssa was employing was allowing the slower ships to keep up, but making it extremely hard for them to hit the Invictus with any degree of accuracy. One of the corvettes managed to hit them with a few blasts from its laser cannons but the rest of the pirates' shots went comfortably wide.

"Shields at 60% John." Sparks called out, the shields regenerating almost as quickly as the pirates could knock them down with their inaccurate shooting.

"Incoming broadside from the Stalingrad!" Calara warned, as the bulky pirate command ship opened up with its starboard batteries.

Alyssa had dipped the Invictus and was yawing to the right to avoid fire from the pursuing corvettes, which meant that the enormous shells from the Heavy cannons sailed wide, eventually detonating harmlessly a few thousand metres away from their hull with colossal explosive force. Unfortunately the beam laser battery fire was much more accurate, with four of the six lasers scything across the shields over the rear of the dodging assault cruiser.

"Shields down to 28%!" the redhead cried in alarm.

"Twenty second until we reach the Ice field." Alyssa said distractedly, as she focused nearly all her attention on trying to anticipate where the pirates would aim and making wild evasive manoeuvres to make sure the Invictus wasn't near that spot.

A relentless cascade of laser cannon fire sailed around the Invictus, as the pirates sprayed shots all over the place, giving up on trying to aim and just hoping a mass of firepower would let them hit by blind luck if not by skill. It worked to a degree, with the Invictus taking a few more hits, although the shields comfortably absorbed and dissipated the energy.

The tactical map zoomed in to show the looming formations of ice hanging motionless and trapped in orbit around the frozen planet. The Invictus dived into the ice belt, leaving a frosty trail behind them as their shields pushed aside the tiny ice crystals that shrouded the whole belt in a white mist.

Alyssa pulled the ship around in a smooth arc and put a colossal hunk of crystallised water between them and the heavy cruiser. Now they were no longer in direct line of sight to the pirates, she was able to put more distance between them and their pursuers, making use of the superior top speed of the Invictus.

"What's the plan John?" she asked him curiously.

"We'll regenerate our shields under cover of the ice field and then hit the pirates if they come in after us." he said decisively.

Alyssa grinned at him and nodded eagerly.

"Fantastic job reacting so fast to that ambush ladies" he said delightedly, never ceasing to be surprised at just how capable his women were.

They beamed up at him happily, loving hearing the pride in his voice.

"Shields at 22%." Sparks said. "That was a close one!" she sighed with relief.

Behind them, the titanic lump of ice shuddered as it was hit by the beam lasers from the Stalingrad, melting huge gouges out of the sheer ice surface facing the Heavy Cruiser. The stubborn ice block stayed together though, refusing to yield to the energy weapons. That stubbornness was abruptly overwhelmed when the Stalingrad opened up with its eight heavy cannons. The shells punched their way into the icy asteroid and caused great fractured splits, until the shells detonated moments later and razor sharp ice fragments exploded in all directions, the huge object blasted into smithereens.

Fortunately for the crew of the Invictus, that was but one massive hunk of ice amongst thousands and Alyssa simply followed the Ice belt around the planet, putting more distance and more Ice between them and the marauding pirates. They sailed past huge formations of ice that reflected the bright glare from the sun, spreading multi hued prisms of light in front of them.

"You know this would actually be quite beautiful if we weren't running for our lives" Alyssa said, smiling appreciatively at the natural wonders the galaxy had to share.

The other girls nodded appreciatively and John looked at her fondly.

"Perhaps we'll do some sightseeing sometime," he said. "but for now we better focus on the job at hand. Sparks, how are the shields?"

"We're back up to 47%." She said with relief.

"Calara, what about the pirates?" he asked the brunette.

"The destroyer is hanging back with the heavy cruiser. The four corvettes and the frigate are in pursuit." Calara said, highlighting the enemy ships on the tactical map.

"That's right, split your forces you dumb bastards." John said, with a predatory grin. "Sparks, let me know when we're above 90% shields and it's going to be payback time."

"Will do John." she told him, grinning.

Alyssa kept the ship on an even keel, but reduced their speed slightly so they wouldn't get too far ahead of the pursuing pirate ships. By the time the shields had regenerated, they were around on the other side of the planet from the initial ambush site.

"88... 89... 90% John!" Sparks called out as their shields grew stronger in power.

Alyssa didn't need to be told what to do, as she pulled up the nose on the Invictus, executing an Immelmann turn and putting them on a direct course towards the pursuing corvettes and frigate.

"20 seconds until we're in range." she called out.

Sparks powered up the weapons, diverting away power from the engines, but kept the shields regenerating.

Calara narrowed her eyes as she sighted the vicious pirates and gently depressed the trigger, firing the assault cruiser's beam lasers. The six bright shafts of energy scorched the tiny ice crystals in their path before searing into the frigate. The pirate ship's shields were no match for the mighty power of the beam lasers and winked out an instant, allowing the beams to blast right through the ship, leaving it a hollowed out ruined shell.

The Invictus trembled a second later as the rail guns fired, the hyper warp shells slamming into two of the corvettes. Normally ineffective against shielded targets, the shells still had sufficient momentum to send the tiny corvettes spiralling out of control, each one colliding with massive chunks of Ice that were drifting nearby. The shells detonated seconds later and the explosions ripped apart the badly damaged ships. Finally closing to laser cannon range, the two remaining corvettes fired back with turreted lasers as they turned to try and escape from the vengeful wrath of the Invictus. Alyssa dodged their poorly aimed shots with deceptive ease and then Calara eviscerated both small ships with broadsides from their own batteries of laser cannons.

"Shields up to 100% John." Sparks said informatively.

"Now it's your turn." John said, staring at the representation of the Heavy cruiser as it circled the planet, staying well clear of the Ice belt.

