
The Force is in all of us, except its only in me...

What... What is the Force? I know of the Fruit of the devil, Jutsu, the Jade, and a few others but never have I heard of such a thing.

*Would User like to activate the tutorial?*

What... I... I... Sigh... Yes, system please begin the tutorial.

*An excellent choice. Tutorial initiating. Welcome User to the Force System, to begin with, the Force is well, a force that resides in all living things binding all of existence together. Through these connections between all things, the User may channel energy in various forms. As the User travels down the path that you choose new and exciting powers will be unlocked for you to harness.*

So you are telling me that this so-called Force is in everything? Then why have I never heard of it, Nor have I heard of this system before?

*Another Excellent question User! You are the very first user of the Force system and as such will become the face and star of this new form of system! Isn't that so exciting! But I am sad to have to inform you that as the originator of this new form of power the Force has only just come into existence and therefore only exists within you currently.*

Then what is with all of that 'The Force resides in all living things' Bullshit?

*I apologize User! As an apology, the System has decided to give you a power exclusive to your situation! and as such when the tutorial ends you will receive an extra large starter pack as a reward for being the carrier of such a burden!*

Do you mean THE System!!! I guess if the System has put such a great task on my shoulders I should do my very best! So what exactly can I do with this so-called Force?

*Well User, as you will see in the starter pack you are unfortunately only able to start with simple self-improvement powers. Does User have any additional questions that the tutorial might help you with?*

Hmm, Not really. If the System has decided to burden me with such a task then I should get on with it! Although I really wanted to use Jutsu...

*Acknowledged. This will be the end of the tutorial. May the User have a wonderful life. The System watches over you always.*

May the System watch over us all.

-Somewhere else

"So, It has begun once again has it?" spoke a figure sitting upon a throne of starlight and shadows.

"Indeed, Let us see if this one will achieve greatness" Another figure spoke up as she is fed a grape by a servant.

"Ha, I bet this one won't get further than the last" a giant of a man burped out as he took another swig of his room-sized mug.

*Enough. Return to your work.*

"May the System watch over us all." The three said in unison as they shivered.

- On the plane of Zeleroth, a small village with no name

A young man opens his eyes as he stretches his arms and stands from his sitting position.

"The Force" The young man says with a sigh as he scratches his head, long sandy blonde hair shaggily cascading down his slender shoulders. "I wonder what I can do. Open status"


Name: George Zilar

Titles: None

System: The Force

Str: 9

Dex: 10

Con: 9

Int: 11

Wis: 10

Chr: 10

HP: 100

Force Exhaustion: 100/100

Powers (Active): None

Powers (Passive): None

Items: Extra Large Starter Pack*

"Open Starter pack" The young man said as he sat back down on the cold stone floor.


*Congratulation! You have received

Force speed (Lvl 1)

Force Body (Lvl 1)

Force sense (Lvl 1)

As a Bonus, you have received

Force Originator (Lvl 1)

One bonus Power of your choice from Power list. Would you like to choose now?



*Confirmation accepted. Uploading list. The list will be removed from mind after choosing power. Choose wisely.* Immediately Georges mind was filled with information and as he recovered from the recoil of the sudden knowledge he began to examine the options.

"Hmm, there are so many powers. I can not wait to explore the possibilities! But for now. I choose Shatterpoint" As soon as the words were said George felt as if he had forgotten something.

*Choice accepted. Shatterpoint (Lvl 1) received. That will end the Starter Pack. The System watches over you always*

"May the system watch over us all" George says as he lowers his head. "So let's see what these new puppies can do! Status Power list!"


Force speed (Lvl 1): Allows the user to increase their movement and perception speeds by 10% 5 Exhaustion per second.

Force Body (Lvl 1): Allows the user to sustain their usage of force abilities past their limit at the cost of 2 to 1 Hp ratio.

Force sense (Lvl 1): Grants the user a passive sense of danger. Only works when danger originates within the Force.

Force Originator (Lvl 1): You are the start of the Force. All things within 5 feet of you will gain a connection to the force. This ability may be temporarily increased at the cost of 50 Exhaustion.

Shatterpoint (Lvl 1): Allows the user to perceive the fault in all things. through these faults, the user may inject Force weakening the target or even causing it to directly break.


These seem to be a good starting point. I will just have to practice and see if they are as useful as they seem. Standing up once again George approaches the single opening of the cold stone room and opens it with a creak. Almost immediately he feels a weird feeling right before he is knocked back into the room and once more is on the cold stone ground.

"Ha, my boy finally out" A gruff voice is heard outside the room followed by a shrill whistle. "Get off him you darn mutt," The voice said with a smile in his voice as a large-bellied man leans in the door frame.

Thank you for reading!

As always feel free to tell me your thoughts and ways you think I can improve!

Kites11creators' thoughts