
Thorns, Fangs And Ice

I was once a human that died, but reincranted as monster. Honestly I'm annoyed. Annoyed at my self. I died a stupid death and my life was boring.... You know what? Screw this shit! I will live a life the way i want to! I'm monster? So what! I will live as the monster if i need to! I don't care if i eat a human or not! I will do what ever i want to!

Andrzejsaw · แฟนตาซี
47 Chs

Chapter 5 – Birth Place. [Rewritten]

{{I've made some changes to the chapter 4 since some parts didn't made sense at all.}}




(Hm… They are really not cutting for me any longer. I really need to find another spot where I can hunt things. Mice and bugs are no longer good enough for me.)

(But when will I find-)



The plant animal from the distance saw a weird looking plant that had mouth and was eating a worm.

(There it is!)

(Its small. So, it must be the mouth plant!)

(I finally seeing the members of my species now.)


(There is also a walking root there and even something bigger? Is it that walking plant?)

(…. Wait… Now that I think about this… This place…Feels familiar?)

(Did by any chance I was born here? I don't remember exactly where I was born since my mana detection was still shit and all and I kind of wandered around after I became walking root.)

(Huh. I was walking randomly, trying to find a new prey, but I wasn't expecting to return to my birth place by accident.)


(Maybe I should look around. Maybe there is more of my species somewhere in here.)

The plant animal began walking around. Observing the surrounding and unknown plant like creatures.

(This thing seem to be a jaw plant and this one seem much bigger and different? Is it like the evolution of the jaw plant?)

(This place seem to be territory of my species, but…. So far, I haven't saw a single plant beast like me?)

(Weird. Very weird. Are there no plant animal in this forest expect me?)


(Well, I cannot draw the conclusion yet. There maybe some of other plant animals out there that I had yet to find.)

(I should try to look bit more.)



(Okay?! What is that giant thing?!)

The plant beast stemple upon a giant looking plant with a giant mouth that was surrounded by multiple tentacle like roots.

(Okay…. It seem big and strong. I don't want to fuck with it.)

(Anyway, I can see some other plant like monster that appear similar to the walking root….!)

(There it is! Another plant animal!)

(But… There is only 1?)


(I should look bit more.)

By the look of things my relatives didn't attacked me or anything when I would get closer the them or anything. Thanks to that I could easily explore the plant monster.

Here are some results.

The first thing I found that there were only 2 plant animals beside me.

Most of the monster that seem to evolved second time were the walking plant or the upgraded version jaw plant.

(But why? I mean, why there is only 3 plant animals?)

(Did they just not chose to evolve into plant animal?)

(But from what I observed so far from observing the walking plant, the plant animal is superior in many ways.)

(Unlike the walking plants, the plant animals biting power is more powerful and even have a claws that are literally give new means of attacking.)

(On top of that, I even gained sense like sight, taste, hearing and even smell.)

(I just don't get it. Why?)


(Wait… Maybe its not like they are not choosing to evolve into the plant animal, but instead they can't?)

(I noticed something while observing my siblings.)

(They are dumb.)

(More specifically they are not very intelligent.)

(They attack anything they see that they don't recognize as the family member.)

(Not only that, but their mana sense completely sucks.)

(They only reacted to me when I got really close to them.)

(They mana sense seem to be… Just like mine when I was born.)

(However unlike me, these guys don't appear to have trained their mana sense at all. Is this because they are not very intelligent being?)

(But either way, because of their shitty mana sense, they would be only able to hunt things like bugs or worms.)

(But why is this important?)

(Well, what if the reason why I could evolve into plant animal was because I was eating the mices?!)

(So far, I only saw my family members only be able to eat the bugs or worms, but as for me? As soon as I developed my mana sense I was eating mices and before long I only started hunting them.)

(What if I was able to evolve into the plant animal because I was eating an animals like mice?)

(If so, that would explain why there is only 3 of the plant animals in here.)

(The other two must have somehow got lucky and that allowed them to transform into plant animal?)

(If this theory is true, then it is possible to have an special evolution lines if you fulfil a conditions?)