"Ok full power to engines, we want to close as fast as we can to execute Alyssa's plan." John ordered.

"We'll take out the destroyer as soon as it's in range and then it's just us and that cruiser" he continued.

Nodding their understanding, the girls followed his commands eagerly. Alyssa swung the ship about, putting them on a direct intercept course with the Heavy Cruiser. Calara pressed some buttons on her tactical console and weapon fire arcs and ranges for the Stalingrad appeared, overlaid on the bulky command ship.

"They'll fire as soon as we get in range" the astute brunette told Alyssa. "I'd get ready with evasive manoeuvres the second we hit their maximum field of fire".

The blonde nodded her head, appreciative of Calara's tactical knowledge.

"I'm diverting all power to engines at the moment, but I'll bring the weapons back online just before we close on the destroyer." Sparks warned the Latina.

All prepared, they watched the tactical map as the Invictus closed inexorably on their target. The Stalingrad was cruising along at a right angle to them, keeping them directly facing the full might of its broadsides. The accompanying destroyer pivoted and began to move forward to engage.

As predicted, the Stalingrad opened up with everything it had the second the Invictus closed within beam and heavy cannon range. Forewarned, Alyssa executed a sharp dive with perfect split second timing and the assault cruiser ducked below the blistering hail of energy beams and heavy shells. Explosions ripped through space behind them, but the shells had overshot and caused no damage. Sparks powered up the weapons, just as Alyssa brought up the front of the Invictus to face the incoming destroyer.

The Destroyer fired their own two beam lasers, both of them striking the Invictus as it flew directly at them, causing the shields to glow brightly as the arcing lances of laser energy slashed across the front of the charging assault cruiser. Calara fired back and the Destroyer's shields flickered out, overwhelmed by the mighty power of the beam lasers, as five of the six beams carved glowing furrows into the thick armour on the blocky front of the ship. The beams had done their job however, knocking out the shields and leaving the target vulnerable to the Mass drivers. The four enormous magnetic rails launched their shells at incredible velocity and all four struck the front of the pirate vessel at the same time. The tremendous impact knocked the ship upwards as though reeling from an uppercut and when the shells detonated a second later, the explosions vaporised the front of the doomed ship.

The massed ranks of laser cannon turrets on the Stalingrad opened up as the Invictus closed with them relentlessly, lighting up the tactical map as they sent a curtain of red laser bolts in the assault cruiser's direction. Alyssa rolled the Invictus and yawed to port, heading towards the rear of the enemy cruiser and causing roughly half of the incoming fire to sail wide. Calara returned fire with the twelve laser cannons on their starboard side, all shots causing rippling energy cascades as they struck the side of the slowly moving Heavy Cruiser.

"Shields at 72%." Sparks called out, the beams from the destroyer and the hits from the laser cannons taking their toll.

John nodded his understanding and watched as the duel unfolded.

Alyssa brought the Invictus around in a sharp turn, putting them directly behind the Heavy Cruiser, just as the cooling icon disappeared from the beam weapons on the weapon loadout display. Calara pulled the trigger and the beams cleaved into the shields, which flickered desperately as they tried to withstand the concentrated energy. The front mounted laser cannon turrets took over the work from the starboard facing ones and fired relentless fusillades of laser bolts into the back of the Stalingrad.

The Stalingrad pilot tried desperately to shift their stubborn pursuer, but they had neither the skill nor the manoeuvrability to shake them. The Stalingrad heavy cruiser returned fire, but now the Invictus was directly behind them and no longer in the broadside arcs of the beam lasers or heavy cannons, leaving only laser cannons able to attack. Still, the Stalingrad massed considerable banks of laser cannons in their rear arc and with not much room to dodge, a lot struck home.

"Shields at 46%!" Sparks replied, "They won't stay up much longer against that much firepower."

Alyssa dipped the nose of the Invictus so that the entire top deck could open up on the rear of the bigger ship. 16 laser cannons spat a steady stream of laser bolts into the back of the Heavy cruiser, causing the enemy shields to ripple with the repeated impacts. The Stalingrad opened up again and this time it was the front of the Invictus that was peppered with dozens of laser cannon blasts.

"Down to 15%!" Sparks cried out in alarm.

Calara kept her crosshairs squarely over the heavy cruiser as her relentless barrage of laser cannon blasts kept up the pressure on the Stalingrad's shields.

"Nearly there..." she said softly, watching the tactical summary of the Stalingrad out of the corner of her eye and the predicted shield strength displayed next to the heavy cruiser.

Finally it was time.

"Pull up Alyssa!" Calara demanded and her friend brought the nose of the Invictus up to face the rear of the Stalingrad, just as the cooling icon disappeared from the beam lasers on her weapon loadout hologram.

Calara narrowed her eyes in concentration and targeted an upraised tower on the back of the heavy cruiser. She pulled the trigger and six beams of coruscating energy lanced out from her ship and punched into the enemy shields, finally overloading them at long last. The beams from the Invictus seared onwards and slashed through the tower with a 6 clawed swipe, shearing the entire structure off the back of the heavy cruiser.

"Oh yeah..." Calara said, grinning with satisfaction.

The enemies rear facing laser cannon turrets powered down, the enemy fire control tower eviscerated by the brunette's precision shooting. The Stalingrad was now helpless and completely at their mercy.

"Incoming hail John" Alyssa said, putting the communication on the vid-screen when he glanced her way and nodded.

A swarthy looking figure wearing a tricorn hat filled the viewscreen.

"Everett Hitch, Pirate Lord at your service." the man said with a sweeping flourish of his archaic looking hat.

"You seem to have me at somewhat of a disadvantage, may I ask for a parlay?" the Pirate Lord requested cordially.

"I don't deal with slavers." John snarled. "Especially not someone who sells people to the Kirrix!"

