
Thorns, Fangs And Ice

I was once a human that died, but reincranted as monster. Honestly I'm annoyed. Annoyed at my self. I died a stupid death and my life was boring.... You know what? Screw this shit! I will live a life the way i want to! I'm monster? So what! I will live as the monster if i need to! I don't care if i eat a human or not! I will do what ever i want to!

Andrzejsaw · แฟนตาซี
54 Chs

Chapter 29 – Nope.

"It's a deal."

"That's what I like to say, but after thinking things through, I will have to say no."


"I'm sorry."

"But even if you toss in the spirit core in the deal like you just told me, I cannot help you that much."


"Getting a information as well as the spirit core you are offering is a great deal, but the problem is with protecting this girl."

"I don't want you to scam you or anything, so I will say it straight."

"Can I really protect her if you give me that spirit core?"

"I'm still a literally new born being."

"Not only that, but why these spirits that just appeared didn't helped out that girl when those monsters were attacking her?"

"My guess is that they couldn't."

"If so, then I will have to take care of her in lot of different ways, if the spirits can't help out."

"The deal with the temporarily protection is the best option for me."

"Biding myself to the end of her or mine life is out of question for many different reason."

"I have to decline your offer."

"However, my offer that I proposed before is still active."


The spirit nervously approached the girl and began explaining the situation to her.

After some time passed the spirit returned back to the deerwolf.

"I'm sorry. But we have to decline the deal as well."

"Traveling around with monsters may put that girl in danger." – said the spirit.

"I see. Well, no surprise there. I was forced to kill humans, so it may have really be for the best for the people not to see us together, since they may think you are dangerous to them."

"Still, I should give you some word of advice."

"The direction where I came from is a territory that belongs to the humans."

"However, I did not spotted any elves or any different humanoid race there, expect goblins."

"I don't know what is the relationship between elves and humans, so you should take care."

"I see."

"Well, do you want us to ask any question before we go in our separate ways?" – asked the spirit.

"Hm… Then can you tell about the weird feeling I'm experiencing?"

"I can tell its abnormal. As if it was telling me to get away or something."

"Oh. This must be a warding barrier."

"Elves must have put them around to scare away monsters that are too close to the settlement."

"You are nowhere near it, so the probably the only reason why you are feeling the ward effect is because you are sensitive to mana or something."

"But the ward shouldn't have any effect on you or anything."

"I see. Thanks for the info."


(Fuck. There is no use crying.)

(I know that their deal was perfect for me.)

(Both a power up as well as info about this world.)

(Something that I badly need.)

(But how do I know that I would survive if I decided to bind myself to this girl?)

(I can say, that she would become somebody powerful if she would have survived and maybe I would have become also something stronger as well.)

(But can I really trust her?)

(Like that spirit said, I'm a monster right now.)

(What if they decide to get rid off me once I'm no longer useful or they see me as some sort of threat?)

(Not only that, but if I accepted this deal, I would be a straight up a slave.)

(Protecting and taking care of her for the rest of my life?)

(I'm sorry. But I want to live my own life the way I want to, unlike my previous life.)

(If it was a temporarily enslaved like the deal I suggested before, I would be willing to do it, since it would be worth it, but a deal where I have to work for her for the entire life for just an info and small upgrade? No fuking way it's worth it.)

"Anyway, good bye."

"Maybe in the future we shall meet again." – said the deerwolf.


"She that you should take care of yourself and goodbye." – said the spirit, translating what the young elf girl was saying.

The young elf girl alongside the spirit left the area, leaving behind the deerwolf who stayed behind.


(Fuck me.)

(So I guess I have to learn everything by myself in the end.)

(But still, this encounter wasn't that bad.)

(Her story did ended up revealing to me a lot of useful information.)

(One of the most useful information I got was about the spirit and elves.)

(There are other human like races out there, so there is a good chance that there are also races like demi humans, dwarfs and other races from fantasies.)

(The other thing I found out was about the skills from this spirit.)

(I get a bit of gist about unique skills now.)

(So the reason why I got my unique skill was because I got reincarnated and it didn't had an proper form yet?)

(However that spirit seemed not to have a best knowledge about unique skills, so she maybe be wrong, so even if I would ask her more question about it, I may instead ended up getting wrong answers.)

(I also learned that the skills can come in many different shapes and forms.)

(That spirit had a skill that allowed her to communicate with plants.)

(Maybe I would get a skill that would allow me to communicate with other peoples without any problem? Maybe something like telepathy, that would be useful.)

(Not only that, but listening to their backstory ended up giving me a lot of useful info, so it was not a waste of time listening to their entire story.)

(But what do I do now?)

(I thought I could train in peace for bit longer, for at least a month, but because of that girl escaping from the elven settlement, there will be elves going around looking for her.)

(From the story I heard, these elves were heavy relaying on the spirit as their source of power, but I can tell that I cannot mess with them.)

(Those elves probably have the same arrows as that girl and I saw how sharp they were by cutting myself with it.)

(These elves, they have means of killing me even without the spirits help.)

(Not only that, but they can attack me from afar.)

(My leaf chakram is a range attack, but the problem is that I'm unable to make it go too far or it will lose shape and power.)

(Meaning, if the elves would play it safe, they can attack me from afar and I would not be able to hit them at all.)

(This entire forest would be probably be swarming with elves.)


(Tch. I guess I have to move again.)

(The elves will probably ignore me for now, since they priority would be finding the kid, but they will discover me while doing their search.)

(There is a chance that they would act like humans and would try to find me and get rid of me later on.)

(But the question is: Where do I go?)

(Going the way I came from is out of question.)

(Then that leaves the other way.)

(Considering that direction where that girl came from, then there is definitely elven settlement there.)

(I will probably run into it, but I have no choice.)

(I have to get on the other side of the forest if I want to survive.)

(I will definitely encounter elves along the way.)

(And the best strategy I can use right now is to-)


(If I do that, it will take elves longer for them to discover me.)

(Not only that, but I will also have a chance to eat some elven flesh and see how it taste like!)

(Still, I need to be careful.)

(Elves are usefully depicted in fantasies as an both agility characters as well as being that are able to use more powerful spells than humans.)

(If they are tree hopping elves from fantasies, then they can maybe get away from me.)

(And if they are magic wielding elves, they can attack me with magic.)

(Attacking recklessly while I still don't know how powerful the average elf is may lead to my own death.)

(Not only that.)

(If those elves posses arrows like these, then what other weapons they may possess?)

(If I fought any of those young adventures back then and they had weapons with same type of quality as that arrow, then I would have suffered way too much damage if not died.)

(Being too greedy and careless right now will be equal to death.)

(Still, I hope that I will at least to eat at least 1 elf so I can taste their flesh.)