
Chapter 249: The Disappearing Waterdrop_1

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The representative of the Solar System Federation said to You Ze, "Calm down. If there's an issue, we can sit down and talk about it. Acting like a terrorist will bring immense damage to the reputation of the Solar System Federation!"

You Ze smiled, "You're right on time. Have you heard about the new batch of combat robots that Jiang Shiliu modified?

"They are actually over two hundred years old and were the first robot corps created by Jiang Shiliu.

"Afterward, Jiang Shiliu gifted this robot corps to Jiang Yu. During the time Jiang Yu was in hibernation, this robot corps also had the duty of protecting Guanghan City.

"These 72 robots were the Solar System State's first batch of armed forces!

"After making new advancements in intelligent robots, Jiang Shiliu modified these 72 robots, upgrading their weapon and energy systems, turning them into the latest style of fighting machines."

The representatives all looked towards the Solar System Federation representative, who took a deep breath, "I have heard a thing or two."

You Ze smiled and continued, "Don't you find it curious? When Wallfacer Jiang Yu came to Earth, he brought twenty armed robots with him.

"But when he went to Jupiter, there wasn't a single armed robot on his spaceship."

The representative of the Solar System Federation looked uneasy; he had heard about this matter, but everyone had deemed the twenty armed robots trivial and hadn't paid much mind to it.

He asked coldly, "So what you're suggesting is, Jiang Yu left those twenty armed robots with you?"

Many exclaimed "Oh!" in surprise, their tension rising at the notion of this madman You Ze possessing twenty armed robots.

The representative of the Solar System Federation scoffed, "The armed forces protecting the delegates outside are not few in number, and even if your robots have been upgraded, they wouldn't be able to breach the United Nations Building within three minutes.

"And within those three minutes, it's enough time for the Solar System Federation New York Office's J55 land combat unit to airdrop via helicopter. You don't stand a chance."

You Ze laughed, "Who said I was going to attack the United Nations Building? They're already stealthily positioned in the underground city of New York. The moment I tighten my grip on this metal rod, they will execute the preset attack orders.

"I want to tell everyone that these robots are powered by hydrogen cells. After they've used up all their weapons, they will detonate their hydrogen cells, causing a small-scale nuclear explosion.

"Twenty small-scale nuclear explosions are enough to destroy half of New York City."

From the rotating chairmanship to the representatives of various countries, none had a pleasant expression on their face.

The representative of the Asian Fleet said, "Does Jiang Yu not realize this? It's a very dangerous act to indulge the Imprint Clan!"

You Ze smoothly responded, "Mr. Jiang said that after Mr. Heinz has settled down on the farm, you can send someone to the North Mo Farm to inquire about relevant information."

The rotating chairman spread his hands and asked, "Why go through such unnecessary trouble?"

You Ze replied, "Mr. Jiang said that he wants to maintain the last bit of dignity for the Wallfacer, and he was very disappointed by your betrayal, so he will not mince words with you.

"Ladies and gentlemen, may I ask if we are free to go?"

The representative of the North American Fleet said, "They cannot be allowed to leave! Their actions are a provocation towards the PDC and Fleet International! They must be severely punished.

"Rediaz pulled a similar trick back in the day, and if we fall for it again, we'll be the laughingstock!"

You Ze smiled and said, "It seems that you want to take a gamble; I'll accompany you all the way!"

The American representative questioned the North American Fleet representative, "If everything he's saying is true, can you take responsibility for the consequences?"

The rotating chairman said, "Alright, let them leave."

You Ze added, "Mr. Chairman, I need you to escort us out."

As You Ze and his party left the meeting room, Keiko Yamasuki had already committed seppuku. The two military police officers who chased after them had never seen such a scene and were stunned.

Heinz stepped forward, grieving as he picked up the still-twitching body of his wife, following You Ze's lead, out of the United Nations Building.

When the twenty combat robots indeed left the underground city of New York and boarded the transport plane, the informed representatives all breathed a sigh of relief.


