
Chapter 116: Test_1

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Jiang Yu considered the PDC as a potential enemy, not because he was hostile towards the PDC, but because in the Wallfacer Project, the PDC had always been indecisive.

The PDC had endowed the Wallfacers with tremendous authority, but at the same time, they were looking for ways to limit this authority.

It appeared the PDC was positioning itself for a fight to the death with the Trisolarans, yet it would obstruct the Wallfacers who had made up their minds to do just that.

Jiang Yu had long realized that the PDC would be the greatest enemy of all Wallfacer plans because it represented the interests of different political regimes and fundamentally couldn't speak with a unified voice.

The Wallfacer Project required absolute power, which was inherently incompatible with the PDC's system.

Therefore, at the very beginning of his plan, Jiang Yu thought of breaking away from the PDC, and in the future, even the domestic Star Defense Department couldn't be trusted.

Only by establishing his own economic and power system could his Wallfacer Project be secured.

Financing from the private sector was the first step Jiang Yu took.

Jiang Yu didn't tell Garanin too much, letting the diplomat hassle with the PDC, as he wouldn't waste his energy on that.

The first step Jiang Yu took left him with a significant buffer. He was just raising private funds without setting up his profit system, so the PDC couldn't do anything about him.

After hanging up the phone, Jiang Yu hurried to the Wallfacer's Shop to have a look, and sure enough, as he had expected, the little lie he told during his speech had caused his Deception Points to surge by nearly one hundred thousand!

He could now afford the Moon Resource Map!

Back in the car, Jiang Yu pretended to doze off and spent one hundred and fifty thousand Deception Points to purchase the distribution map.

In Jiang Yu's mind, a three-dimensional Moon model immediately appeared, marked with various mineral resources as well as their depths and reserves.

He took a quick glance, and because of the Moon's special environment, the helium-3 deposits were indeed very high, with many exposed on the surface as "open-pit mines."

Apart from that were the metal elements, more abundant than Jiang Yu had imagined—a treasure suspended in the sky!

However, there were no coal or oil resources, which could conclude that life never existed on the Moon.

Whether there were those petrochemical resources didn't matter. Helium-3 could completely allow humanity's energy industry to upgrade, and steam engines and internal combustion engines wouldn't be needed in space in the future.

With this resource map in hand, Jiang Yu felt he had grasped the bull's nose for the future, at least for this century, he would have significant initiative.

In the following days, Jiang Yu's team became busy as wealthy people from around the world came with their money to invest.

Jiang Yu first had someone register the amounts of investment prepared by the visitors, then at the meeting he started by saying, "First of all, I hope everyone can abandon the concept of a traditional company.

"How I spend your investments does not need your approval, and in this project team, I have absolute power, including complete control over the direction of the whole project team, as well as the power to allocate and distribute profits."

Suddenly, there was some unrest in the venue. Jiang Yu's words were equivalent to stripping the investors of their shareholder rights, and they would have to look for his favor for end profits.

These industry tycoons couldn't handle it and questioned Jiang Yu one after another about his lack of spirit of cooperation?

Jiang Yu replied with a smile, "Who said I wanted to cooperate with you? Wallfacers don't need cooperation, they need your absolute obedience!

"Those who can't stand it can leave now! No one is stopping you!"

A large number of people left the venue at once.

Jiang Yu didn't stop them, after all, he had already taken a tally of how much they pledged to invest. They were like chives growing in the wild, ready to be harvested whenever he needed.

If they cried poor, Jiang Yu would show them the amount of investment they had registered before entering the venue.

Facing those who remained, Jiang Yu continued with a slight smile, "Since you've stayed, it means you're considering investing, but not everyone who wants to invest can do so in the Wallfacer Project.

"You'll have to go through a round of tests before you can finally make the investment."

Murmurs erupted in the venue again. What kind of world was this? They, who had been investors so many times, when were they not treated with the utmost respect?

Now, what's worse, not only were their shareholder rights confiscated, but they also had to court Jiang Yu's favor for dividends.

And to endure it all, they now had to undergo a test?

Many began to have second thoughts.

Jiang Yu added, "The test is quite simple, as you will have to deal with me as the Wallfacer from now on. It's not okay to be unfamiliar with the Wallfacer and the Wallfacer Project.

"So I want to ask everyone, what is the most important thing about the Wallfacer Project?

"Don't rush to answer, give me a reply tomorrow.

"If you don't show up tomorrow, it will be considered giving up this investment opportunity."

After speaking, Jiang Yu got up and left. The big shots in the venue felt insulted. Was this attitude in pursuit of investment?

But most soon realized that he really didn't need to strive for it—their group had come willingly to give money away!

The night passed without incident, and in the early morning, Jiang Yu, as if conducting interviews, invited each one in to give their answer.

Someone said the Wallfacer Project's most important aspect was its lethal power against the Trisolarans.

Someone else emphasized the need for the Trisolarans to be caught off guard.

Jiang Yu thought to himself, do I need you to tell me this?

Someone pointed to obedience as the key to the Wallfacer Project.

Another cited execution power as crucial.

Jiang Yu felt a bit regretful; they were so close yet so far.

After all the businessmen from the Confucian cultural circle had given their answers, Jiang Yu was somewhat disheartened, thinking he might not find the kind of person he was looking for.

Just then, a businessman in his thirties from America, using stiff Mandarin, answered, "Mr. Jiang, I believe the most important things for the Wallfacer Project are consistency and enduring execution power!"

Jiang Yu's eyes brightened, but he casually asked him to wait in the adjacent conference room for news.

Once the man stepped out, Jiang Yu hurriedly rummaged through the documents in his hand.

This American businessman, Beck Abraham, had no family background to speak of, no record of contact with the ETO, and after graduating from college, he started a business, experienced a failure, but quickly rebounded.

Presently, Beck's company was only medium sized, willing to invest ten million American dollars into the Wallfacer Project.

Throughout the rest of the interviews, Jiang Yu didn't hear the answer he was looking for.

After the interviews were finished and everyone had left, Jiang Yu had Di Fengyi call Beck into his office alone.

When Beck arrived in Jiang Yu's office, he looked confident and spirited.

With a smile, Jiang Yu asked, "You know what it means to be called here at this time, right?"

"I know," Beck answered in his altered Mandarin, "You're about to entrust me with a heavy responsibility!"