
Chapter 53 Micron-Level Psychokinesis_1

Qin Ming stared at the stunningly beautiful Ada Wong in front of him and suddenly thought of the tens of terabytes of study materials on his hard drive in his previous life.

Well, not bad, almost like the 3D anime he'd seen before.

At that moment, several mutants burst out of the passageway. They fell heavily to the ground as soon as they entered, with Qin Ming swiftly dissolving their neural cells using his telekinesis.

The events that had just unfolded, along with the scene before her, made Ada Wong realize she was dealing with an extremely dangerous individual, likely another bio-organic monster created by a bio-terrorism organization.

In her mind, she recalled several infamous bio-terrorism organizations. She had encountered ones who could release electricity and ones who could grow large and harden, but she had never seen this type of silent and invisible killing ability before.

It nearly surpassed the realm of viruses.

This top female spy had undergone special training; her combat skills far exceeded those of ordinary people, and her mental strength was also exceptionally formidable. Even in such an abnormal situation, she could quickly regain her composure.

Seeing this stranger call out her codename, Ada Wong asked in Chinese,

"Handsome guy, do we know each other? I don't think I have ever seen you."

While speaking, she covertly surveyed her surroundings, seeking a way to escape.

"I am not your enemy, Ada."

Qin Ming immediately saw through her thoughts. Knowing that the submarine was about to sink, he added, "This place is about to go down, we need to get out of here quickly."

Ada Wong shook her head, "Without authorization, neither of us can escape. It's better if you help me fend off the enemies while I obtain the submarine's authorization."

"No need for that hassle."

Qin Ming's Nano System had already infiltrated the submarine's control system and obtained authorization.

"Identity verification complete."

"Authorization granted, now unlocking."

A glint of surprise flashed in Ada Wong's eyes. Although she did not know how the man in front of her did it, she was sure of one thing: she could leave now.

"Thank you."

"Goodbye, handsome guy."

Ada Wong quickly took advantage of his distraction, pulling out a grapple-gun from her waist and shooting a hook into the spacious elevator shaft above. Then, like Spider-Man, she was hoisted upwards by the grappling line and disappeared from Qin Ming's sight in the blink of an eye.

Impressive, Ada Wong!

In the face of Ada, who showed no mercy selling him out, Qin Ming felt somewhat impressed. He stepped back twice, then forcefully launched himself upwards, seizing a slanted pipe ten meters high in mid-air with the aid of a burst of psychokinesis.

Suspended in the middle of the passage, he kicked against the wall and spun his body through the air, seizing another vertical pipe on the left side of the passage and landing stably on the torpedo launch platform, like a gymnast executing a backward somersault.

Ada Wong had reached the platform before him, and she was now entering launch commands at the launch station, hoping to escape using the submarine's torpedoes.

At this time, a call from National Security Advisor Simmons came through,

"Any exciting discoveries?"

Ada Wong, sensing the man who had followed her, curled the corner of her mouth with amusement:

"A record from half a year ago, and a man."

"What man?" That was clearly unexpected for Simmons.


"It seems you haven't grasped the situation," Simmons said from the other end.

"Let me explain to you. Tomorrow, the United States will suffer a terrorist attack, followed by Japan, and then, major cities around the globe will meet the same fate."

"And the mastermind behind it all is you, Neo Umbrella's Ada Wong!"

No sooner had he finished speaking than the steel walls at the top of the platform burst open with a loud boom, and a torrent of seawater poured in through the cracks, soaking Ada Wong's clothes.

"Simmons, you think I'll let you pin this on me?"

After saying that, Ada Wong, with a cold expression on her face, hung up the phone and glanced at the open torpedo bay door. Then she looked at Qin Ming, knowing that escape was futile and said with resignation, "Handsome, shall we go together?"

"What do you think?"

Qin Ming stepped into the torpedo bay with Ada, the propeller at the tail of the torpedo started spinning, and they shot upwards towards the surface. No sooner had they left the submarine than it collapsed under the pressure of the seawater and exploded at the bottom of the sea with a loud boom.

The torpedo moved towards the surface, the space inside the cabin was very cramped—one person would be fine, but with two, it was quite crowded.

At that moment, Ada Wong's wet figure was pressed tightly against Qin Ming, her milky white bosom faintly visible. Both could feel the other's breath.

The sexy older woman wasn't an inexperienced girl. As an advanced agent, she was worldly and joked,

"How is it? Not too bad, right?"

Upon hearing this, Qin Ming glanced at the wound on her arm:

"If by 'not too bad' you mean I'm about to be bitten to death by a woman who's turning into a zombie."

"Then yes, it's quite nice."

As Qin Ming spoke, the smile on Ada Wong's face gradually froze, and she began to breathe rapidly, struggling to check her body. That's when she discovered a minute wound on her right arm, with tiny tentacle-like growths writhing around it.

It was clear that her body was already infected with the virus.

This was not some so-called game world where being attacked by zombies only resulted in a loss of hit points.

Ada Wong hastily pulled a knife from her waist, ready to excise the rotting wound, but Qin Ming stopped her.

"The virus has already spread throughout your body via the bloodstream; it's too late to do that now."

Qin Ming's telekinetic field allowed him to see that the C-virus was rapidly proliferating within her body, swelling cells throughout her body until they burst open, releasing thousands of C-virus particles.

Trillions of cellular details from the woman's body flooded into Qin Ming's brain, and the Nano System began to operate, helping his brain handle the memory and calculations.

He had, in a real sense, seen through a woman's body.

Since his last transition, Qin Ming's ability to observe and manipulate with telekinesis had evolved further, going from millimeter level to micron level. To put it in perspective, a micron is one-thousandth of a millimeter. A typical biological cell measures in microns, a common flu virus is 0.1 microns, and human red blood cells are 8 microns.

His telekinetic field had turned him into a human-shaped, walking optical microscope, which, theoretically, could dismantle and reassemble a person at the cellular level.

His last transition had increased his telekinesis from lifting 1 kg to 10 kg, and this time it had enhanced his manipulation scale.

This made Qin Ming look forward to what his next transition might bring. If he could reach the molecular and atomic level, creating objects out of thin air and crafting nuclear bombs with his bare hands would be a piece of cake.

Snapping back to reality, Qin Ming looked at Ada Wong before him, wondering whether to experiment with his evolved telekinesis using her.