Thankfully, no one listened to the North American Fleet representative; otherwise, all the representatives here wouldn't be able to afford the responsibility for this disaster.

Immediately after that, everyone seemed to gain a new understanding of the barbarism of Common Era people, with PDC and Fleet International both beginning to condemn Jiang Yu's terrorist act.


At the same time You Ze and the others boarded the transport plane, in the Beijing Underground City.

Da Shi picked up Logic from the hospital, and the two chatted on their way back to Da Shi's place.

Da Shi handed Logic a cigarette, "The cigarettes from Jiang Yu are still the best. The ones they sell in the stores now taste like dog shit!"

As he spoke, he also lit a cigarette for himself, "Anyhow, bro, this is a good time."

Logic smiled and said, "Yeah, it's a good time."

No sooner had Logic's words fallen than Da Shi lunged at him, and the two of them rolled together onto the grass a few meters away.

Then with a loud bang, a flying car crashed into the very spot where they had just stood!

Da Shi looked at the severely deformed flying car and muttered, "Why didn't that kid Jiang Yu say it would be this dangerous sooner!"


Over eight hundred million kilometers away in Jupiter City, when Jiang Yu received the news of You Ze's successful operation, You Ze's transport plane had been in the air for over forty minutes.

Jiang Yu was very satisfied with You Ze's ability to get things done and planned to give You Ze a significant position when he returned to the center of power.

But what Jiang Yu had to do now was to review a massive amount of documents in his hands.

In Jupiter City, the residences of Jiang Yu and Number Three were incredibly luxurious, and they were treated with high regard, but they could clearly feel they were outsiders here, unable to command anyone to report to them.

Thankfully, his request to review documents from key departments like the Academy of Sciences and the Strategic Department had been approved by Gu Cheng, so Jiang Yu had been looking at various materials for the past few days.

As for the PDC and Fleet International's insults, he didn't take them to heart at all.

A few days later, when Gu Cheng came to visit Jiang Yu, Jiang Yu was still looking at data on a portable computer.

Although Jiang Yu did not greet him, he stood up with a smile and said, "You've come at just the right time. Number Three, make the Governor a good cup of tea."

Recalling the scene of his last visit to Jiang Yu in Yinghuo City, Gu Cheng was somewhat flattered. He usually didn't get a good reception from Jiang Yu, but today he finally saw his smile.

Once they were seated, Jiang Yu asked, "I've looked up some of your political records, and just for your efforts to maintain the family as the fundamental unit of society, for not breaking down the traditional concept of family like Earth did, you are a qualified and quite visionary Governor."

Gu Cheng was taken aback, realizing it was his achievements that had impressed the Wallfacer.

He smiled and said, "The concept of family has indeed weakened a lot now, but before a new, more solid social foundation unit emerges, I think we cannot abandon the state of family, or the whole society would crumble."

Jiang Yu nodded in satisfaction, "That's right. Nowadays, the thinking mode of Earth's residents is mainly Western.

"Without the comparison of Eastern thinking patterns, many sociologists have already forgotten that Westerners adhere to the characteristics of a commercial civilization.

"In the Ancient Greek era, family members who went out to do business from the islands of the Aegean Sea sometimes stayed abroad for a year or even years, with hardly any sense of belonging to their families.

"Hence, Westerners have never had a very strong concept of family or homeland. For example, they don't feel obliged to repay their parents for raising them and lack the concept of filial piety.

"And with the later idea of 'survival of the fittest,' the elderly are considered units to be eliminated by society."

Gu Cheng was surprised again, not expecting Jiang Yu to identify the root of the current social chaos on Earth.

Then he remembered, Jiang Yu was an expert in sociology, a professional in addressing such problems.

After finishing this topic, Jiang Yu continued, "I checked the reports on the detection of the Trisolarans' probe, and it seems one detector has gone missing. Have you found out where it went?"