
Those He Left Behind

Mona is living a decent life with her older brother, Ken and their friends. However, that would all change the day Ken gets sucked into a mysterious portal. Now, Mona has to figure out what happened to him and if he's even okay.

Conor_Hehr · แฟนตาซี
20 Chs

The Nerd And The Monsters

"Where we're heading," he said, "the monsters are going to-"

"You've gotta be kidding-" I started.

"We're a-almost there." said Vera.

It didn't take that long to approach a grey house that wasn't too large or too big. In front was a tall woman with very light brown hair that went a bit more than halfway down her back and it was obvious that she was taking good care of it. Up close, we could see that she had dark grey eyes. In her hands she was holding a broom, since she was sweeping. She stopped when she noticed us.

"Vera?" she said, "It's been some time since I've seen you."

"Y-yeah." responded Vera.

Before anyone said anything, the woman had her arms around Vera and was squeezing her.

"A-Aunt Rosa!" exclaimed Vera, "I-It hurts!"

The woman let go.

"Sorry," she said, "I got carried away."

"Is Frederica here?" asked Vera, holding out the stack of papers, "these are for her."

"Yeah, she's inside." answered Rosa, "You can all go in."

Without any words, all of us just went inside the house. Vera led us down a short hallway that wasn't very far from the entrance and knocked on a door on the right side.

"Mom, I'm busy." someone said.

"I-I'm not your Mom." responded Vera.

A few seconds later, the door opened slowly and we could see a girl, who looked like she didn't really take that much care of herself.

"What do you want?" she asked, seeming angry.

"Th-this is for you." said Vera, handing Frederica the stack of papers.

"Tch." she said, "Homework? Why would I need this? I'm not even going to school."

"Well," I said, "our teacher told us to bring them to you anyways."

"You're Mona, aren't you?" she said.

"That is what my parents named me, yes." I replied.

"So what was it like when that portal appeared?" she asked with her eyes lighting up.

"Why do you need to know?" I asked.

"Come on," she said, "that guy who disappeared was your brother, wasn't he?"

"I don't see what that has to do with you." I responded.

"Why don't YOU tell us what YOU know." suggested Matt.

"Hey, I'm the one that wants to know stuff." said Frederica.

"Are you finished yet?" asked Sheldon, "We've got more important stuff to worry about."

"You're that guy that came out of the portal!" responded Frederica, whose eyes lit up again.

"You're drooling." commented Justin, "That's pretty gross."

"Weren't you doing that earlier?" I asked.

Frederica wiped her mouth with her sleeve.

"Sorry about that." said Frederica, "So, weird guy, what can you tell me about the portal?"

"All I can say about the one I came from is I saw someone passing through in the other direction," said Sheldon, "I don't know how or why it appeared."

"That's all?" she said, seeming disappointed.

"My sources have said that-" he started.

Suddenly, a large hole was blasted into the wall of Frederica's room. The one responsible was a giant ant.

"Oh God." I said.

"Oh, this is so interesting." commented Justin, who had his tongue out and was writing furiously in his notebook.

"Shit." said Sheldon, "It's already started."

"Oh my God. It's huge." commented Frederica.

"Stay back," said Sheldon, who suddenly had a sword.

"Where did you even get that!?" exclaimed Matt.

"Are we gonna die?" asked Vera.

The next thing I knew, Sheldon started to run towards the ant. He jumped and swung his sword, but the ant dodged. But Sheldon didn't give up. He kept on swinging, hoping to land a hit. Despite that, every hit was missing.

"Your attacks aren't hitting." commented Justin.

"Shut up!" exclaimed Sheldon, "I'm doing the best I can!"

"Well, I don't see YOU fighting that thing." I said.

The ant makes its way further into Frederica's room, destroying her desk and computer.

"No!" she exclaimed, "...Oh, well. At least I have most of my research files backed up online."

"You guys, get out of here!" exclaimed Sheldon.

"R-right!" I said.

I grabbed Vera's hand, who grabbed her cousin's and we ran out of the room with Matt and Justin following.

"You guys sure were making a lot of noise," said Rosa who was coming inside, "What are you-"

After that, behind us, she could see Sheldon fighting the ant. She didn't say anything else though because she fainted. When we ran out the front door, all we could see was total chaos. There were fires throughout the neighborhood and all kinds of strange creatures. A handful were large insects or reptiles and then there were a few slimes.

"What the hell is going on here?" I said.

We heard a loud squishing sound after that and then we turned around to see Sheldon, but no ant. He had defeated it.

"Well, that's taken care of now." he said.

"I think we've got something else to worry about now." I said.

"Oh, this is definitely going to make a great story." commented Justin, who was drooling and writing in his notebook.

Sheldon stepped outside, still holding his sword. It didn't take him much longer for him to drop it on the ground.

"This is way worse than I imagined." said Sheldon.