
Chapter 72: Family_1

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Jiang Yu decided to introduce Sixteen to his family after careful consideration.

Sixteen didn't show any obvious aggressiveness; on the contrary, letting Sixteen get familiar with his family might even serve as a kind of insurance for them.

Moreover, suddenly "becoming a dad" made Jiang Yu feel somewhat guilty, so why not let the old man and mom share some of the pressure he was carrying?

Sixteen struggled hard and finally wiggled out of Jiang Yu's arms: "The books say that I am already a big kid now and shouldn't be held like this by parents."

Jiang Yu laughed, "All that stuff in the books is dead! Why do you insist on making me act like your dad? Isn't it because you're not satisfied with just reading books?

"Today I'll give you your first lesson, a relative's hug is something no book can depict."

Sixteen gave Jiang Yu a look: "Don't think I don't know you just want to see me make a fool of myself."

At this moment, Jiang Yu's mother Hu Huilan called out from the third-floor window: "It's so cold outside! Come in and talk!"

Jiang Yu answered her and went inside the building with Sixteen: "I'll grab your bag for you."

Sixteen said: "No need."

He walked in front of Jiang Yu, climbing the stairs with his short little legs, hopping and jumping.

Jiang Yu patted Sixteen's head: "What a good boy!"

Sixteen swatted Jiang Yu's hand away.

Jiang Yu laughed, "After all the hardships I went through to raise you, and now you won't even let me pat your head."

Sixteen was bemused: "Could you not get into character so quickly?"

Then, as if suddenly remembering something, he said, "When I meet your family later, how should I introduce myself?"

"I already introduced you. I told them your parents died early, and you looked pitiful, so I brought you home to stay for a couple of days."

Sixteen was speechless: "Do I... need to be introduced as that pitiful?"

Jiang Yu moved in front of Sixteen: "Who told you to scam dad before! Ah! It's really scamming dad indeed!"

The door was opened by Jiang Yu's nephew Lele, who looked curiously at Sixteen: "Hello, welcome to our home."

Jiang Yu laughed, "What guest? This is coming home, he is my son."

As he spoke, he led Sixteen inside.

Lele asked curiously, "Isn't it said that you can only have kids after getting married? Uncle isn't married, so how could he have a kid?"

Sixteen set down his bag and explained to Lele: "Marriage is just a form of economic partnership between a man and a woman, to have children, a male and a female need to..."

"Alright, alright," Jiang Yu hurriedly interrupted Sixteen: "You don't need to educate us on this stuff. Let's just think of marriage as a prerequisite for having kids."

"Not necessarily," Sixteen, not understanding why Jiang Yu was suddenly playing dumb, said seriously, "For example..."

Jiang Yu cut Sixteen off again: "First go and say hello to your grandfather and uncle."

Today just happened to be the day his brother-in-law and his family were visiting. The old man was chatting with the brother-in-law in the living room while Hu Huilan and Jiang Yu's sister, Jiang Ying, were cooking in the kitchen.

Guided by Jiang Yu's implicating gaze, Sixteen didn't continue the debate on the topic of marriage and having children and politely went to greet everyone.

Sixteen shed that layer of maturity unbecoming of his age and looked like a very cute little kid.

Jiang Yu's brother-in-law, Fang Yuechen, praised Sixteen a couple of times, even the normally stern-faced old man, Jiang Wenhuan, responded with a smile.

Hu Huilan came out from the kitchen, and Sixteen called out to her sweetly as grandma.

That made Hu Huilan incredibly happy, and she began offering sweets and beverages.

Lele, who was beside them, watched with envious eyes because he had a daily limit for sugar, and he had already consumed today's allowance.

Only after Hu Huilan returned to the kitchen did Jiang Yu tell Sixteen to share a piece of candy with Lele.

Seeing that his own father didn't object, Lele was overjoyed and instantly became good friends with Sixteen.

Due to Jiang Yu's advocacy and the government's relentless efforts, most people had returned to their positions, and the supply of goods had basically been restored.

This meal was quite sumptuous, but because vegetables were still relatively scarce, it consisted mostly of fish and meat.

The atmosphere at the dinner table was harmonious, and Hu Huilan, worried that Sixteen might feel too shy to eat, kept offering him vegetables and meat, until soon his belly was round and full.

The topics at the dinner table ranged from the current situation to family affairs.

With Jiang Wenhuan, the "pillars of stability," at home, and because Jiang Yu had already spoken to the family about aliens, they remained quite rational.

Things had returned to normal at home ever since work had resumed.

Sixteen occasionally joined the discussions, but whenever he started to delve into the nature of the issues, he was always interrupted by Jiang Yu.

Late, when discussion turned to Jiang Ying's unpaid wages, Sixteen offered to act as Jiang Ying's lawyer and sue on her behalf.

Everyone burst into laughter, not taking it seriously, which left Sixteen rather speechless.

The elder sighed, "Who would have dared to withhold wages in the past? If the factory didn't pay, we'd report it to the government, and if the government didn't care, we'd send letters of complaint. The factory never dared to default on wages.

"Now, there's no reasoning with these private enterprise bosses. If they say they won't pay, they won't, and there's nothing you can do about it."

Jiang Yu joined in, "Business is like a battlefield. Nowadays, these entrepreneurs have fought their way to the top because they dare to struggle. They naturally don't represent the interests of the average employee."

After the meal, the family went out for a walk, with Jiang Yu holding Sixteen's hand and Fang Yuechen holding Lele's, the four walking in the front.

Suddenly Fang Yuechen said, "Xiaoyu, your sister and I have led a happy life, and we don't have any unrealistic wishes anymore.

"But Lele is still young, and he has countless possibilities ahead of him.

"Your brother-in-law has never asked you for anything, but today I ask you, if there's a ship escaping the Solar System, save a spot for Lele."

Jiang Yu was initially bewildered, then realized, "Who told you that there's a ship escaping the Solar System?"

Fang Yuechen replied, "Don't worry about who told me. Just tell me if you'll help."

Jiang Yu hesitated for a moment before nodding, "As long as I have a spot, Lele will have one too."

Fang Yuechen sighed in relief, thanking him repeatedly.

Sixteen was about to join in on the topic but was stopped by a look from Jiang Yu.

Using the excuse of wanting to check out the small park, Sixteen pulled Jiang Yu away from the main group.

After walking some distance, Sixteen asked, "Does the operations center have plans to escape from the Solar System?"

"No," Jiang Yu said, "At least I'm not aware of any such plans, and if they do exist, they will surely be canceled in the future."

Sixteen was confused, "But what you just said..."

Jiang Yu patted Sixteen's head with a smile, "Sometimes telling the truth isn't always the best option.

"Just like before, if I had told the plain truth, I wouldn't have gotten my brother-in-law's understanding; instead, he would have thought I refused.

"He would surely have a falling out with my sister, and who would she blame? In the end, I would be the one to suffer."

Sixteen, puzzled, "But don't you feel guilty for lying to your family?"