
Chapter 887 Unpleasant Conversation

This night, Gu Fan walked home, drinking and humming a tune while kicking any cans he saw on the ground.

If Qian Ye saw Gu Fan like this, she would definitely suspect that the space-time door they destroyed before was a fake, or perhaps Gu Fan and David had found a way to rebuild the space-time door.

As Gu Fan was three hundred meters away from the old house, he stopped in his tracks, standing there and staring at the hunter who seemed to have been waiting for him for a long time.

"Hello, Gu Fan, this is our second meeting, isn't it?" The hunter's tone was very cold, not at all suggesting a friendly encounter.

Gu Fan felt that the other person came with ill intentions and cautiously asked, "Are you that what, the bane of vampires?"

The hunter, slightly annoyed at the mistaken title, immediately corrected, "Vampire Hunter?"

"Isn't a hunter just another word for bane? Is there a difference?" Gu Fan purposely obfuscated, wanting to see if he could disrupt the other's composure.