"At least tell me your name, good sir!" the Pirate Lord requested, surprisingly calm despite the desperate situation he found himself in.

"Commander John Blake and I'm here to end you!" John said, pointing at the man.

"Well Mr Blake, that's as may be, but I think you might want to hear what I have to say before you shoot any more bits off my fine ship" the Pirate said a sardonic smile.

"Ok let's hear it." John said, his dislike of the Pirate Lord growing by the moment.

"I didn't trade all our captives with the Kirrix. Let's just say I kept a few behind for insurance purposes, so to speak" he elaborated with an evil glint in his eye.

The pirate lord glanced at a control panel to the side of him and pushed a button, the image of his face replaced by vid-feed of human prisoners locked in cells, before the image returned to his smug face once again.

"Now how about you turn your splendid ship around and let me be on my way, or who knows what terrible fate might befall them!" he said with mock lament.

"You bastard!" John exclaimed.

"Bye-bye Mr Blake, just accept you've been outplayed and everything will be just dandy!" Pirate Lord Everett Hitch said, waving farewell with a taunting smile and ending the communication.

"What now John?" Alyssa asked him, Calara and Sparks looking up and waiting with baited breath.

"I want that man dead" John grimaced, "but we can't just carve up his ship with the Invictus. The vid-feed footage might be fake, but I don't think it is".

"Boarding action?" Alyssa suggested.

"Yeah, I think we have to." John said.

"I'll soften the ship up for you" Calara volunteered. "They won't be going anywhere."

Sparks had finished performing an active scan of the Stalingrad and she turned to face the command podium.

"It looks like the prisoners are been kept in the ships brig." she said, hitting a button on her console to bring up the scan of the Stalingrad. It showed a group of 15 life readings in an area highlighted as the brig, on the detailed schematic overlay showing the floor layout of a Terran Federation heavy cruiser.

"Can you upload that data to the computer in my armour please." John requested.

Sparks nodded eagerly and turned back to her console to make sure John had a detailed map to guide him in the pirate ship.

John rose to his feet and Alyssa joined him, as they prepared to get ready for an assault on the heavy cruiser. They took the elevator down to their quarters and hurried to put on their combat armour and collect their rifles and ammo. Alyssa looked at the ragged hole in the shoulderpad of her armour with a raised eyebrow.

"Yeah, I know." John muttered, as he slammed in a magazine of hollow point caseless into his bullpup rifle.

"If I'd known I'd be doing this much combat, I would have bought a few dozen suits of armour just in case!" he said with irritation.

"The trials and tribulations of being a trader?" Alyssa said, smiling.

"I've seen more combat in the last month, than I saw in my last couple of years in the military!" John said in exasperation.

"If it's any consolation, I've been in more combat in the last month, than my last 18 years!" Alyssa said, smiling wryly.

"Ok, that has me beat." John said, grinning at her.

"Come on, let's go say hello to Mr Everett Hitch." he said with grim finality.

"Don't you mean goodbye?" Alyssa said, smiling.

John nodded in agreement and they headed down to the Hangar bay. They boarded their captured Kirrix dropship and once John had opened the outer hull doors, Alyssa powered up the engines and carefully exited the Hangar. From outside, the two space leviathans loomed above them, the Invictus and the Stalingrad locked in a one sided melee. Calara was using the laser cannons to completely cripple the heavy cruiser, having firstly melted down the relays that powered the Stalingrad's defence grid and now taking out the enemy ship's engines with her uncannily accurate shooting.

"Escape pods leaving the Stalingrad." Alyssa said, pointing to the small metallic spheres being jettisoned from the escape pod launch tubes along the flanks of the heavy cruiser.

"Rats deserting the sinking ship." John muttered darkly.

Alyssa brought the Kirrix dropship around to the hangar bay positioned in the underbelly of the heavy cruiser. She flew directly underneath the pirate vessel and then used manoeuvring thrusters to lift their ugly looking dropship up into the open mouth of the Stalingrad's hangar bay.

The dimly lit hangar bay looked to be deserted, so she brought their dropship forward and landed it on one of the empty pads. The two of them readied their rifles and then disembarked, sealing the door to the dropship behind them and covering the various doors into the hangar in case of surprise attacks.

"Where too?" Alyssa said.

John pressed a button on the computer built into the vambrace of his armour and a holographic map of the interior of the heavy cruiser sprung into existence.

"The brig is here." John said, pointing to a location a few decks up from where they stood in the hangar.

"The Captain's quarters are here." John said grimly, pointing to a spot near the top decks of the Stalingrad.

"Ok prisoners first, then we pay a visit to the Captain?" Alyssa said enthusiastically.

"That's the plan." John said and led her out of the hangar.

They headed along a corridor and saw an elevator on their right, currently coming down to their level. John pressed the call button and then the two of them raised their assault rifles. The elevator door swung open and three scruffy pirates looked at them in open mouthed surprise.

"Going up?" John asked, before he and Alyssa filled the elevator with bursts of fire from their assault rifles, spraying the back wall with blood.

"Hmm, going a long way down I suspect." Alyssa replied.

They got into the elevator and pressed the button for deck 4. On the way up, the elevator stopped at deck 3. The door chimed and then swished open to reveal two pirates in a hurry to evacuate the ship. They looked down in shock at the blood soaked corpses of their ship mates, before looking up to see the assault rifles pointed in their direction.

"The lift's full I'm afraid" John said apologetically, before they opened fire, cutting the brigands down.

Alyssa's musical laughter filled the elevator as the door swung closed and John grinned at her.

"What's with the quips?" she asked amused.

"Perhaps you're a bad influence?" John said, smiling at her affectionately.

The elevator chimed again and the door opened out on the 4th deck, which contained the security brig.

*Ok they should be just up ahead* John thought to Alyssa, falling into their silent combat routine.

