
Threads Of Fate -Xenko.ly

Fenghua, an ordinary teenager is brought to the nation of clouds to save the kingdom. He has to fulfil the prophecy or will the civilisations still be in immortal pain? Original novel still by Xenko.ly in Wattpad- Threads of Fate

Ade_Xenko · แฟนตาซี
4 Chs


The hero's legacy

How many tears do you shed up there,

O' ancient nation of clouds?

Through the curse of immortality you bear,

Weeping with the new-crowned.

Your kingdom is in pain,

But the burden alone is too much to hold.

Every solution is in vain,

Just watch the prophecy unfold.

O' Emperor your worlds in danger,

Your citizens are turning crazy with no aid.

Face the peril, to cease your anger,

Soon, your lives's will fade.

Thus emperor, your hero shall come,

Your grand and mighty saviour.

But my lord, everything comes with a hefty sum,

All we ask is a very simple favour.

The hero's purest blood, represents power,

And the emperor's treasured tears.

With a crystalline white flower,

If this is done wrong, everyone shall cower with fear.

Death for the hero shall be upheld,

As they failed their honour.

But if protection is wield,

Fate will decide on this loner.

Your last chance, o' great lord,

Make this destiny accurate.

If you shall stay true to your word,

Your citizens are finally free of this fate.

Your lesson is learned,

Soon, loyalty is solemnly sworned.

Now, hope shall be returned,

And the world of clouds shall be mourned.