
Thorns Between Two Lovers

Giovanni got into a terrible car accident when he was a four-year-old and became comatose for almost a week. During his pathetic condition in a pediatric intensive care unit, his mother spent straight whole week kneeling while praying inside the chapel of St Luke's hospital asking for mercy to save his son from his tragic car accident. Giovanni serves as an alter boy and ac0lyte on their city parish church when he started Junior High, that later on became aware that his mother wanted him to enter seminary once he graduated in secondary education to become a full pledge priest as his mother promised inside the hospital's chapel during he was unconscious inside the ICU. Being raised morally upright and an obedient child, he should obeyed his beloved mother's wish to enter the seminary and to be ordained as full pledge priest someday, even he is hesitant at the beginning he wants to be filial son to his mother even though his father strongly opposed his mother's desire. In his mind and heart he is now ready to be in this vocation, but Fate is really playing him around, two months before his ordination, he met this beautiful and highly spirited young woman named Jessica whom he makes his heart throb rapidly everytime she stared at him, makes his face electroactive every time she is around. Angels not only found in heaven,there is one on earth she is almost within reach, he thought. Although she is the complete opposite of every mothers’ wish to become her daughter in-law because of her unfavorable moral family reputation, He likes Jessica very much. Would it be possible to fulfill his beloved mother's dream and satisfy his heart's desire to be with a woman he dearly love at the same time? How can I choose one without hurting the others? Do I break the rules of loving them both

EASoberano · สมัยใหม่
5 Chs

Agony of a Mother

"Mom! I'm starving, Mom wake up it's already breakfast time ...." The four -year -old boy kissed the mother's face non -stop, while dragging the blanket wrapped around the sleeping mother ..

"Mom, wake up, .. I'm starving ....

"Uhmmm .." G..Gio? Son? You're fine baby? Huh let me hug my baby! Hug mommy baby ... Gio..but the child ran out laughing..like he was chasing ...

"Giooo! Babyyy! Wait for mommy" ... Esmeralda shouted,

Nicolas suddenly stood up from sleeping besides his wife who was unconscious for one day and one night due to emotional breakdown for what happened to their son Gio.

"Hon si Gio, He's here, Gio is here"

Nicolas hugged his wife. She had a dream about their child.

"Husssh it's okay hon, even though he was also emotionally affected, he doesn't want to show it to his wife. He needs to be adamant.

"Hon andito si Gio, he is fine..huh? Tingin nito si asawa.

Nicolas felt sorry for his wife, her eyes became swollen from crying incessantly.

"Hon, Gio is still in the ICU" he had to direct his wife to wake up to the fact that their child is in critical condition and has not woken up for the third day now.

"No, Gio, our baby is here, he is just fine" Esmeralda looked like she was going to stand up but Nicolas stopped her and locked in his arms ...

But Esmeralda struggled, "No, hon let me go, Gio is fine! He is here, kissing me. She becomes hysterical .."

Nicolas could no longer hold back, he is already exhausted, he has been awake for two nights monitoring his son and taking care of her.

"Gio is in the ICU and he is still unconscious, if you are devastated I'm even more because he is my only son" he shouted at his wife while holding his wife tightly on both shoulders..

He hugged it tightly, and for a while it gradually calmed down until he fell asleep again because of the weight of the emotion he was feeling.

After his wife calm down, Nicolas seemed to come out of the room when he saw Nanny Celia quietly crying at the open door.

"You take care of your ma'am, I'll go home first to change my clothes, and before I come back here I'll go through the office and precinct first” Nicolas told to Nanny Celia.

He must have known about the investigation of the car accident in which his son was riding, he could not ask their driver because like his son, he was still unconscious.

Aling Celia just nodded in response from Nicolas for fear to outburst her emotions, she felt sorry for the young chairman, she knows how much they love the child. Even though she is Gio's nanny, Chairman’s wife is still the one who personally bathed the child and dressed while she was just supporting her.

Nicolas first went to the pediatric ICU to glance his son, his palms clenched as he examined the Gio’s condition he could not sustain looking his son with a tube attached to his body. Nicolas was reluctant to leave the hospital.


"According to the witnesses, the driver of the car prevented a girl from crossing, so the driver turned the steering wheel, causing the driver to cross into the other lane of the road and collided with delivery truck. The car rolled many times before finally stopping, and it matches from the dash cam of your car Mr Ricablanca " Explained by the chief who handle the investigation.