They walked ahead cautiously until they reached an intersection, at the end of which they could see a guard post and a ceiling mounted Gatling laser.

"Damn!" John cursed under his breath, as he and Alyssa darted to the sides and out of line of sight of the powerful anti-personnel weapon.

Alyssa looked at him questioningly, wondering what they were going to do now. She could read John's frustration and realised they might be stuck. Suddenly a whir started that she recognised from the Mexican standoff back on Karron and then staccato pulses of laser fire opened up, strobing light flashing down the corridor.

She instinctively pulled right back into cover, remembering the carnage those laser bolts could cause, but was surprised when no laser fire came searing down the corridor. John looked her way and shrugged, his face and thoughts showing he was as equally puzzled as her. He tentatively poked his head around the corner and then pulled back as his watch communicator flashed. He answered the call and Sparks' beautiful smiling face filled the image.

"You're welcome!" she said mischievously.

"What...?" John asked, confused.

"I hacked the Stalingrad and took control of their defensive subsystems. When I saw you two approaching the brig, I thought I'd lend a hand." She explained.

"Above you and to your left." the redhead grinned impishly.

John looked up and left and spotted a small security camera set into the ceiling.

"I'll call and let you know if I see any trouble coming your way, but it looks pretty chaotic from up here, the pirates seem to be evacuating." Sparks said reassuringly.

"Very nice Sparks, thank you!" John said appreciatively, wondering how she had managed to hack military grade security subsystems.

He ended the call and prepared to move onwards, Alyssa falling into line at his side. They moved up to the end of the corridor and saw that the Gatling laser was now pointed at the guard station and two pirate guards had been shot to pieces by the point blank laser fire, their corpses smouldering from the high energy laser impacts. They cautiously headed into the brig which was lined with rows of cells on either side of the corridor.

John walked ahead and looked into the cells, seeing the captive people Sparks had picked up on her active scan of the Stalingrad. He unlocked the cell doors and the energy fields securing each cell disappeared, freeing the prisoners. The men and women locked within came out carefully, unsure what to expect.

"My name's Commander John Blake, we're here to rescue you." John said, "Follow us".

The relieved traders and ore haulers nodded eagerly and huddled in a group behind John and Alyssa. They were all about to head out of the brig and back to the elevator when John heard the distinctive sound of the Gatling laser firing again. He darted forward to see what the problem was and he saw three figures slumped over in the corridor, smoke rising from their perforated corpses. He looked up and around for another camera and when he spotted one, he gave it the thumbs up sign. The Gatling laser bobbed up and down like it was nodding and John grinned at the camera.

"Can any of you use handguns?" John asked the freed prisoners and most of the people raised their hands.

"Ok grab the guns off the dead pirates, we might need the extra firepower" he instructed.

Two traders picked up guns from the guard pirates, three more from the ones that Sparks had ambushed in the corridor. John and Alyssa led the group down the corridor and back to the elevator, which they called to take them back down to the hangar. When the elevator arrived, John got in with five of the prisoners, three of them picking up guns from the pirates that had been killed earlier. They headed down to ground level and then waited in the corridor, sending the elevator back up. Alyssa sent five more armed prisoners back down to join John and the growing group on the bottom deck, before finally coming down with the last group.

They headed back to the dropship, leading the bedraggled group of ex-prisoners behind them. When they arrived in the hangar, they saw a group of three pirates trying to figure out how to open the airlock door at the back of the Kirrix dropship. With a few well aimed bursts, John and Alyssa gunned down the men unceremoniously and then led the freed captives over to the dropship, where three of the ore haulers grabbed guns off the fallen pirates.

"We're going after the Pirate Captain" John said to the group as Alyssa opened up the airlock. "We won't be long."

The traders and haulers nodded and then gratefully climbed into the safety of the dropship. It was a bit of a squeeze, but they managed to fit all 15 prisoners into the ship.

"Ok that's them free, now let's pay a visit to Mr Hitch." John said smiling grimly.

They quickly jogged back to the elevator, before taking it all the way up to the second deck. The second deck held a handful of officers quarters that led off their corridor, but they had all been hastily abandoned in the rush to evacuate the stricken ship. Light spilled from the room at the end of the corridor, which the embossed nameplate at the side identified as the Captain's quarters.

John and Alyssa walked cautiously forward, eyes focused on the movement coming from the room ahead and listening to the sound of boxes being moved about. They raised their assault rifles, ready to react in an instant, as the sound of someone's voice drifted down the hall to meet them.

"Commander Bloody Blake..." the figure in the room ranted.

"Curse him all the way to Hades!" the angry man exclaimed.

"Can this one assist?" A high pitched voice asked curiously.

"Shut the fuck up!" The man snarled in irritation.

John and Alyssa finally got closer enough to see a familiar figure frantically stacking crates together. He walked over to the left side of the room and bent over to pick up another crate.

"Mr Everett Hitch..." John said menacingly as he stepped into the room, his weapon sighted on the Pirate Lord.

Hitch whirled to face them, the tails of his buccaneer's jacket whirling around him.

"Now, now Mr Blake!" the shocked pirate said, his right hand raised placatingly. "There's no need for this to get ugly!"

"Oh yes, there's definitely a need." John said, his voice dark and threatening.

"I surrender!" the Pirate Lord said abruptly. "You do-gooders like it when people surrender right?" he said pleadingly as he backed away from them with his hands in the air.

"I'm not that good" John replied ominously.

*Yes! keep this fool distracted just a moment longer!* Hitch thought to himself gleefully as he backed into a nearby table. His hand dropping down as if to steady himself, but instead furtively picking up a remote on the table behind him.

*Just don't let him see the robot* Hitch thought as his hand gripped the remote to activate his security droid and pressed a button.

"John, watch out!" Alyssa cried as she shoved John forward with all her strength, dropping her assault rifle in the process.