(But if that is the case, then what are the conditions?)

(Is the reason why I unlocked the plant animal was because I killed mices? Or maybe it was because I eat a mices? If so, was it an: A) Eat meat from X different mices or B) Eat X amount of animal flesh.)

(Hm… I don't know.)

(This is literally a world of fantasy and I'm literally a fuking monster.)

(There is a also levels and even skills, so everything could happened beyond my expectation.)

(The evolution conditions are also unknown.)

(What if I have to instead do something like puss ups or maybe have a specific skill with specific level and form?)

(I don't bloody know.)

(What I do know however is that I maybe understand why I was able to evolve into plant animal.)

(It had to do with "Animals".)

(However here is the real question, are the plant animals better?)

(I already saw some of the walking plants in action and I can definitely say that the plant animal is better at them in many things.)

(So that means that the nonstandard evolutions are better?)

(I cannot answer that yet.)

(I don't know what kind of skills the walking plant has nor I know how strong in fighting.)

(The obvious test would be to fight the walking plant my self and see with one is superior.)

(The plant animal or walking plant.)

(However, this is bad idea.)

(If I attack my sibling, won't my other family members react and if not see me as the enemy?)

(Nope. Definitely fuking nope. There is way too many of them here and there is also that big motherfucker over there.)

(Definitely not fuking risking it.)

(Anyway, right now I can only guess based on the thing I saw so far and say that the plant animal is superior.)

(Then should I aim at only special evolutions?)

(Back then when I was thinking between the plant animal and the walking plant, I could feel something about plant animal.)

(I think that feeling was hitting that the plant animal was a special evolution.)

(So I think I have means of telling if the evolution is special or not.)

(But here comes the question, how do I unlock the conditions?)

(I don't have a bloody list or anything that can tell me what to do in order to fulfil the conditions)

(And there is also another thing. Can I only evolve when I reach level 100 each time? Or is there are different means of evolving?)

(Hm…. Fuck me… I don't have any informations or anything.)

(I guess the only way to find out is to stumble upon something that may hold the answer.)

(Anyway, lets look around bit more. Maybe I will find some more info if I observe my family members for bit longer.)

I spend some time observing my family members, trying to find out anything.

Honestly speaking, I didn't found much.

I think the only somewhat good info I found was that I found my parent?

That giant plant I saw before with mouth and tentacles? It was the boss of that area and not only that, it was using those tentacles to launch the seeds into the ground.

I don't have to think much about it, but by the look of things that plant is my parent.

I think my sisters and brother are some sort of bodyguards of her and that seem the only reason why it gave birth to them and me is to defend it.

Can it somehow control my siblings? Or they just fallow it out of instinct?

Either way I decided to leave that area, since I don't know if it does really have any mind control ability that can control me or not.

My goal today is to find a new hunting grounds where I can both find good food and source of EXP.

The place where my family is located is safe, but there are no big animals or anything there that can satisfy me.

Some time passed and a night came.

Honestly, I still don't know how many days had passed after I was born.

Sometimes it felt as the time was passing slowly while sometimes it felt as the time was passing by a fast pace.

This was my first time seeing the night sky.

I was beautiful.

It was full moon as well.

I think it was full moon also when I died back then….



(Something is coming towards me?!)

(It has way more mana than the mice! Is it a monster?!)

The plant animal quickly turned towards the direction of the unknown mana and saw a big orange ant.


(A giant orange ant? Yea…. This is definitely a monster.)

The orange ant quickly began running towards the plant animal.


(Its wants to fight!)

(Okay! Calm down! This will be your first proper fight. Don't mess it up.)

The plant animal just stood in place while the ant monster was getting closer and before long the ant tried launching a bite attack at her, but the plant animal jumped over the attack and quickly swiped with her claw before then falling on the ground.

(Okay?! It worked?!)

(I honestly didn't though it would work. I did messed up landing big time, but I manage hit him!)


(But it doesn't seem like it suffer a lot of damage or anything.)

(Of course, it would way too easy if I manage to take it with just 2 or 3 attacks.)

