
Thorns, Fangs And Ice

I was once a human that died, but reincranted as monster. Honestly I'm annoyed. Annoyed at my self. I died a stupid death and my life was boring.... You know what? Screw this shit! I will live a life the way i want to! I'm monster? So what! I will live as the monster if i need to! I don't care if i eat a human or not! I will do what ever i want to!

Andrzejsaw · แฟนตาซี
54 Chs

Chapter 4 – Second Evolution.

I don't know how much time passed after near encounter with that unknown monster. I can say a day passed if not two, but I can't really tell, since I can't bloody see anything.

Anyway, at first, I thought about first getting as far as possible from the spot where I meet that thing, but then I realize that the spot I was in is still consider safe. How can I be sure that the moment I go too far away from I won't enter a danger zone and then instantly killed?

I decided to try to travel while also eating I can to get my hands on. I wanted to keep hunting not only to level up but also to recover my lost limb.

My hand got completely chopped off by that thing, so I wanted to use the flesh muncher and grass root to regrow it.

I got to say, the combination of these two skills did ended up taking a lot of time and I mean like a lot! Even though my body is still very small, the time it took for to regrow my arm was way too freaking long. I wonder how long it would take to heal a missing limb if I were to get bigger. I guess the flesh muncher and the grass root aren't that good of a recover skills at all, if anything they kind of completely sucks ass, but it's still better than nothing.

(Well, now I have my arm back and not only that.)

[LEVEL 100]

[Conditions has been meet.]

[Evolution possible.]

[Please select one of the evolution paths.]

-Walking Plant.

-Plant Animal.

(Hm… Lets check maybe what we got here.)

(Waking plant.)

(This evolution seem to be just upgraded versions of the walking root.)

(It will also make the body grow in size. So pretty much upgrade of what I have already.)

(As for the second evolution…. Hm? A plant monster possessing some of the animal characteristics?)

(This seem… Bit interesting?)

(Honestly, I'm quiet curios about the plant animal, but with one should I pick?)

(I'm already bit used to the walking root and mana sensing, so I don't think picking the walking plant is a bad idea.)

(However, I don't think its also a good idea.)

(I mean, my entire body is quiet useless expect for the legs and mouth.)

(I don't think evolving into walking plant would give me much of difference.)

(And as for the plant animal… Maybe I should pick it?)

(I mean, I don't think picking the walking plant is a good idea and I'm quiet curios about the plant animal.)

(Why is it called plant animal? The basic description state that the evolution possess some animalistic sense.)

(But what kind off?)

(Honestly, I realized that mana sense alone won't do, since that thing from before somehow manage to get past it and chop off my hand off.)

(I need anything. Be it either sense of smell or hearing. I need different forms of detection at all cost!)

(But…Something feels… Off about this?)

(When I think and look at the plant animal, I kind of feels as if it is out of place? Or more like it's in the sense as it was unknown to me. I don't know why I sense this thing, but I never had this weird feeling when I evolved last time nor the walking plant gives me this feeling.)

(What the hell?)


(I don't know what the hell is this feeling, but I really need the different senses at all cost. Its decided.)

[Evolution chosen: Plant Animal.]

As soon as I chose the plant animal, I ended up falling asleep just like the last time.




(Turn the god damn lights off….)





The unknown creature quickly got up from the ground.


(I can see!)

(I have eyes!)

(Grass! Trees! Even water!)

(I can see everything!)

(My fuking god! I was starting to think that I would never gain a sight and would have to relay on the mana sense for the rest of my life.)

(I cannot fuking believe it. I really can see.)

(Oh my fuking god. I miss you eyes!)

(Not only that! I can even hear and smell!)



(Can I see my reflection in it?)

The unknown creature approached the nearby lake before then looking into the water.


(Huh. That interesting.)

The creature appearance was as fallow.

It had sphere like body covered completely with leaves.

It had a pair of round eyes with animalistic yellow pupils.

From the sphere part of a body, a twig like limbs, arms and legs were sticking out.

(Huh… It was supposed to be animalistic, but it look more like the a freaking furball that instead of fur has leaves. I'm a literally plushy that looks huggable.)

(Anyway, where is my mouth? I feel it. Should I open my mouth, and see?)

The walking animal open its mouth, revealing a wide mouth filled with fangs like thorns inside with a long thin tongue.

(Huh. So cute appearance with creepy mouth?)

(Anyway, my teeth are thorns? Well, I'm a plant and all, so I wasn't excepting to have teeth like human or anything, but honestly, they quiet interesting looking. If I were still a game designer, I would definitely make a characters with those kind of teeth.)

(Anyway, I have proper limbs now and I also have fingers! Well, each had has 3 hands, but its better than just having useless hands like I had.)

(But my fingers look sharp? Are they claws by any chance?)

(Hm… I really want to test them out.)


The unknown creature spotted a tiny mice on the ground.

After spotting the worm, it approached it and quickly grabbed it, right at it was about to run away.


(Huh. Its… Quite small? I can tell this is the same mice that I'm used to eating, but now it's even smaller?)

(By the look of things I grown up a lot. I think I'm big as two walking roots.)

(Anyway, sorry.)

While holding the mice in one hand, the grass animal used its second hand and stabbed the mice with it claw finger.

