
This Yandere Boy Is Crazy

"I am just protecting you from all those filthy animals out there... Why are you afraid of me instead of them..." He tell me as he touches my cheek. "Don't touch me!" I pushes him away. He remained silent then all of a sudden he smirks coldly at me. "I guess...pain is the only way to keep you to be well mannered, right?" He leaps towards me and choked my neck against the wall. He then leans towards me and whisper. "You will only allowed to talk and laugh for me. If you do that again with another people no matter if it was female or male. I. WILL. KILL. THEM." At that very moment, I regretted not to listen to her advise when she say , 'He is really crazy....' *DISCLAIMER* I make that cover myself using pitzmaker. I hope that picture could help you guys to know each of the mains character batter. Thanks~

PotatoLoveToWrite · วัยรุ่น
105 Chs

Chapter 79

''So...here is the place? You are not fooling around right?'' I asked in disbelief.

''Wow...your friend's wallet is sure thick as fck...'' Hikaru whispered.

The building that standing tall before us was one of the top hospitals in this country. More than thousands specialised doctors worldwide will come and work at this hospital. Even the nurses that were working here are known for their experience in medical emergencies.

''Yup, if I was not wronged, this is the hospital that his mother admitted to. Now, shut your jaw tight if you don't want to embarrass yourself.'' Yuuto patted my head. I quickly clutch my mouth and quietly followed him from the back.

As soon as we get in the hospital, the sweet smell of flower's filled up the entire place. I never expected that I would smell this calming senses instead of the strong medicine smell that I hated the most. The front counter staff was so polite as she tells us the directions of Mrs Kudo's ward after knowing that we are here to visit her.

After thanking her, we head to the highest floor in this building. I notice that the higher we go, the less the person that was lingering around that floor. My anxious grows as we are the only visitor that went to the fifth floor.

''Yuuto, you sure we are not lost? Or maybe we went to the wrong floor?'' I shake his arm.

''I don't think so because she says, take the elevator and go to the fifth floor. The room number was 001.'' Yuuto rubbed his chin.

''Neh, if we are lost then we could just go and ask that sis for the direction again. It's not like she was that scary or grumpy like you, Mi-nechan.'' Hikaru still could make a lame joke in this kind of situation.

''You!!!'' I clutch my fist.


As the door was opened wide, I saw an elegant looking man in a black suit and paired with a crimson red necktie. His dark blue eyes that were cover with a few wrinkles under the lids glanced at me as he fixes his sleeves button. His brown hair was combed back neatly but there some of his hair fell neatly on his forehead. He looks like he was in his 40's and he almost has the same height as Yuuto.

''I am sorry to bother you but may I ask you what are you guys doing in this floor? Or perhaps you might miss your floor because this was a private floor if I was not mistaken.'' His deep husky voice instantly dominates my courage that was hiding deep down in my soul.

''I-I wanted to visit Mrs Kudo since... I heard that she was admitted in this hospital.....'' My voice cracked at some point that I end up squeaking to him.

''So, you want to pay my wife a visit?'' He went in and stand in front of me.

I was so shocked that this person in front of me was Touma's stepfather. He casually presses close the door and the elevator went down heading towards the first floor.

''Sir, what are you doing? We were about to—" I try to press the open button but he grabbed my wrist before I could even touch the button.

''Miyu!'' Yuuto called out.

"Mi-nechan!" Hikaru tries to protect me.

''Isn't it obvious that I don't want anyone to see her right now? Stop being a stubborn and just head back home, kids.'' He glared at me as he gently let go of me.

''You bastard.....'' Yuuto's green eyes darken in rage as he cursed underneath his breath.

''Yuuto-kun, it was alright. Stay calm and don't do anything stupid.'' I looked at him.

''Sir, do you mind if we had a coffee together? There's something I would like to talk with you.'' I smiled at him.

''Why should I? I don't see any benefit to waste my time for an idiot like you.'' He replied coldly as he faces the elevator door.


The door of the elevator opened and he looked at us.

''Go back home right now before the sunset. Don't make your parents worry about you brats.'' He gestured us to go.

''If that's is what you wanted, fine. Thank you for your advice, Mr Kudo-san.'' I grabbed those two idiots hand's and head outside away from him.

As I was walking towards the exits, I take a peek from the corner of my eyes and notice that his face changed a little. His eyebrows creased as he looks down to his shoes before the elevator's door shut. I have the feeling that he was not acting like his usual self for some reason.

'I should try and talk him out....' I think to myself.


''Ugh!! I am so angry with that old gramp!! What's wrong with just paying his wife a quick visit?!'' Hikaru pouts his cheek in anger.

''I almost have this fist of mine land right in his face.'' Yuuto clenched his fist.

''Relax, bros. I've got this. I will make sure that we will get to pay her a proper visit next time.'' I looked up to the sky as I stay optimistic.

''Now, we have plenty of time before evening. So, should we go for a quick stroll around this city? What about we head the internet cafe? It's been a while since we last visit that place a few years ago before we got ourself computer.''

''Yea, I remember how suck you are when playing the League of Life back then. You just giving the enemy a free Penta kill just like that.'' Yuuto chuckled as he talked about the trashy things I did.

''Wait, you guys play online game? Eiuwww, what a weeb!!'' Hikaru mocked at us.

''Oh ho, so playing the otome game in the living room openly and blushed so hard when the character confessed to you was not counted as a weeb, huh?'' I bluntly split everything out.

''Whoa, I never thought that your cousin was pretty weird himself... I guess it runs in the family...'' Yuuto chuckled as he looked at Hikaru who was blushing so hard.

''Yea, couldn't deny that since I was also a weirdo myself.'' I crossed my arm.

''You guys are just being a two big meanie!!!'' Hikaru covered his face.


''Haruna-chan...how are you doing today..?" I gripped her hand.

"Do you know that there's a bunch of monkeys tries to disturb your rest? It was quite funny actually that they think they could fool this arrogant CEO just like how you did back then..." My tears that I have been holding back were rolling down my both cheeks.

"You have already stolen my heart and now without your sweet voice to wake me up every day make me feel so lifeless...I have already held onto my promise for not to let your son see you in this dire situation but where is your promise?"

"When....when will you ever wake up from this deep sleep as promised?" My voice began to crack as my heartaches.

The flashback appeared before my eye. On the evening when the truck was about to hit a child that's crossing the road, Haruna let go of my hand without any hesitation and push the child away. The truck failed to dodge her in time and crash into her instead.

My eyes widen open as the accident happens in a blink of an eye. I quickly get her while shouting for peoples to call the ambulance. Holding her tight in my arm, my eyes started to get teary and my arm was trembling in fear.

My sleeves were stained with her blood but I ignore it even though I was diagnosed with OCD. She holds my cheek as she looks at me with her majestic purple eyes.

"Promise me.... not to let Touma and Touya see me when I was bedridden because I don't want them to worry about me... Also, I promise you that I will be fine so wipe away your tears, my arrogant cat. This is so unlike you...I love you, okay?" She smiled.

Those were the last words that I heard before she passes out and stayed in this coma state. At that moment, I realised how useless I am without her around me and how I hope I could hear that she said she love me once again.

"I love you too, Haruna."