(However, it did suffer damage, so that means I can kill it.)

(Then, should I then try to bite it?)

(My bites could even leave a solid mark on the tree. So, I think I should make it suffer a lot of damage.)

(But that thing also has a giant ant jaws. I don't think getting bite by them is a good idea.)

(However, if I want to end this fight quickly, I need to land a bite attack.)

(By the look of things, I'm faster than this thing, but I need to watch out for anything weird.)

(I don't know what kind of skills this thing could have.)



(Wait. Should I try using that?)

The ant monster once again begin charging at the plant animal, but as soon as it tried, the plant anima released a leaf attack at the ant monster.

The attack did confused a bit the ant, but even after getting hit the attack did next to no damage.

However, the ant soon realized that the opponent was missing and before it could try to look for her, she already was above it and moments later she sinked her teethes deep into the ant monster.

The ant screamed in pain and tried getting rid of the plant animal, but the enemy didn't let go and, in the end, died soon after.



(I somehow killed!)

(I wasn't expecting my bite to leave that much damage really and I was definitely not expecting to kill it with just one bite.)

(The plan was to use the leaf attack to distract it so I could land an attack before then retreating. A hit and run tactic.)

(But the look of things my attack was way more powerful than I though.)

(Or was that monster weaker than I thought?)

(Anyway, please don't taste bad or any-)


(Three more mana sources appeared!)

(And they are heading here at fast pace!)

(They have around the same amount of mana like that ant. There is a good chance that they are those things are also those ants.)

(Shit! Do these guys travel in the pack?!)

(What do I?!)



Moments later the 3 giant orange ants had emerged out of the bushes and saw the corpse of their lifeless brethren on the ground.

Two of the ants approached the corpse, however they did not noticed the plant animal that was standing on the tree branch was observing them before then jumping down, straight towards the isolated ant monster.

The plant animal teeth instantly sinked into the ant monster neck and killing it in near instant.

However, the screams of the dying ant quickly catched the attention of the other ant monster and revealing in process the plant animal.

(Okay! One down! Two to go.)

The two ants began charging at the plant animal instantly after she just killed the isolated ant.

(The leaf attack isn't strong enough to cover the view of both of them, so I have to be careful.)

The plant animal unleashed another leaf attack that did no damage to the ant monster that was attacked, but it did blocked the ant vision for brief moment, allowing the plant animal to quickly rush to its left and right as ant noticed the plant monster, the plant animal teeth had already sunken into the ant monster neck.


(This one is able to put a fight?!)

The ant monster slammed the plant beast into the ground over and over, trying to get rid of it.



The ant repeated slamming action over and over, but in the end, it ended up finally dying.

(Fuck me!)

The plant animal tried getting up after getting slammed, but then suddenly the last remaining ant launched an attack at the plant animal and grabbed its arm with its jaws.


(FUCK! Let go off me!)

The plant animal tried getting free, but then the ant monster snapped the arm with its jaws, completely destroying it.

(FUCK! My fuking arm again?!)

Out of pain, panic, fear and rage, the plant animal launched attack with its other arm and pierced right through the ant monster eye and hitting the ant brain itself. Killing the ant monster instantly.


(Wait… Why I didn't though about this before it chopped my arm off?)

(Anyway, fuck me! I lost my freaking arm again!)

(It snapped my arm with ease for crying out loud. I guess I'm not the only one with strong bite power.)

(Anyway, by the look of things I managed to level up.)

(This guys were annoying, but at least they gave me some good EXP.)

(But still, it will take some time before I reach level 100 again.)

(Well, it's all and good that I know what to hunt now, but I almost freaking died again!)

(That slamming did some proper damage to me, it fuking hurts a lot and if that ant somehow manage to bite me my main part of the body or something, I could have died. I don't know if it have a brain or heart, but if I do have something like that, then if it somehow manage to bite where it was located then instant death.)

(Maybe I got too cocky thinking that I could take 3 of them and be unscratched, just because I beat one of them easily?)

(Anyway, I now need to regrow my arm. AGAIN. Just fuking great.)