The room was suddenly lit up with shocking strobing brightness as the unseen robot in the right hand corner of the room powered up and fired an arm mounted Gatling laser in their direction. Pulses of light zipped between John and Alyssa to score burning holes in the wall opposite. John rolled forward with the momentum of the shove and then found himself face to face with a stubby pistol levelled in his direction.

"Say goodbye Mr Blake!" The pirate Lord grinned evilly as he prepared to pull the trigger.

The robot suddenly clanked loudly, its head jerking to the side as it lurched forward on unsteady feet. It pivoted at the waist and pointed the Gatling laser at the Pirate Lord.

"Stupid robot, what's wrong with you!" Hitch cried out in fear, pressing buttons on his remote to no avail.

"Goodbye." John said with finality, guessing who now controlled the robot.

The whirling Gatling laser trembled as it fired, bolt after bolt of high powered energy pulses searing through the terrified Pirate and sending his perforated corpse flying into the stack of crates on the left of the room. The crates tumbled over and broke apart, leaving a fortune in precious gems scattered over the floor. John and Alyssa stood in stunned silence as they gazed at the wealth of gemstones that had shockingly appeared at their feet.

Abruptly a claxon began to wail alarmingly in the background, piercing the quiet in the room.

"What's that?" Alyssa asked John curiously.

John shrugged, having no idea, but his watch began to flash insistently. He pressed the button to receive the call and Sparks' panicked face filled the Holo image.

"You have to get out of there!" she pleaded desperately.

"Why, what's wrong?" John asked, confused.

"He must have had a dead man's switch, the self destruct's been activated! The Stalingrad's going to blow in three minutes and I can't turn it off!" she yelled.

"Ok we're leaving!" John said and ended the call, looking down at the fortune in gems with regret.

"Come on, we haven't got long until the self destruct blows!" John said to Alyssa, who had started walking across the room to a doorway opposite, her rifle lying forgotten in the doorway.

"Just one moment John, I want to check something" the beautiful blonde said distractedly. She felt strangely drawn to a door leading through to a bedroom at the back of Hitch's private quarters and she moved forward resolutely.

Alyssa leaned into the bedroom, letting her eyes adjust to the dim illumination and saw a huge silk sheeted bed at the back of the room. Sitting in the middle of the bed was a figure that defied belief. The figure was a girl, wearing a school uniform, complete with plaid skirt, white stockings and a white shirt. However what filled that shirt was an absolutely enormous set of gigantic tits. Each was the size of a beachball and on the tiny girl's slim frame, looked positively ludicrous. Finally managing to tear away her eyes from the massive creamy skinned mammaries, Alyssa looked at the girl's face for the first time.

Framed by outrageously voluminous light pink hair, a face peeked out that looked like it belonged on some kind of manga cartoon character. The girl's eyes were huge, at least three times bigger than a normal girls, and she had a tiny button nose above a small mouth.

"Are you this one's new master now?" The girl squeaked in a childlike high pitched voice.

"No, we're here to free you" Alyssa replied reassuringly.

"This one's old master is dead, this one needs a new master!" the figure insisted stubbornly.

"What's the hold up?" John said insistently, as he walked into the room.

"What the fuck?!" he blurted out, when he saw the living cartoon character.

"Are you this one's new master?" The girl asked him.

"We don't have time for this!" John said to Alyssa urgently, "We only have three minutes to get to the ship!"

Alyssa nodded and looked at the girl. "Yes, he's your new master. You need to come with us now!"

The girl clapped excitedly and then seemed to shimmer in front of their eyes. Her body grew taller, becoming slim and athletic, her massive gravity defying tits shrinking down to a much more manageable 32D. The girl's hair darkened to a rich golden blonde colour and her skin colour changed to a lovely tanned bronze. Finally the girl's face became stunningly beautiful, cerulean blue eyes drawing them in and a warm smile on her lovely full lips. The girl had transformed into an absolutely identical copy of Alyssa.

"Would you like to use this one now master?" the girl said invitingly, sounding exactly like John's teenage lover.

Understanding suddenly dawned on John "She's a Nymph!" he exclaimed in surprise, turning to address the clone of Alyssa.

"Stop that." he ordered firmly, "Change back to your natural form and follow us." he said curtly.

"Yes master." the fake-Alyssa agreed obediently and began to shimmer again.

"We have to move, now!!" John said, snapping Alyssa out of her shocked daze.

"Sorry John, let's go!" She agreed, darting after him as he dashed out across the Pirate Lord's quarters, scooping up her assault rifle as she passed it.

Alyssa noticed movement to her side and the girl was keeping pace with them easily. Although the girl hadn't changed much in height or body type, she no longer looked like a carbon copy of Alyssa and now looked radically different. The girl now had dark green skin that seemed to catch the light and sparkle with a deep lustre, lighter coloured curving lines subtly highlighted the girls breasts and muscles. Her nails were an ethereal looking light green that almost seemed to glow and her enchanting emerald eyes had vertical cat-like irises. Finally, her long hair was a rich dark green verging almost on black and it billowed out behind her in a cloud as she sprinted along by Alyssa's side.

They dashed into the elevator and hit the button for the bottom deck and the lift began to descend.

"1 minute 50" John said, his expression worried.

The elevator seemed to take forever, although the whole trip only took five seconds. The doors finally opened and the three of them sprinted up the corridor to be met with the sounds of a fire-fight. A couple of pirates stood in the doorway, firing pistols wildly at the small group of armed captives who were ducked behind the dropship and shooting back.

*take the one on the left* John thought clearly and the two pirates slumped forward as hollow point rounds from him and Alyssa slammed into them from behind.

"Don't shoot, it's us!" John called out to the frightened captives, who cautiously lowered their weapons when they saw who was calling to them.

