
Chapter 11 Along the River_1

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Hmm, in the river, in the river, it should be one million for one piece.

Moreover, Dr. Qin said to sell for at least one million, so let's start by selling that bag for two hundred million!

Thinking it over, Ross turned to look at Thomas, giving his price.

"Two hundred million US dollars."


At that number, Thomas's old face twisted with anger, and he almost cursed out loud on the spot. That was way too much, even darker than his own business dealings, selling a bag of chocolate beans for two hundred million US dollars! Did he think he was a fool?

"I don't have that much money, and I don't think this bag of chocolate beans is worth two hundred million US dollars. It might sell for 20 US dollars in a supermarket outside."

"Three hundred million US dollars."

"The price is negotiable, isn't it? Why did it go up instead?"

The old man puffed out his beard and glared.

"Four hundred million US dollars."

"Does anyone do business like this!!!"

The old man was going crazy.

"Five hundred million US dollars."

"Alright, alright, stop raising it, two hundred million US dollars it is, I'll transfer it to you right now."

In the end, Thomas compromised, thinking that the so-called selling was just a front, and he was definitely being blackmailed.

Seeing the money arrive in his account, Ross suddenly found the old man in front of him more pleasing to the eye, grinning and pointing a gun at his head.

"Eat it now, or I'll blow your brains out."

xxx you xxx.

Thomas had a storm of thoughts racing through his mind, and reluctantly, he picked up the chocolate and ate it with difficulty.

He didn't know if it was poisoned, but it was truly sweet.

Once Ross confirmed he had eaten it, he stuffed an unregistered phone number into Thomas's pajama pocket:

"This is the contact. We provide the goods, you provide the channels. You help us sell, and we'll give you a two percent commission."

After saying that, he untied him and then led his people away from there.

Seeing the group leave, Thomas hastily tried to induce vomiting by gagging himself, but he couldn't bring anything up despite his throat hurting. When he ran to the highway to look for someone to borrow a phone to dial 911, the effects of the drug began to kick in.

"This feeling, it's really nice."

Thomas's murky eyes flashed with a spark of intelligence, and a brilliant smile spread across his wrinkled face.

He felt his mind revert to that of his younger years, no, even smarter than when he was young.

His mind was clear, and his thinking became exceptionally sharp; he suddenly understood many things about business.

They were actually telling the truth!

Having lived for several decades, the sharp Thomas sensed a business opportunity, looking at the chocolate medicine he bought for two hundred million US dollars with gleaming eyes, as if he had found a gold mine.

No, this kind of super drug must be controlled solely by the Thomas family.

Thomas managed to borrow a phone, but he didn't call 911. Instead, he dialed that number.

"I believe what you said, I can help you sell, but I want exclusive sales rights!"

"Sure, as long as you dutifully transfer the money into the account."

"Don't play any tricks, otherwise, we can switch to someone else to sell at any time."


Ross hung up the phone, his face relaxed, and then he dialed the number to report the news to Qin Ming.

Qin Ming, of course, had already seen the extra two hundred million US dollars in the account, and he was still a bit surprised, curious about how Ross had negotiated the deal.

Upon hearing the response on the other end of the phone, he understood.

One guy who hadn't heard clearly quoted a million dollars per pill, and another thought the price was quite reasonable, so the transaction was settled.

This left Qin Ming somewhat melancholic, and he uttered a phrase that left Ross scratching his head.

"Having both a Sleeping Dragon and a Young Phoenix in the team at the same time, Doctor, I am truly comforted."

After he hung up the phone, Qin Ming transferred one hundred million dollars from his private account to Ross, instructing him to purchase the necessary equipment and supplies for the base. The rest was to be kept as operating funds.

Ross followed the instructions, splitting his forces in two. He had Jerry from his team take three people to buy equipment and supplies, while he and Laru's group continued to deal with Thomas.

Meanwhile, Thomas had returned to his own estate, impatiently picking up the phone and using his connections to make sales calls.

The people he was selling to were all part of the upper-class elite; the drug's price was too steep for ordinary people to afford even if they liquidated everything they had.

"Hey Buffett, I've got a miracle drug here. Old pal, take it and you'll be a hundred times smarter, it's the genuine article, and I guarantee you'll be unbeatable in the stock market."

"Oh Musk, I wouldn't sell it for a million dollars a piece, you know. I paid two million dollars for it myself. Here's the deal, seeing as we've been pals for years, I won't make a penny on it and will sell it to you at cost. How's that for friendship?"

Swindling half from strangers and making a killing from acquaintances, Thomas was indeed a qualified cunning businessman.

Besides consuming and selling the drug, he also sent a few pills, which looked like chocolate beans, for research to see if he could produce them himself.

If he could replicate it, the market would be guaranteed.

However, Thomas's actions were destined to be futile. Whatever he could think of, Qin Ming had already considered; nzt-48 was a compound drug, making it difficult to reverse-engineer the synthesis method from the finished product.

To prevent any unforeseen circumstances, Qin Ming had also added many seemingly similar drugs and performed special encryption processes on them. Decrypting them without several years to do so would be impossible.

In just a few days, news of the miracle drug fermented among the upper-class rich circles, where they dubbed it the Hand of God.

Once someone ingested the Hand of God, they would have what seemed like an endless stream of inspiration and thinking, even though each pill only lasted 36 hours.

It was synonymous with the ability to "turn stone into gold."

Some sought to unravel it but found it exceedingly difficult, and among its ingredients was a mysterious natural compound that seemed nearly impossible to synthesize artificially.

With no alternative, they chose to purchase it with money.

In this way, countless amounts of capital began to flow into Qin Ming's hands at a rapid pace via Thomas's connections and the nzt-48 pills.

This explosive profit made many envious, each scrambling to investigate the source of the miracle drug through their own channels.

In a villa in the city center.

An older man in his fifties leaned back in his chair, puffing on an expensive cigar while gently stroking the flower cat on his lap.

A man in a suit standing next to him passed the drug respectfully into his hands.

He was a well-known mob boss in the United States, called the Godfather.

"Is this the Hand of God?"

The Godfather pinched the pill that looked like a chocolate bean, examining it for a moment before popping it into his mouth and savoring its taste.

"Hmm, tastes no different from a chocolate bean."

After the drug took effect, a barely perceptible smile formed on the corner of his mouth.


"Since they're not making a move, I might as well be the one to take the lead and see just how capable the person behind this is."

The Godfather stood by the window with his hands clasped behind his back, his eyes shining brightly as he gazed out into the night.