
Thorns, Fangs And Ice

I was once a human that died, but reincranted as monster. Honestly I'm annoyed. Annoyed at my self. I died a stupid death and my life was boring.... You know what? Screw this shit! I will live a life the way i want to! I'm monster? So what! I will live as the monster if i need to! I don't care if i eat a human or not! I will do what ever i want to!

Andrzejsaw · แฟนตาซี
54 Chs

Chapter 6 – Again?!

Orange ants.

These things size is bit smaller compare to the regular dogs, maybe around 30-40 cm in height? However, they are bit bigger than me and these ants possess some amount of strength and deadly bite that was able to easily get rid of my freaking arm.

Thes guys may appear weak at first glance, but when they are together, they are very hard to beat.

However, I started hunting this guys after my first encounter with them. Sometimes I won easily while sometimes I had hard time.

The only reason why I'm hunting these guys is that they provide a lot of food and EXP.

Specifically, I wanted food now more than EXP, since I fuking lost my arm!

It took long amount of time, but I manage to regrow it. But fuck me. It took way longer to get it back compare to the time when I got my cut off for the first time.

However, my freaking skills right now are much higher level compare to the before, so how would it take me to recover my limb if my skills were to be the same level as before?

Fuck me… Yeb. I need to make sure not lose limb at all cost, since it would take way too long to recover one.

Well, the only thing good about this is that the [Plant Root] manage to level up.

I was also able to level up the [Leafe Throw], [Short Limb Extend] and [Root Claw] to level 3.

But unfortunately, all of these 3 skills are still completely useless. Limb extend only got longer by like 2-4 centimes while the leaf attack is still not able to do any damage and is only good for small distraction.

(Anyway, the leveling speed is quite good. In maybe 1 to 3 days, I should be able to reach level 100 once again.)

(But those freaking ants aren't that stupid like my family by the look of things.)

(The ants now travel in groups of 4 or there is weird bit bigger ant with some sort of armor? I think it's an evolved version of that ant monster.)

(For fuck's sake, why now? Why the heck they reinforced patrols? Why they didn't just do that after I fuking evolved?)

(Literally a worst possible timing.)

(Hm… What do I do?)

(This spot was perfect for hunting, but as things stands now, I'm screwed.)

(Should I look for another spot? Well, it's more like I have to. But the question is in with direction should I head?)

(The ants and the plant monster territories are close to each other and between are only bugs and mices.)

(I still don't have clue how things works around this forest.)

(Are the different parts of the forest ruled by different monsters? If so, would I be safe traveling?)

(Won't accidently enter a territory belonging to some extremely dangerous dragon or something before I knew it?)

(But do I have fucking option? I can't fuking hunt my family members, since that big thing could then see me as the enemy and shallow me whole and can't hunt these ants anymore since they are now wary of me!)

(Fuck me… Let's go south, since it would be still somewhere close to the ant and plant territory. There is a chance that I won't encounter anything stupidly overpower there.)

With the current trouble at hand, I decided to leave the orange ant territory and head south.

While traveling, most of the times I just encounter a wondering walking root or walking plant, but beside that, nothing.

By the look of things, I'm in a neutral territory or something that isn't own by anybody.

Anyway, I walked and walked and after quiet amount of time passed, I finally found something.


(Yeb. I'm not fucking with that.)

(A fuking grey wolf?)

(This freaking thing is literally two or three times taller than me!)

(Well, I'm small in the first place. But never mind that!)

(This thing can literally chew me like a fuking toy!)

(Why the fuck something like this is so close to the ant and plant territory?!)

(But…. I only see one?)


[Basic – High Mana Sense] LEVEL 1


(I don't sense anything. By the look of things, it's really alone.)


(Hm… I don't see any blade like things sticking out of that wolf, so it's not the thing that attacked me.)

(I think this thing is a wondering around, just like me.)

(Hm… Should I try to kill it?)


(Even if it may be alone, fighting something like this would be too dangerous. I'm talking about high chance of losing a life instead of a limb or two.)

(On top of that, this a fuking wolf.)

(I was faster than those ants, but that was only because they were slow! This thing on the other hand will easily outrun me. I'm also not that very fast or anything in the first place.)

The plant animal tried walking away, but accidently she stepped on the small branch.


The plant animal looked behind it and saw the grey wolf looking directly at it.


The plant animal began running away from the scene but the grey wolf didn't stood still and began running soon after her.


(You got to be fuking kidding me!)

(It's already catching up to me!)

The plant animal quickly turned around and instantly unleashed the leaf attack at the wolf in order to create a distraction, however the amount of leaves were not enough to completely cover the wolf view and this in turn allowed to target the arm of the plant animal, biting it and ribbing it off.






