
Three Brothers get reincarnated into Marvel

Three brothers get Reincarnated into Marvel, will they be heroes? Villains? The world may never know!!

MR_No1 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
7 Chs

Full Moon part 2/2

"What's taking them so long!!!" Gauge shouted as he laid on the floor in the living room, but he was cut off as he heard someone bust into their house

"FINALLY! YOU TWO TOOK YOUR SWEAT FUCKING TIME!!!!" Gauge said as he sat up only to see one man at the doorway, seeing him Gauge was confused

"Garry? What the hell are you doing here? And how do you know where we live?" Gauge

"NO time for that!! The others are fighting a group of mutants, and they need help!!" Garry

"What?! Shit!" Gauge went running outside, but stopped himself as he remembered his tail, looking at it, he clicked his tongue


"FUCK!! Neil watch out!!" Cain shouted as he sent a spike toward the mysterious woman, only for her to break straight through it, letting her close in on Neil to deliver a punch straight into his chest, causing him to go flying into a wall as blood shot from his mouth

"SHIT!" Cole shouted as he attempted to freeze the woman, only for her to be too strong for it to work, causing her to now attack him, which she quickly smacked him away, leaving him unconscious

"Fuck it's just us!!" Cain shouted as he sent a few more earth spikes at the woman, only for her to blitz past them and throw a punch toward Cain, but her fist was met with metal as Arthur coated his entire body with iron to try and tank the punch, but it didn't go as plan as he was sent flying back causing him to knock Cain over as well

"HAHAHAHAHAHA To think you insects really thought you could stand against me!!" The woman said with a maniacal smile as she once again charged at them both causing Arthur to throw himself overtop of Cain to protect him, but nothing happened they both looked over and saw a familiar sight

"Sorry for taking so long, believe it or not, that damn tail was harder to cut off than you'd think!" Gauge said as he held the woman at a standstill, only for him to pull her closer and kick her in the chest sending her flying

"Fuck!" Gauge stumbled after doing so

"I only had the thing for a few days and I already got used to walking around with it," Gauge mumbled as he stood up and looked at the woman

"Another sheep has come to the slaughter! HAHAHAHAHAHA!" The woman

"Who the hell are you? And what's your fucking deal?" Gauge

"Well since you want to know who your savour is I AM Olivia, the one true GODDESS!" Olivia

"Oh, so you're batshit crazy, alright," Gauge said as he got into his fighting stance

"HAHAHAHAHA!!!" Olivia charged at Gauge faster than he expected her to be able to, so he had no other choice but to take the hit head-on, causing him to be sent backward, somehow gaining his footing again he quickly dodged the next hit, leaving him to jump up and knee Olivia in the face sending her stumbling, seeing his opportunity he hit her three more times causing her to jump back

"Oh, so you're stronger than the wolf, hehehehehe, well, I guess we'll just have to see how you do against your own power!" Olivia shouted as she had blood pouring from her nose

"....." Gauge

"...Why isn't it working?!" Olivia

"HAhahahaha!!" Gauge busted out laughing causing Olivia to look at him in disbelief

"So that's your power huh? Copying? Well thought luck cunt, it isn't going to work on me!!" Gauge said as he charged her again causing her to fall onto her ass as a look of fear overtook her, jumping to the side she managed to avoid the hit as Gauge's fist obliterated the floor where she just was

"FUCK!!" Olivia shouted as she began to run out of the building, causing Gauge to give chase, only to be stopped as he heard his brothers

"Gauge!" Cain shouted causing Gauge to look over, where he saw Arthur back in his regular form as blood-drenched his arms

"Shit! Are you okay?!" Gauge asked as he went over to Arthur

"Yeah, I think it was that last punch, that bitch was crazy strong, how the hell did you manage to beat her? You've only been doing mental training haven't you?" Arthur

"Fuck no, yeah maybe around everyone else, but I've been actually working out and shadowboxing," Gauge

"Your tail...." Cain said as he saw blood dripping from Gauge

"Don't worry about it, I think it'll grow back, if not, fuck it, I don't care, as long as you two are fine it's good," Gauge

"Cough cough' Ugh, is it over?" Neil asked as he stood up with cole helping him

"Hopefully, I just don't see how you lost, she might have been a little stronger than you, but fuck, she didn't have any idea how to actually fight, she just threw punches," Gauge

"A little? She was about 1.5 times stronger! Just how much training did you do by yourself?" Neil

".....That doesn't matter, anyway, do we need to take everyone to a hospital?" Gauge asked as he looked at the other members of Neils's gang who were all laying on the ground

"No, their all alive, they'll be alright, so how did you know we needed help," Cole

"Garry, he somehow knew where we lived," Gauge

"Well Believe it or not, Garry is our knowledge collector, he scouts and collects information for us," Cole

"Huh, Well anyway, I'm hungry, so uhhh, the three of us are going to head out and grab some food," Gauge

"Mind if we join?" Neil

"What about your people?" Gauge asked as he pointed around

"They'll be fine," Cole

"OH, well sure, let's go, come on, up you go," Gauge said as he helped Arthur up

"Thanks," Arthur

"No problem, so is that one place we went last time open?" Gauge

"Hmm yeah I think, he doesn't close until twelve p.m or something like that," Neil

"Cool, welp I say we head there!" Gauge said as he began to leave, leading the others to follow