The idea that Holloway has against me is just stupid. Humans can be so
dramatic. I'm not even his target, he just wants to get back at my
parents for what they did to his wife
And him finding out that I am a thorium made the hatred much more worse.
How can I blame him? They fucking left his wife for dead. Who wouldn't
hold a grudge? But I'm not supposed to be his target, that's where he
made his mistake.
I attend more meetings and at the end of day when I I'm finished it's
10pm. I thought of going to see Miss rose but its already late.
No, I don't care for her, I'm just being reasonable . No one would like
to be isolated that way, and have to leave the life that you knew.
I respect her, she knows when to keep shut and accept defeat. Even
though she is a bit stubborn, she's sensible. All through while she was