(And I just fuking recovered it recently as well!)

(Okay. What now?!)

(It catched to me too fuking easily and I have already FUKING lost arm again.)

(Not only fuking that, but the leaf attack didn't fuking work!)

(How fucked am I right now?)

The plant animal tried running again, but the wolf leaped at her, however just in time, the plant animal ducked and luckily dodged the attack and the wolf ended up falling over after the unsuccessful attack, giving the plant animal chance to run.

(Ohohoho. Fuck me in the ass!)

(What the fuck do I do?!)

(At this rate, it will fuking catch me!)

(I can tell its location thanks to the mana sense, but what the fuck-)


(Oh you got to be fucking kidding me!)

(I sense 2 more mana sources right in front of me and they appear to have same if not more mana than the fuking wolf!)

(Oh shit!)

(But it's not like I have fuking option since its already running at me!)

The plant animal enter the bushes right in front of it and began running through it before then remerging on the other side of it.

As soon as she emerged from the bush, she saw two humans equipped with a sword and a bow.



The pair of humans looked confused at the running plant animal right beneath their feet, but suddenly the grey wolf who was chasing her leaped at the humans and pined one of the humans to the ground.





(I can't bloody understand the word they are saying, but the fuking wolf is now your problem unfortunately!)

The plant animal didn't even bothered to stay and continue running away, entering another bushes before and leaving the two humans behind that began fighting the grey wolf.


(Okay. I don't hear anything and I also don't sense their mana.)

(I think I'm safe.)


(Why the fuck when the things are finally starting being peaceful, I get fucked and even have my fuking arm freaking removed!)

(Why the fuck is arm each time?! Why not leg or something else for change!)

(Fuck me….)

(Anyway, I've meet humans…)

(They looked quiet young as well. Maybe around 17-19?)

(Honestly, I feel bad for having them be my sacrifice, but if I didn't do that, that freaking wolf would kill.)

(Anyway, these guys were speaking something, but I couldn't understood a thing they were freaking speaking. I guess the people of this world have their own language and unfortunately for me, I don't bloody know it.)

(Well, it's not like I can freaking ask them to teach me, since I'm a freaking monster.)

(Anyway, where the heck am I now?)

(I can tell that I moved quiet far away from the plant and ant territories, because I was running away from that wolf, but where exactly am I?)


(Wait! Since I encounter humans, does that mean I'm near a human settlement?!)

(Shit! I need to get out here before I encounter any more humans.)

(I could freaking tell that those humans could just kick me like some sort of soccer ball.)

(Well, I'm round and around the same size as the soccer…. Never mind.)

(The question right now is with direction should I take? I obviously cannot go back, since I could run into either those humans or that wolf from before.)



(Shit! What now?!)

The plant animal turned around to the mana source she just detected and saw a bunny like creature with a horn emerging from the bushes nearby.


(Wait. A rabbit with a horn?)


(It's one of those popular isekai creatures.)

The rabbit like creature upon noticing the plant animal began chagrining straight at her while pointing with its horn towards her.

(Fuck me.)

(I'm not in the good mood right now, so I will have to fuking eat you!)

As soon as the rabbit monster got close, the plant animal unleashed the leaf attack to distract the monster and blocking it view and as soon as the rabbit tried stab the plant animal with its horn, it missed and instead the plant animal got in its blind spot and sinked it teethes into its neck and killing it.


(Huh? It's already dead?)

(I thought it would put more of a fight, since it was quite fast.)


(Holy shit? It taste quite good?)

(Fuck. I bet it would go so freaking well with barbecue sauce.)


(The horn seem quite interesting.)

(Should I try and take it?)

(My claws aren't that good or anything…. Nah. I'm too weak. I probably would have enough strength to swing this thing around.)


 (4 more mana sources had appeared.)

(This amount… Same as that rabbit.)

(Nice! I can use them to help me in recovery!)


While the plant animal began hunting the rabbit monster, the two humans she had encounter before had successfully killed the grey wolf.

"Fuck me. Why the heck grey wolf was out here?" – said the man with the bow and dagger.

"No idea. But did you saw what it was chasing?" – said the man with the sword covered in blood.

"Yea. I think that was plant animal? What it was doing in here?" – said the man with bow.

"I don't know, but its better if we head in the direction where it came from." – said the man with the sword.


"Em… Why?"

"Well, why would a plant animal be here out all the places? It would never survive by itself in this part of the forest."

"There is a chance that the new devouring plant was born and if so, it would be better if we report this to the guild if we really do discover one."