

Small, fragile, and unique, I saw snowflakes fall as my body lay on the snow. Comforting and soft, a snowflake falls on my head and melts from my warmth. I sit on a snowy hill mesmerized by the falling snow from the sky. I glanced to the side, hearing muffled footsteps.

"So you're the one who saved me, right?" I saw the icy bird walking toward me as it has a calm face. I give it a head pat.

"Thank you for saving me." The bird nods. I feel gusts of cold wind behind me.

"Ugh, It's him again," I thought. The man sat beside me, in his hands, he held some bread, broke some off, and then gave it to me. I eat the bread with spite, thinking it was going to be dry and tasteless. As the bread hit my tongue, I felt as if heaven was in this dish. The texture is tender and soft, and the taste is roasted and floury. I feel as if my body has been completely nourished, and the heavens blessed my soul with these grains created with the finest flour, the greatest yeast, and the purest ocean salt.

" What the hell are you doing? You're eating it, not marrying bread," the elder said in disappointment. I mumble with my mouth full of bread.

"What do you want from me?" As I chew and swallow the bread. I pout at him.

"Come back to the hut, there is something I want to inform you about," he tells me as he stands up and walks back. I hesitated to follow as the last time I was in there with him, my stomach and gut got crushed, and I was thrown into the air at blistering speeds. Something hit my back and flew over me. I caught the object that was thrown at me. It was bread. I devour the bread in my hands as if it was the greatest divine crea-.

"Stop daydreaming about having bread as your consort and get your ass over here." I walk back to the hut as I signal the bird to follow me. The bird flies behind me. I open the door to a nice relaxing hut, the fire burning, and the scent of tea and biscuits passes my nose.

"Care for tea?" As he smoothly pours the tea into a cup. I sit parallel to him. He offers tea and biscuits as a warm start before the discussion. I politely accept the tea. The golden brown color of the tea shines as I sip it. The sweet and savory taste was delectable as its fresh fragrance. I bite the biscuit, and the sweet and salty taste assaults my tongue as the crunchy texture is delicious.

"May we discuss business?" He asks as he folds his hands. He gazes at me with his cold eyes.

"Shall I ask you your name?" I boldly say. With the thought of death lingering in my mind. He sighs.

"Of course, you ask." He shakes his head as he sighs.

"I am Isveig, Lord of Iskela, God of Frostbite, former hell icicle sipher, assent by Radania and Chiave, froze the everliving flame inside the core of a Flamberost, nice to meet you." Some words were unfamiliar.

"sipher? Flamberost? God? What are those?" His eyes widened, stunned as if realizing I was not who he thought it was. As I was about to open my mouth, a torturous pain burst from my heart, blood splatter my mouth, my head wanted to erupt, and the veins in my eyes popped out. A small voice came out as I tried to say.

"What *gasp* did you *gasp* do to me?" I look at Isveig.

"Help *gasp* me *gasp*." As I reach out my arm at him. I feel as if my arms were pulled by him. He rushed while dragging me on the snow-layered ground. Moments later, he flings me into the air, and then I fall into water. The freezing water nullified the pain while I was holding onto life. The pain in my veins subdues, and I return to the pond's surface. I see Isveig standing at the edge with his cold face. I scream to him.

"Why did you poison me?!" He responds curiously.

"Whose child are you from?" I lash out at him.

"Why did you poison me?!" Ready to rush at him again. He tells me.

"Go sit on top of that rock if you want to control the poison and live." I refuse.

"Why should I? You almost killed me! Twice!" He screams.

"Go if you value your life, damn coffee hair." I swim and sit on the rock. I scream.

"What now?" He responds.

"Meditate and be patient." I scoff and wonder why that would do anything. Nevertheless, I meditate. Moments passed when waves of freezing water were burdened onto my back. I flinch at the sudden cold liquid that wets my body. My adrenaline rose and blood flow circulation increased. In the distance, I hear.

"Meditate you, bastard, don't just sit there!"

"Fine!" I shrug off my anger and proceed to meditate. As I close my eyes and gain serenity. I take a deep breath as I control the heartbeat and blood flow of my entire body. I focus on resisting the icy waterfall flow on me. A frozen land came to my mind while I meditated. In the middle of the land, a frozen sphere is seen floating and spinning. As I walk towards it, random patterns of snow is created beneath my steps. The sphere creates a shape of a snowflake as it speaks to me with a young tone.

"Greetings, sipher. I am the core power of the realm of Iskela. I am not what you call beast or god, for I am a blessing that neither can find. Thou is unique, one which I have not seen or known. Shall you assent my boon you will be blessed by the potency of frost. Thou shalt speak about this to none other than my kin." I respond with curiosity.

"For what is thy kin called?" The snowflake changes its form to a beautiful young white fluffy hair girl. It reminds one as it was snow. Cold look on her face as her pale gown completes her beauty. She stands in front of me, looking up at me.

"My kin is named Vivalion, for I am the Vivalion of Ice. My kin is created as the shadows of what call gods. We are the combination of the abilities used by gods. We grow stronger when gods use their powers or create a generation after them. But we do not wish, nor are we able to falter the rule of gods. We can not escape this plane of power. Nevertheless, I sense you are different. A deep, if not dark, history lay hidden inside your mind." I answer.

"What is it?" She denies my answer.

"No mortal, not yet. For thou will find the answer in a different plane of power. Regardless, does thou accept my gift of power?" I ask unknowingly.

"How do I accept such a blessing from a Vivalion?" She answers kindly.

"Just repeat such saying: I assent the blessings from the Vivalion of Ice for I shall accept the position and role as the vessel of the cores of Vivalions," I repeat such a saying with grace.

"I assent the blessings from the Vivalion of Ice for I shall accept the position and role as the vessel of the cores of Vivalions," she puts her hand on my forward and recites an incantation.

"I shall inform the other Vivalion of your new role as vessel also." she puts her hand above my head and then grabs the back of my neck. She smiles and says.

"You are that bad looking yourself, your shining golden eyes are not something anyone can have, I don't mind having you as my consort" She grabs my chin and then pulls me closer to her.

"Just remember, I'm the one that gave you your first blessing. Never forget that, understand me?"

"I-" She leans forward, and I can feel her lips touching mine, the soft and cold feel of the kiss touching my soul as it engraved a mark of possession. I put my hands on her shoulder and then push her back. My cheeks turn red as my heart beats hasten. I tell her quickly.

"Thank you for the blessing, I have to go. So yeah, until we meet again." I release myself from her and then return to my consciousness. I hear a faint whiny noise while going back.