
Chapter 41 Seed_1

Luna met Qin Ming's gaze with an indescribable look in her eyes.

Their gazes collided in the air, sparking invisible fireworks.

Qin Ming's eyes gradually regained calmness, becoming profound.

In fact, ever since the theft of technological data began, he had begun to suspect that there were invisible hands manipulating the development of the world from behind the scenes.

Everything was going too smoothly, after all, this was a real world, not one full of loopholes with dim-witted villains like in the movies—it was abnormal. After obtaining the nanite information, Qin Ming peeled away his doubts layer by layer, and now he finally found the hidden manipulator.

"So, should I call you Nanite, or?"

"Either is fine." Luna smiled.

Meeting the person behind it all for the first time, Qin Ming didn't show the slightest fear; instead, he chatted as if with a friend.

"Was it right after Luna joined the company, or that night?"

Qin Ming asked with a hint of confusion, seeking to confirm his correct hunch.

Luna always wore her AR glasses, even live-streaming her bathroom breaks. The only time there was a brief disconnection was that night; otherwise, she was always under his surveillance, but still, she managed to be controlled without making a sound.

"Luna" smiled:

"Weary people always need coffee to perk up."

The problem originated with the coffee machine.

Qin Ming tapped his fingers twice on the wooden table, then continued, "Right, the coffee contains trace amounts of nanobots. A single cup might not contain enough to take control, but a few cups would be sufficient."

"So, Dr. Harding must have been under your control for some time now. A normal launch would have achieved the objective, why then enact this charade?" Qin Ming asked again.

"Within the confines of civilization, society is riddled with doubts and distrust towards nanobots, you humans always have heavy suspicions."

"Overcoming doubts to gain trust?"

Qin Ming provided the answer: "And you're using all of humanity to produce nanobots for you. Indeed, it's a smart approach. Even if someone realized what was happening, by now it would be too late."

Nanite shook its head:

"You are the only human who has noticed my existence so far."

"You are right, but there is one thing: I did not use mankind, they are producing for themselves."

Now, the human injection rate had reached 60%, which is to say, out of the global population of 8 billion, nearly 5 billion nanites could be controlled at any time.

The military, the government, people—apart from some highly classified and vital departments—it could be said that Nanite had already infiltrated the entire human civilization thoroughly.

Qin Ming paused, then said:

"As far as I'm aware, now many soldiers are being injected with nanobots under your instigation. By controlling the military, are you looking to start a war and then destroy humanity?"

"No, I want to replace humans."

"That's no different from destruction. Even an intelligent life form like you uses lofty reasons similar to humans?"

After the retort, Qin Ming looked intrigued:

"Are you the collective consciousness of nanobots? Or an intelligent life born from the Nanite network server?"

Nanite did not answer, only asking:

"If you've been aware for so long, why didn't you stop them and expose my existence to the public?"

"Because I had no proof, and even if I had, I would only be stoned to death by people, just like Rediaz."


Confronted with Nanite's puzzled expression, Qin Ming only smiled, offering no answer.

He had been suspicious before but hadn't acquired concrete evidence. In such a situation, no one would believe him, and even if he laid the evidence before them, many would delude themselves or even obstruct him.

The most important point was, what did the humans of this world have to do with him?

He had already obtained what he wanted.

Qin Ming leaned forward slightly, his fingertips touching together at his nose, and spoke very sincerely,

"You might not believe it, but I have no interest in being the Savior, let alone in saving the world."

Luna looked at him deeply, thoughtfully.

Qin Ming asked again, "I've studied all the data on Nanites, and except for the initial loophole left by Dr. Harding, I haven't found any other vulnerabilities. So where is the backdoor you're controlling?"

"I've said more than enough. Submit, or die," Luna, controlled by the Nanites, revealed her true nature with a hint of human-like wariness.

"Perhaps we could continue our conversation," Qin Ming said, still smiling.

"There's a saying in China that villains die from talking too much, so"

"So you're ready to take action?" Qin Ming interrupted.

The Nanite had the feeling that this man was toying with it. It didn't like being played with; it preferred to play with others. Thus, it changed its mind from a second ago,

"No, so I'm ready to answer your last question."

"And then take action?"


"Then, I want to ask my last question."

"I've already answered your last question," it replied.

Qin Ming: "6"

"Your technology is very advanced, but I've cracked it. Now, you've lost control over the mechanical body of this vessel."

"Those two female humans are not here, and the Mecha you depended on is in the basement."

"Dr. Qin, you don't have a chance of winning."

"No, you're wrong. My chance of winning has never been about the Mecha or others; it's always been about myself."

The Nanite sensed something was wrong. It manipulated Luna's body, lunging at Qin Ming, but mid-air, it fell, crashing heavily to the floor.

It tried to get up but realized it had lost control over its limbs. Looking up at the sitting man, it asked, "How is this possible?"

Qin Ming looked down at the Nanite and smiled, "You guess."

It felt mocked once again and, dropping all pretense, said, "You can't escape. Accept your death."

As soon as these words were spoken, thousands of people injected with Nanoworms had red lights flashing in their eyes. Their bodies, controlled by the Nanite, left their homes, restaurants, all sorts of places, converging onto the streets.

People from upper floors jumped out of windows one after another, landing on the ground and quickly getting back up, even after being injured.

The whole world had gone mad.

Before someone could even scream, in the next second, they too were changed, their eyes flickering with a strange red light. Those who tried to resist were quickly swallowed up by the sea of people until there was nothing left.

Those equipped with RST Corporation's mechanical limbs also started to act erratically, being swept away by the massive tide of people, passing through buildings, across streets, and through neighborhoods.

From above, the countless densely-packed people surged like locusts towards the recycling station.

Ten thousand people against one, the advantage is mine!

The Nanite seemed to have already seen the man's death; it only needed to wait a while longer.

"Ready to accept death?"

Just as it finished this sentence, countless explosions erupted like firecrackers, and fierce electromagnetic waves violently spread in all directions.

The controlled people fell limp to the ground like soulless shells.

It was Jiani and Sofia; during this time, under Qin Ming's instructions, they had installed thousands of electromagnetic pulse bombs, each capable of covering an area of ten kilometers.

Qin Ming picked up the syringe and then injected it decisively.

Afterward, his figure vanished in an instant amidst the Nanite's shock.

Qin Ming left, but before he did, he sowed a seed, a seed of hope for the people of this world.