
Threads : Where fate entwines

"Escalabus rev" were the final words of my grandmother. As she lay on her deathbed, her eyes were a myriad of colors like the rainbow. This scenario had been troubling me for a long while now until he found me in the bustling streets of Sif'ur, he introduced me to a bizarre world I never thought existed. A world filled with many hidden dangers, a world where the supernatural graces the lands, deities reign supreme, mortals are blessed or rather cursed with bizarre abilities called, The Konquerors pathways. My name is Timothy, and this is the story of how I altered the fates of everyone in the mortal planes, and a journey to uncover the reason why weavers of fate are so obsessed with me. "The stars are extremely sad tonight, as if they're wailing out to me. It's like a piece of me is lost within the stars, crying out. Every day, I sit like this, gazing at the stars with a sad smile... a lonely stargazer."

SHADOW_IV · แฟนตาซี
28 Chs


Josh had his hands on Timothy's temples, his eyes shut, his face covered in sweat, and his sleeves folded. Opening his eyes, Josh seemed confused, but it wasn't for long as a small hand reached for his. "You can't find him?" Mahome'i asked. Josh nodded before raising his head to look at her. "I tried, but his consciousness is not in his body. Are you sure you destroyed the seed of drought?" Josh asked. Mahome'i quietly nodded, seemingly trying to think of an explanation for this case.

As they were both lost in thought, Timothy stirred, and they both caught the small movement. Josh observed Timothy expectantly, and when he saw him open his eyes slowly, he released a breath of relief. "Welcome back, Moirai." Josh spoke with a small smile, but then the smile turned into a frown. Timothy, who had just opened his eyes, seemed lost.

"Moirai, can you hear me?" Josh asked after noticing Timothy's absent gaze. Timothy nodded slowly, but his eyes were still fixed on the unfamiliar ceiling. Mahome'i observed quietly from the side, her eyes reflecting the fear she silently had - fear of Timothy rejecting her goodwill.

After a few breaths, Timothy tried sitting up on the bed. Josh quickly moved to help him sit, and after he was done, he observed Timothy. Timothy took in the strange surroundings, his eyes flickering with a strong intensity. Josh noticed this but didn't want to disturb the boy in his fragile state, so he quietly observed and made a few mental notes, waiting for Timothy to snap out of it and start talking.

Timothy's mouth opened as if he had words he wished to relay, but it closed back again, the words seemingly lost in his mouth. "Take a deep breath, then talk," Josh advised. Timothy closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and asked, "What do you know of guardian beasts?" Josh's eyes widened, caught off guard by Timothy's question, but he quickly replaced the expression with one of deep contemplation.

After a short pause, Josh spoke up, "Your question caught me off guard, Moirai, but I will do my best to answer you." He looked straight into Timothy's eyes, which were fixed on him with an expectant gaze. "Guardian beasts, or as we call them, spirit guides, are beings made out of the essence of what we call the 'Source'. They are created for the sole purpose of guiding specific individuals. They are very strong and have a very commanding spiritual presence like no other, because the planet they stem from is the gateway between the mortal planes and the spiritual planes."

Josh paused, collecting his thoughts before continuing. "The four superior races of spiritual guides are Dragons, Basilisks, Griffins, and-" Timothy interjected, his voice calm, "and Dire wolves." Josh nodded in shock, "Yes, and Dire wolves. These are the four most powerful races of spiritual guides. They are made to guide specific individuals, but there are also rituals that are used to summon them and forcefully bind a mortal to them. However, those rituals usually require a sacrifice, and the person bound to the guide needs a tremendous amount of Arcanum to feed it. Otherwise, the guide will feed on their life essence."

Timothy listened intently, his eyes never leaving Josh's face. After Josh finished speaking, Timothy asked, "I see. So, now tell me about the true Veilstones." Josh shook his head, his expression serious. "Some things are better not spoken aloud. Walls have ears." Timothy understood the hint and nodded, deciding to let it go.

However, he asked another question, his eyes filled with a sense of desperation. "But tell me, Josh, have you ever had a dream where you found yourself in another world, inhabiting the body of another creature, and living the creature's life? I know this sounds crazy, but please answer me." Josh nodded, his expression understanding. "I know what you speak of, but I have never experienced it myself. The art you're talking about is Dreamwalking, or as they call it in the organization, spirit wandering."

Josh's eyes narrowed slightly. "I suspect you have experienced Dreamwalking?" Timothy nodded slowly, his expression confused. "Yes, but tell me, why is it a forbidden art?" Josh's face turned grave. "Dreamwalking is a very dangerous art that is hard to master. If you fail in traversing that dream, then that means you will either die or be lost wandering around for the rest of eternity. And if any of the two occurs, then your body will be the gate where other terrifying beings, ancient horrors, will enter our world and wreak havoc."

Josh's expression turned grave. "So, I'm really glad that you are safe and sound. You don't want to know how worried I was." Timothy rolled his eyes at the last part of Josh's sentence.

Josh asked, his voice filled with suspicion, "Now, tell me, Moirai, where did you learn the art of Dreamwalking?" Timothy shook his head, "I don't know, it just happened. I was scared; everything seemed so real, and...and...I don't know what to do." Timothy's words were laced with fear and tiredness.

Josh observed him for a bit, then nodded, "Do not worry, you are safe now." Mahome'i, who had been sitting quietly behind Josh, suddenly moved, her small hand raised up. "Hey," she spoke with a strange nervousness.

Timothy raised his head, his eyes locking onto a small girl with deep red eyes and pale white skin covered in Josh's coat. Beautiful strands of emerald hair cascaded down her back. "I know you," Timothy blurted out, surprising Josh.

The young girl smiled, "Yes, you do. I saved you." She answered with excitement in her tone. Looking at the young girl's smile, Timothy couldn't help but give her a smile of his own. "Thank you, Mahome'i?" Timothy's statement ended up coming out as a question when he realized he had just called out the girl's name with no memory of her introducing herself before.

Mahome'i's smile widened, "My pleasure, Mí'tûr." Timothy's eyes widened in shock, she had caught him by surprise.