(There is a bit of resistance, but I can cut somewhat.)

The little mice soon died after getting stabbed and slashed by the walking grass.

(I'm sorry little one, but I needed to test it out.)

The grass animal put the corpse of the mice into its mouth and began chewing on it.

(Hm… It taste quiet-)


(Wait! I can taste things again?!)

(Honestly it may sound like a good thing, but….)

(But are my taste buds different from that of the human? I never eat the mice in my human life, so I don't know.)

(Anyway, the taste…. Is pretty good?)

(Maybe that is a good thing. I mean, at least I won't be bothered by eating this things.)

(Anyway, now this is over, its time to check my stats.)


[Race: Plant Animal]


[ [Basic – Medium Mana Sense] LEVEL 9 [Weed Bite] LEVEL 10 [Flesh Muncher] LEVEL 7 [Grass Root] LEVEL 3 [Short Limb Extend] LEVEL 1 [Leaf Throw] LEVEL 1 [Root Claw] LEVEL 1]

(Oh! A lot of skills got leveled up by a lot and not only that, I got 3 new skills!)

(Let's see. Short limb extend? Let's try it.)


(Wow. It was like what? 1? 2 centimes? It was really short.)

(Next. Leaf launch…. It seems to be long range attack? Interesting.)

(Let's try on that tree over there.)

The grass beast aimed at the tree nearby before then firing a leaves from its body at the tree, but moments later after getting launched, the leaves lost moment and lost the entire power before then falling on the ground.


(Okay…? Let's try it again.)

Grass beast walked towards the tree it was aiming at before then firing a second attack at the tree.

This time, the leaves manage to hit the tree, but in left right to the nothing damage.


(Wow… Not even a scratch or anything? Really? This skill kind of more sucks that the extend limb skill.)

(Maybe I need to level it up or evolve it until it becomes somewhat usable?)

(…Okay. Please be somewhat useful the last skill. Root claw.)


(Increase the power of the claw and reinforce their toughness.)

(So its like passive skill, huh?)

(But, when I tried cutting the mice, there was resistance. I guess this skill also isn't that good yet.)

(I guess all of those 3 skills are quite useless right now until maybe I manage to level them up or evolve them or something to make them useful.)


(Now that I finally gained sight, my efficiently in hunting will be much better than before.)

(… Should I try to hunt that thing that attacked me?!)


(A lot of time passed already and there is a good chance it's not there anymore.)

(That place only had bugs and mices, so it wasn't a good hunting ground. I don't know if the creature was big or small because of its mana.)

(On top of that, what would I be looking for anyway?)

(I couldn't even see the creature, so I don't know what cut off my limb in the first place? A fang? A claw? Or something else?)


(Tch. I maybe go back there and check if it is still there or not.)

(But…. From with direction did I came from? I was running away without even looking and the mana from the trees are pretty much the same.)

(I guess the only way to do is to find the spot that I used for training where there weren't many trees and there was an empty space in the middle of it. The ground was also flat there and a lot of worms, insects and mices lived there.)

(And that is pretty much it…. Great…. Well, let's get to it.)

I began walking around the forest for few hours, trying to find my spot and also tried hunting few things along the way. However, I realized that the bugs and mices were slowly not cutting it for me. I needed to eat way more of them if I wanted to fill my stomach and not only that, but I barely level up now. I guess I need to start hunting different things not only to satisfy my hunger but also to level up.

Anyway, after some time passed, I manage to find my location. I did took me some time to realize that it was my spot because my stupid ass forgot that I got bigger and that place appeared too small to me.

(This is the place. I remember those 3 tree being so close together with each other.)

(I see bugs and mices, but nothing else. I cannot also sense that thing mana, unless it's hiding its mana again somehow.)

(Anyway, it seems not to be here. I don't see any weird creatures or anything in here.)

(No tracks or anything either. I guess I hit the dead end.)

(Tch. I guess that it, huh?)

(I guess I won't know what creature really did attacked me back…. Wait.)

The plant animal walked towards one of the trees nearby with a weird shaped holes.

(What is this?)

(It look like some sort of blades ended up piercing into the tree and curved ones at that.)

(But… Was it done by humans? Nope… I don't think it was doing of a human. However there was no creature-!)


(That monster that attacked must be the one who left those marks!)

(But why did it do that? This tree seem old and all and it doesn't seem like it was trying to eat it or anything.)


(Wait! After I jumped, the creature mana didn't moved. By any chance when I did that jump, the creature launched it attack at me and I somehow ended up dodging the attack by accident.)

(The creature ended up missing me and ended up hitting the tree instead! That could explain those weird blade like marks.)

(And it could also explain why it didn't chased after. It somehow got stuck and couldn't move.)

(Damn! I somehow got extremely lucky without knowing it.)

(But… Now I'm even more worried.)

(Just look at those marks! Fuck me. If it could do that to the tree, it could probably still cut me to shreds even after I evolved. What the fuck was that thing?!)

(I can tell… I can't still beat it. I'm still not strong enough.)

(But… Now at least I have the clue what kind of creature ended up attacking me and it's still somewhere out there.)

(Sooner or later, we will meet each other again and when the times comes, I will be the one who will eat you!)