John, Alyssa and the girl sprinted across the hangar and ran for the dropship.

"Get in, fast!" John urged the bewildered captives, who then followed his instructions and climbed back through the airlock and into the packed dropship.

Alyssa darted through the throng of people and dived into the Pilot's seat, powering up the dropship. John followed in her wake and slumped into the co-pilots chair in the cockpit.

"One minute!" John said, looking at the counter on his watch in worry.

The Nymph pushed her way past the traders, receiving appreciative looks at her shapely naked form as she drifted by, before she came into the cockpit to sit in John's lap. John sat and watched Alyssa activating the engines, too worried to object, as the Nymph nuzzled at his neck affectionately.

The dropship lifted off the landing pad and then glided backwards, until it was over the gaping hole in the floor of the Hangar bay. Alyssa dipped the nose of the Kirrix vessel, before cranking up the engines and they dropped out of the doomed ship, gradually picking up speed.

"Ten seconds!" John exclaimed, as the dropship put more distance between them and the Stalingrad.

The Invictus moved away from the stricken Heavy Cruiser, following after the dropship and placing itself between the Kirrix vessel and the Stalingrad.




John counted down, before an almighty explosion lit up space behind them. The Power Core on the Stalingrad had gone critical and a blast wave raced out from the ship, as the 700 metre long heavy cruiser was consumed by a stupendous explosion. Debris was flung out in a huge radius from the centre of the blast zone, but fortunately the shields on the Invictus safely absorbed or deflected anything hazardous that might have been thrown in the dropships direction.

Alyssa threw John a glance, excitement shining in her eyes.

"You sure know how to show a girl an exciting time!" She joked, grinning at him with a sparkling white smile.

John grinned back at her, but was distracted by the Nymph, who was planting loving kisses on his neck.

"Stop that!" he scolded her.

Looking a little hurt, the Nymph dropped her head. "Yes, master." she said obediently.

Now safe from the blast of the exploding Heavy cruiser, Alyssa turned the dropship around and manoeuvred into position alongside the Invictus. John opened up the hull doors to the hangar bay and they moved smoothly inside the safe confines of their ship, under the beautiful blonde's skilful guidance.

John called Calara on the watch communicator and her happy face appeared in the holo image.

"You two had us so worried!" She exclaimed. "What kept you so long?" she asked pointedly.

"We have a new guest." John said wryly. "Don't worry, I'll explain everything later. Please can you and Sparks power up deck 4, we need the crew quarters on that level for the captives we rescued."

"Sure John, we'll get right on it." the gorgeous brunette replied. "It's good to have you back!" she said with relief and blew him a lovely kiss with her full, pouty mouth.

John smiled in return and then ended the call.

"Could you let me up please." he asked the Nymph politely, who leapt to obey.

Alyssa smiled at the green hued girl with a warm and friendly expression on her face. The Nymph smiled back at her happily.

John stood and then moved to the troop compartment that made up the bulk of the interior of the Kirrix dropship.

"You're all safe now." he said reassuringly. "We'll set you up in some comfortable living quarters while we take you to Port Heracles."

The relieved traders and Ore Haulers broke into a chorus of "Thank you Commander!" as they expressed their gratitude for their release from the pirates clutches.

John smiled graciously at their heartfelt thanks.

"You're all welcome. We should be at Port Heracles in..." He looked to Alyssa for advice.

"around 10 hours." she interjected helpfully.

"So relax and we'll get you back to civilisation soon." John finished.

Alyssa opened up the airlock at the back of the dropship and the traders and Ore haulers began to disembark into the Hangar. John, Alyssa and the Nymph followed them outside and found Sparks waiting for them at the double doors that led to the interior of the Invictus. She waved to them with a huge grin on her face and then stopped to look curiously at their green skinned companion.

John strode up to the inquisitive redhead and wrapped her in a big hug "Thanks for saving our butts!" He said, grinning.

Sparks smiled back at him "You're welcome handsome!" she said, but she was distracted and looked back at the Nymph "... but who's that?" she asked curiously.

"I'll explain later. Can you and Calara get these people settled on deck 4 and then come and meet us in the debriefing room on the command deck?" he asked.

"Yeah, sure John." Sparks said distantly, fascinated by the exotic alien woman.

John turned to face the people they had freed from captivity. "You won't need the guns now, can you leave them in a pile by the door when you go out please." he asked politely.

The group of civilians placed their appropriated pirate weaponry in a pile by the door, as they filed out to follow Sparks to their temporary accommodation and left John, Alyssa and the Nymph alone in the hangar bay. The three of them followed behind the throng of people, who all just about fit into the elevator and they waited behind while the elevator doors swished closed quietly. They watched the elevator rise up through the deck levels until it reach deck 4 and waited for it to empty and return back to them.

"So what's your name?" Alyssa asked the Nymph curiously, as she turned to face her.

"This one was called bitch or slut by her last master." The green hued girl answered helpfully.

"You don't have your own name?" Alyssa asked. "Something you were called before you had a master?"

"This one does not know, it was long ago." she answered sadly. "This one would like it if master chose her a new name though." the Nymph said, smiling warmly at John.

"How about calling you Jade?" Alyssa said tentatively. "You remind me of a beautiful Jade stone I saw once, that they'd found in a mine".

The Nymph looked to John for confirmation.

"If you like it, then sure." he said to the exotic young woman.

"Jade likes her new name very much master, thank you!" The girl said, glowing with happiness.

"You don't have to have a master now," John said to her. "you can be free."

"Whatever you say master!" Jade replied, nodding eagerly.

John sighed, realising his bid to emancipate her was hopeless.

"Can I ask you something Jade?" Alyssa asked cautiously.

"Certainly Alyssa, ask whatever you wish." Jade said openly.

"Why did you turn into a copy of me when we first met you?" Alyssa wondered.

