
Chapter 71: Strike_1

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After negotiating the specifics and details of "becoming a father" with Sixteen, Jiang Yu finally got the list he wanted.

The list in Sixteen's hands might not be comprehensive, but it was certainly made up of individuals highly interested in Genetic Modification who had already started preparations for their descendants' genetic modifications.

Only such customers would have a file left at the laboratory and possess an initial modification plan.

A similar list had also been found in the data from the "Judgment Day," when the operations center was still functioning normally and had sent people to visit some individuals on the list.

The individuals visited were already informed from some source, all claiming they had only discussed gene modification with ETO members but had not entered into any form of agreement.

The list sent by Sixteen was different; it included contracts signed with the Adventists, as well as simple genetic evaluations, modification plans, and so on.

Jiang Yu briefly flipped through it, then emailed a portion to Chang Weisi and called him.

He cut straight to the chase, "The list I sent you is just a very small portion, I'll send you the rest in a bit.

"It's certain that these people are closely collaborating with ETO, and they must be severely punished and investigated!

"Of course, if you still intend to let ETO off the hook, I'll release part of the list tomorrow."

"Don't be impulsive," advised Chang Weisi. "Some sensitive figures are on the list you hold; they can't be revealed just like that!"

Jiang Yu retorted, "If they've already come knocking at my door, am I supposed to courteously tell them 'come again next time'?

"Not only do we have to act, but we also have to act fast before they get wind of anything and prepare, or have any other nasty tricks up their sleeve.

"If there's no action from the operations center before 8 a.m. tomorrow, I will announce part of the list during tomorrow's speech.

"How this mess gets cleaned up is up to the operations center to decide."

Chang Weisi took a deep breath before responding, "I understand."

Jiang Yu added, "General Chang, the operations center's response has been very disappointing. They had promised to ensure the safety of me and my family; are they going to break their word now?"

After a few seconds, Chang Weisi replied, "The situation is a bit chaotic right now, I can only say I'll do my best to protect you.

"When you communicate with the other side, try not to be too rigid for the moment. These scoundrels are used to compromising and collaborating with each other; if you leave them no room, they won't leave any for you either.

"Be patient, there will be a time to settle accounts with them!"

"I can compromise on other matters," said Jiang Yu. "But there are some lines I absolutely cannot cross.

"I have my principles for being human; if I lose those, I'm no longer myself.

"Alright, I know General Chang has my best interest at heart. So please start cracking down on those obsessed with the technology of the Trisolarans. If they are not punished, they will become the cancer of all humanity."

After hanging up the phone, Jiang Yu remained silent for a long time.

Chang Weisi's warning had sounded the alarm. His adversaries were now more complex and difficult to contend with than before.

The operations center was a conglomeration of various powers, with undercurrents already flowing. Now there were people looking to take advantage of the chaos to benefit themselves from the operations center.

It seemed that Chang Weisi knew some ins and outs, and he saw hope in resolving this chaos.

But Jiang Yu couldn't wait any longer; if there were more schemes to come, he would be caught off guard again.

Jiang Yu took a long drag on his cigarette, sighing deeply. He felt dealing with those who wished for the Poison Apple Project was even more troublesome than dealing with the Adventists.

The Adventists might be crazy, but at least they were reasonable, whereas it was impossible to reason with these people whose heads were filled with mush.

Jiang Yu made up his mind that he would not allow those biotech companies to get what they wanted, and when facing their threats, he must not back down.

The next morning, Jiang Yu received news that a new global crackdown on ETO had started, and several key figures had already been captured.

They were either wealthy businessmen or officials, clearly arrested according to the list provided by Jiang Yu.

Jiang Yu did not go back on his word; in his speech, he did not mention the matter and continued to urge everyone to return to their posts and work hard to have a good Spring Festival during this special time.

At the end of the speech, Jiang Yu announced a temporary suspension of the daily speech activities, citing the need for a rest.

At the same time, Jiang Yu turned down all invitations from television stations and had no plans to attend any events in the near future.

He was expressing his protest through a form of strike.

In this incident, although the operations center did not support the capitalists, they also did not stand with Jiang Yu right away.

This disappointed Jiang Yu. Chang Weisi had called him twice, but he declined the invitations to participate in subsequent activities, citing either insufficient capabilities or a desire for rest.

Although Jiang Yu had stopped giving speeches, people still came out of admiration for him, so he simply took his mother and quietly returned to his old home in Luyang City.

After enjoying a couple of days of peace, Jiang Yu called Ye Wenjie and asked when she was taking her New Year's holiday.

The two of them had been busy during this time and had only had a few phone conversations. Jiang Yu planned to seize these couple of days off to visit Ye Wenjie.

Who knew that Ye Wenjie would say, "I'm not planning to take a New Year's holiday this year."

Jiang Yu was taken aback and instantly understood; she and Teacher Ye had relied on each other, and now that Teacher Ye had passed away, the house was cold and empty, and going back didn't mean much.

He thought for a moment before saying, "Didn't you mention before that you wanted to visit Teacher Ye's friend in the Northeast? I happen to be free these days, I'll accompany you."

Ye Wenjie didn't immediately refuse.

Jiang Yu added, "It's also a good opportunity for me to introduce a young friend to you; I believe you two might have a lot of common topics to discuss."

Ye Wenjie smiled and said, "Okay, then next Tuesday. How shall we go?"

"By train."

"By train?"

Jiang Yu laughed, "Yes, I haven't taken one in a long time, and I kind of miss that feeling."


"The target has entered the downtown area, destination still unclear."

Inside the communications vehicle, Bai Yan, captain of the Luyang City Armed Police Detachment, upon hearing his subordinate's report, commanded:

"Continue to assist the comrades from Beijing in monitoring the target. Attention! The mission given from above is to observe the purpose of the target's visit to Luyang City, do not make any rash moves."

"The action team understands!"

There was also a Captain Lei from Beijing in the vehicle, who remained silent as he watched the live footage sent back by the action team.

Putting down the communicator, Bai Yan also focused on the target vehicle, unconsciously guessing who might be inside such an important person to warrant this much attention from the higher-ups?

The target vehicle turned left and right, eventually entering a mid-range residential complex and stopped in front of an apartment building.

A six or seven-year-old Asian boy got out of the car, carrying a large backpack, looking a little lost in front of the residential building.

Bai Yan found it odd; all this manpower was deployed just to tail a little kid?

At that moment, a young man came out from the entrance of the building. He grabbed the boy and hugged him, despite the child's struggles.

As Bai Yan wondered if the young man was a child trafficker, Captain Lei standing beside him suddenly stood up and shouted to his deputy, "Report to the higher-ups immediately—the target is here to meet Jiang Yu!"