Nikolas closes his eyes, he can't imagine what his son went through in the car .. "My poor son" He murmured.

"Thank you for your effort captain"

After shaking hands, he left the police station. So it's just a pure accident in Nicolas' mind while on his way to his car.

On the other hand....

"Ma'am, Your husband just came home for a while to change his clothes and also he will be dropped by the office before going straight here" Nanny Celia told to Esmeralda

Aling Celia was worried about seeing her madam suddenly open her eyes, but her face was blank and she was a bit calm while glancing her.

"Yaya Celia" she said hoarsely, "please I want to be with my son, I want to see Gio ..." She mumbled again to the child's nanny.

"Is your body capable ma'am? Esmeralda just nodded.

Nanny Celia worriedly helped her boss to walk going to the ICU ..

Esmeralda's heart was broken by the appearance of her son. Gio’s head was wrapped in a bandage, tubes attached to the child's other parts of the body.

Tears welled up in Esmeralda's eyes again, holding the child's small palm and bringing it to her mouth as the tears dripped.

"Gio, baby, this is mommy, Gio son, fight for mom and dad, don't leave us" .. Esmeralda said to her son while her tears continued to flow, Gio’s palm was soaked by Esmeralda’s tears.

"Gio son, didn't mom tell you when you have medals we'll go to Disney and you'll see mickey mouse, We promised that before, then you said son, when mom gets sick, you will the one to take care of me?" Esmeralda continued to say while kissing and caressing the child's small hand. Even nanny Celia cried, she could not hold her emotions.

Nicolas' heart was almost broken by the scene in the room, he didn't even realize that he was already crying.

Nicolas spent a few moments outside the room to calm himself before entering the room.

Esmeralda glanced at her husband and hugged him.

"Hon, why does this have to happen to our son?" She keeps crying.

"Gio will wake up and recover soon" Nicolas's voice was a bit raspy in response to his wife.

He hugged his wife tightly.

“Nanny Celia go home first with uncle Vener at the mansion, I forgot to bring the things prepared by Aling Mercy for my wife because I was in a hurry" He said to Gio's nanny.

"Hon, you and Aling Celia just go home first so that you can rest well" Nicolas pretended to persuade his wife.

Esmeralda thought about it and agreed to her husband's suggestion, and then she thought of taking something to the mansion that she would take something for her son once she get back tonight.

The child has been in the hospital for four more days, and in each round of the doctor, no exact day can be given when will Gio wake up, but Esmeralda does not lose hope that the child will wake up at any time ..

"Are you fine here hon If I went home with nanny Celia?" Esmerlda ask hesitantly

"Don't mind me, I was able to rest last night and then I won't go to the office. I'll watch Gio all day. I just instructed the secretary to send the papers here to sign."

"Okay hon, call me right away if anything happens," Nicolas muttered in agreement

After kissing her husband, Esmeralda left with Nanny Celia.

When they reached the mansion, Esmeralda immediately went straight to her child's room. She opened the child's toy cabinet and took out the large teddy bear she gave to the child on his 4th birthday.

She carried it to the bed, sat down and hugged the Big teddy bear, she noticed a small size of paper of a bond paper folded. He opened it, surprised that something was written there. Its a handwriting Of her son.

To my beautiful mommy, thank you so much for the gift. His name is big bro.Below was written the name of Gio. Tears welled up in Esmeralda's eyes again, as she hugged the Big teddy bear while caressing the child's bed.

She did not know how many hours she was in the child's room.

"Ma'am! Nanny Celia called her madam but she was stunned to see the boss asleep on the child's bed while hugging the Big teddy bear.

She hoped to invite her to eat lunch, but when she saw that she was sleeping, she just let Esmeralda to rest properly.

She slowly closed the door of the room and went down the stairs towards the kitchen.

"Where is madam? I thought you were going to pick her up for lunch" Mang Vener asked Aling Celia.

"She is Sleeping, let's the madam to have a complete rest, Let's just have lunch first,"

"After we eat, clean the car and I'm sure when madam wakes up, she'll immediately come back to the hospital, while I'll prepare the chairman’s things and food" she said to the driver while eating ..

"Poor madam", said Mang Vener. " She loves Gio so much"

Nanny Celia just sighed and there was sadness in her eyes that she just continued to eat.