"That is the form that master considers to be female perfection." Jade replied guilelessly.

Alyssa's eyes welled up and she moved over to kiss John tenderly "I love you." she said, her voice full of emotion.

"I love you too honey," John said, "my perfect woman." He smiled and kissed her again.

A few minutes later, Alyssa turned to look at Jade once more. "You still have my physique though. It's too much of a coincidence that you have the exact same figure that I do."

Jade looked a little awkward. "This is not Jade's natural height or shape, but Jade no longer remembers what they were. It's most comfortable for this one to assume this shape, now that John is Jade's new master".

Alyssa nodded her understanding. "Wait a moment, how were you able to tell what John considers the perfect female form?" she asked perceptively.

"This one read master's mind." Jade said helpfully.

Before Alyssa could continue her interrogation, the elevator doors swished open, so they all got in and went up to the Officer's quarters. Jade followed along at their side happily as John and Alyssa went into their walk-in-wardrobe and stripped out of their combat gear and put away their weaponry. They walked out into the bathroom and got into the shower, keen to wash the sweat off their bodies after the intense action of the day.

Jade waited for them patiently outside, her eyes roaming eagerly all over John's body as she saw him naked for the first time.

"Come and join us Jade." Alyssa said, smiling at the green girl and beckoning her into the shower.

"I'm sure I can't persuade either of you that this is a bad idea can I?" John said, knowing what Nymph's were like and how relentlessly dogmatic Alyssa could be when she had her heart set on something.

"This one will do anything master wishes." Jade responded firmly.

"XO in charge of recruitment remember!" Alyssa said, flashing him a lovely smile, her eyes twinkling mischievously. "Now come and help me get her clean." she grinned.

John soaped up his hands and then began to run them over Jade's body. Her darkly coloured skin felt just like any of the other girls in his crew: soft, velvety smooth and supple, but her body was slightly cooler to the touch than a regular human girl.

Jade sighed and moaned appreciatively at the feel of the four hands gliding over her body. Her skin was very responsive and goose bumps appeared in the wake of their gently caressing fingers.

"You're very beautiful." Alyssa said to Jade, as she traced the lighter viridian lines that highlighted the curves of Jade's big breasts.

"As are you Alyssa." Jade replied breathily.

Jade's nipples responded to the stimulation and became hard and erect, pointing upwards and eager to be touched.

"Would it be ok to kiss you?" Alyssa asked the dark green girl curiously.

Jade's emerald coloured eyes flashed with excitement, before glancing at John. "This one would like that very much. Does master permit it?" she asked with longing.

"Be my guest." John replied, smiling.

He watched the two stunningly beautiful women hold each other gently, their identical full breasts squashing together wetly. Alyssa leaned in slowly and the two of them began to kiss sensually, full lips brushing against each other as the women explored one another's bodies. His cock rose to full attention at the erotic display and he had to fight hard not to just grab one of the girls and satisfy his growing lust. He knew either of them would be delighted to accommodate him, which made it even harder to resist, but he wanted to let them get to know each other. Instead, he just let his hands cup their firm round buttocks and enjoyed feeling their pliant flesh as he squeezed their pert posteriors gently.

The sound of voices coming from the bedroom tore his attention away from Jade and Alyssa for a moment and he turned to see Calara and Sparks stroll into the bathroom.

"Oh wow!" Calara gasped in amazement, seeing the new arrival for the first time.

"I thought we were meeting up on the bridge?" Sparks said, her eyes sparkling with amusement.

"We got a bit distracted, sorry." John apologised.

"No need to apologise." Sparks said as both girls grinned at each other and began to strip off their clothing in a flurry of cascading garments.

"Room for two more?" Calara asked seductively as she sashayed up to the shower.

"The more the merrier." John grinned, feasting his eyes on the wide selection of pert young flesh before him.

He stood aside to make room for the sultry redhead and the gorgeous brunette. Calara led the way and approached the kissing couple.

"May I?" She asked tentatively to the girls.

Alyssa pulled away from her tender kisses with Jade and sighed happily "Oh please do, she's an amazing kisser!".

Jade glanced John's way and he smiled at her, nodding. The Nymph beamed back at him, her smile lighting up her face like a ray of sunshine in a forest. She turned towards the olive skinned Latina and opened her arms invitingly.

Calara stepped forward into that welcoming embrace and then tilted her head slightly so that she could begin to kiss Jade with gentle, probing kisses. Alyssa moved behind the green hued girl and began to kiss her neck and shoulders, eliciting breathy moans from Jade as she was sandwiched between the sensuous teenagers.

John's attention was dragged away from the steamy encounter by Sparks, who moved smoothly into his arms. She kissed him passionately, her tongue diving into his mouth for him to duel with his own. She broke away for a moment and looked into his eyes, her own pupils dilated with lust.

"Thank you for finding us a new friend," she said heatedly, glancing over her shoulder at the dark skinned alien. "and a very sexy one at that!" she said emphatically.

The redhead pressed up against him, feeling his hugely swollen cock throbbing against her slim, youthful tummy. John brought his hands down to cup her perfectly rounded bottom, spreading her taut cheeks slightly which made her gasp. He moved his finger between them and gently began to rub her anus in a light circular motion.

"Very soon." he promised, looking into her eyes.

Sparks looked back at him, her eyes flaring excitedly. She leaned in to whisper in his ear.

"I want to really feel it. I want you to make me scream." she gasped, her eyes flashing dangerously.

John leaned in to kiss her ear, before taking her lobe between his teeth, nibbling and tugging at it gently. Sparks hissed with excitement, and she writhed against him.

Before he got so turned on that he mounted her deliciously tight little virgin ass right there and then, John pulled away from her slightly.

"Go and say hi to your new shipmate." he said encouragingly.

