
Thorns & Roses

"I'm sor-" I was about to apologize when he cuts me off saying "watch it! you're definitely ogling me which tells me you've got eyes so use them" "Well I don't see you moving about with a jetpack which tells me you don't own the place so don't act all high and mighty with me". I counter back. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ After the tragic loss of her only brother, Jessica Smith's life comes crashing down before her eyes. As if the world is against her, she gets sexually harassed and gets bullied for it. She decides to move to a new country with a new identity to have a fresh start but things don't go as planned. Instead old memories begin to resurface Meet Blake Adams, the number one hot, notorious bad boy of Ridgevale High. Not to mention he's a player; cocky, rude, arrogant and closed off. Apart from running, he resorts to sex as his other means of distraction. Blake has a secret up his sleeve that no one knows about and would like to keep it that way. What happens when Jessica and Blake cross paths? FIND OUT IN THORNS AND ROSES

Zainaab_Augie · วัยรุ่น
3 Chs


I ran as fast as I could, to the extent my legs started aching. When I reached the park, I took a seat on the bench. Old memories started flooding my brain. I switched off my phone and put in my pocket.


I was sat in the living room, alone as I was used to. Since I lost my brother, Adrian only attended the funeral and never gave me a call, or came to see me. He even stopped speaking to me at school. Which is my fault because I pushed everyone away. It's been 3 months now and we haven't said a word to each other. Does our relationship still exist? I thought to myself.

I picked up the phone and called Adrian. He answered on the third ring.

"Hello?" He said. I never realised I missed him that much till i heard his voice.

"Jess? You there?"

"Umm....Adrian are you busy?" I asked

"Are you alright Jess?" He asked in a panicked but caring manner

"Can you please come over?" I asked

"Is everything okay? Why are you crying".

I reached out to touch my face, only then did I realise I was actually crying.

"I'll be there in 10. Okay?" He said

"Alright" I hung up and sat waiting anxiously for him to arrive.

I desperately needed someone's company as loneliness was seeping it's way into me. I couldn't call Sophie because I can't face her. My parents aren't here and I've cut off all my friends leaving Adrian to be my last option. Adrian is the best boyfriend you could ever ask for. He has the body, the looks, he plays football, he treats me well and he's definitely good in bed, but I've realised that Adrian hasn't been supportive in the least possible way since Luca left us. We've rather been very distant.

I bolted to the door as I heard him pulling up in the driveway. I opened the door, ran out and tackled him in a bone crushing hug.

He chuckled "whoaa, easy there Jess."

I let go of him but held onto his hand and pulled him inside.

I was already crying. He wiped my face and pulled me in for a hug. He pulled me to the couch and placed me on his lap. He didn't say a word as I buried my head in his chest and cried. He waited for me patiently till I was done. This was what i needed and the only person capable of doing that for me is Adrian. I wiped my face before I reached out to cup his face in my hands, going in for a kiss.

I pulled away after a while.

"Do you want to talk about it?" He asked.

"Not really."

I laid my head on his lap and relished the feeling of him stroking my hair.

"I'm sorry I made you come all the way here. You might've been busy."

"I'll always have time for you. You know that."


He kept on stroking my hair till I fell asleep on his lap. I woke up to the smell of pancakes. I made my way to the kitchen and saw Adrian in nothing but sweatpants. There's nothing better than a half naked guy who knows his way around the kitchen. He turned around, catching me staring. A mischievous smirk made it way on his face.

"Hey" I said

"Morning. I made breakfast." He handed me a glass of water with lemon in it.

"Thanks" i said sitting down on the stool.

I watched him do his thing, the muscles in his back flexing. He turned around and gave me a smile and got two plates which he set on the dining table. He motioned for me to take a seat and went back to get the plate which has the pancakes and also got orange juice with 2 glasses. He served the eggs and bacon on both our plates. He sat facing me and began eating. I was too busy staring to notice that he stopped eating and was smirking.

"Are you actually going to eat or are you going to keep staring at me"

"Right"  i said having no other thing to say.

I began eating but I could feel his gaze on me. I didn't look at him, I just kept on eating till he spoke up.





"Jess can you please look at me?"

I raised my head up and looked into his eyes.

"Can you please not act weird with me. I'm your boyfriend and I don't need my girlfriend acting strange with me"

"It'sjust that it's been three months and since we weren't in contact, I didn't know where we stood. I wasn't sure if I was your girlfriend or not." I spoke

"I don't want you thinking like that. You are my girlfriend and the only reason I didn't reach out to you is because I knew you were hurting and needed your space"

"I'm sorry I made you doubt our relationship"  he said

"No. If anything I'm the one to be sorry for doubting our relationship" I said

"Come here"

I picked up my plate and sat on his lap. We fed each other and did the dishes together.

His phone rang, and he picked up.

"Yeah.....sure. I'm on my way"

"Babe, I have to leave now. I have practice."

"It's okay. Thanks for coming though. I slept and ate more than I have in a while" I said giving him a tight lipped smile.

"Don't mention it. I'll see you at school right?"


He leaned in and gave me a kiss before leaving.

**End of flashback**

Tears were flowing endlessly from my eyes. Memories with Adrian were always bittersweet. I really miss what we had.

Breathe in, hold.....1, 2, 3....Breathe out.

After I composed myself, I decided to sit and watch the stars. I was hearing the rustling of leaves. From the distance I could make out the figure of a male running towards my direction. I began to panic, not knowing what to do. The closer he got, the more I could have a better view of him. Blue eyes, jet black hair,lip ring...wait, lip ring?

I stare at him in shock

"You.....again" we both said in unison.

"So is this what you do now, sneak up on innocent people in the park at night?". I asked

"Forget about me, what are doing here by this time?"

"Just enjoying what nature has to offer" I shrugged

"You?" I asked

"On a run" he answered briefly

We both sat back down on the bench keeping a safe distance between us. He brings out his phone and begins texting. This is the first time I'm seeing him up close. He has very light freckles and a scar along his jawline that aren't noticeable from a distance.

"Do you mind? I'm trying to text here" he said

"Well I for one am not stopping you from texting. So go ahead".

He put his phone away and turned to face me.

"I didn't catch your name" he said

"Well then, that makes it a mystery unsolved." I said smiling.

"My name's ---" he began but I cut him off

"Oh no, you told me your name earlier, Ben,...Black,....Blonde,....Beatrice" I say laughing out loud.

He just sat, looking at me blankly.

"Beatrice, really? I wouldn't have minded the black or blonde, which was quite dumb if you ask me, but Beatrice?."

"I was only joking Blake"

"Where are you from?" He asks

"Here" I stated not  feeling guilty  because I have mastered the art of lying.

"I'm going to pretend I believe you for now" I turned my head to see him staring into space. At least he's not prying, I thought to myself

Sooo here's another chapter



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