
Threads Of Fate -Xenko.ly

Fenghua, an ordinary teenager is brought to the nation of clouds to save the kingdom. He has to fulfil the prophecy or will the civilisations still be in immortal pain? Original novel still by Xenko.ly in Wattpad- Threads of Fate

Ade_Xenko · แฟนตาซี
4 Chs

Authors Notes

Note 1:

This novel may contain swear words and inappropriate language. Recommended age: 13+

Note 2:

This novel may contain gore and death. Recommended age: 12+

Note 3:

This novel is has bl (boy love) content, if your uncomfortable with that, please don't read this novel. Recommended age: 14+

Note 4:

The names are in a different language, which is Chinese. I apologise for the unusual name choice.

More notes may be added on later, but furthermore, please give it a read. Hope you enjoy it!