Sparks bit her lip and moaned in arousal, turning towards the entwined female figures behind her. Calara stepped to the side making room for the redhead, who moved in eagerly, overcharged with lust as she was. John was waiting for Jade to ask permission, so when she glanced his way, he nodded enthusiastically and her viridescent eyes flashed with excitement.

Sparks looked down to see her beautiful bronzed breasts rub up against the dark green cleavage of the voluptuous alien girl and she panted excitedly. She still hadn't got completely used to her new body yet and her gravity defying boobs slid deliciously over Jade's equally pliant breasts, causing her to gasp as her nipples hardened with arousal.

Calara and Alyssa left their young lover to get acquainted with Jade and moved to flank John on either side, pushing their luscious breasts into his muscular chest. They stood on tiptoe and whispered naughty things in his ears.

"She's beautiful, thank you for bringing her home."

"She's going to look so good wrapped around you."

"I can't wait to find out what she tastes like."

"I want to see her with a belly full of your cum."

John panted with lust, barely able to control himself. He now had four beautiful women with him, any of which he could take in whatever way he felt like. The heady rush of power and surge to his ego was intoxicating.

He opened the door to the shower, words failing him for the moment. All four women looked at him and seeing his ardent desire, moved quickly out of the huge cubicle. John wasn't sure where to start for a moment and so the girls helped him make his decision. Calara and Sparks stood on either side of Jade and Alyssa hugged her from behind. All three moved a slender hand over to rub Jade's slim stomach suggestively looking at him with lusty eyes.

John was powerless to resist that look from so many beautiful women, so he sat on the edge of the bath and beckoned Jade over to him.

"Kneel please." he asked her gently.

Jade smiled at him adoringly and sank to her knees between his legs.

"It will be an honour for this one to service you master." she said passionately, before reaching up her hands to gently stroke his taut, tightly packed quad.

"This one's master is so virile!" she exclaimed breathily as she felt the hefty weight of his sack and panted with lust.

John could hold out no longer and he held out his hands to grasp the beautiful alien's head in both hands. He had heard about the legendary skills of Nymphs and he was eager to put one to the test. Jade opened her mouth wide and swallowed his entire length in one long, toe curling motion.

"Oh fuck that's good!" John cried out, his body aching for relief at the hands or should he say throat, of this willing woman.

Jade moved up and down him in a fluid movement, the muscles in her neck wrapped tightly around him and fitted to him like a second skin. Her throat began to ripple, gently massaging and teasing his cock as it plunged in and out of her body, causing him to moan as his body felt overloaded by hedonistic pleasure.

He ran his fingers through her silky soft dark green hair, enjoying the amazing tactile sensation through his fingers as the long strands brushed over his fingertips. He tore his gaze away from the girl who was sucking and stroking him so hungrily, to look at the other three girls. They were kneeling to the sides and behind Jade, all fingering their wet little pussies and panting with excitement.

They all looked up at him and he stared into four sets of enchanting eyes; emerald, light blue, cerulean and deep brown, all completely focused on him and his pleasure.

Faced with that kind of open adoration, he could only throw his head back and explode down Jade's throat, long spurts of his semen pumping into her darkly toned body. After missing his morning relief, he had built up a massive load and Jade greedily swallowed down her debauched feast.

The three spectating teenagers rubbed their clits furiously and all came simultaneously, the sight of John emptying his balls into this exotic alien girl the trigger to push them over the edge.

Alyssa's consciousness seemed to light up like a Christmas tree, as she felt the lustful emotions from Calara's, Sparks' and John's presences in her mind. What really shocked her was the sudden instant appearance of a strange new manifestation, which was unmistakeably alien and obviously belonging to Jade. The harmonious chorus of so much pleasure from everyone in her mind, caused her eyes to roll back in her head and she cried out her own release.

After John's orgasm stretched on for what seemed like an eternity, he could no longer take any more stimulation. Jade had been sucking on him non-stop with unceasing and unwavering suction and he had nothing left to give her.

"No more..." he croaked, "...feels too good." he groaned, his body at its sensual limit.

She let him slide all the way out of her throat and mouth, her dark green tongue licking his length as he pulled out of her. He wavered for a moment, thinking he might fall, but he managed to retain his balance. Collecting himself, he slowly rose and offered his hands for Calara and Sparks to take and they rose gracefully, looking at him with contented smiles. Next he helped Alyssa stand, who seemed practically catatonic and finally Jade who was stroking her hugely inflated abdomen.

"Master is so potent." she sighed, deliriously happy.

Her tongue flickered out and tasted the cum his withdrawing cock had brushed over her lips and she savoured his semen with her discerning taste buds. Her eyes widened in astonishment and she licked her lips again, desperate to savour more of his sperm. She looked down at her belly in wonder, stroking it in disbelief. She was about to speak to her master to tell him what she had discovered when he looked into her eyes.

"Come on, you should rest" he said to her warmly.

Jade suddenly felt overcome with the desire to sleep and she padded after him obediently to the bedroom. She curled up on the bed and fell asleep almost instantaneously.

John lay down next to her and the teenage girls moved in to cuddle up with him. Alyssa took his right side with Sparks draped over her and Calara snuggled in behind Jade, stroking her verdant belly comfortingly.

John had just closed his eyes and was relaxing in the afterglow of his incredible climax when Calara suddenly gasped with surprise.

"Look!" she called out, her eyes transfixed on the alien girl's stomach. She carefully removed her hand and the others could suddenly see what had so startled her.

Waves of viridian lines were spreading out over the woman's body, like ripples in a lake after dropping in a stone. The focal point was the centre of her tummy and they swept out smoothly to follow the contours of the girl's torso before running all the way up her arms and down her legs.

"What's happening to her?" Calara asked in amazement, but no-one had the answer.

"I better tell you what I do know about our new companion." John sighed.