
Sweet Sweet Treats

-In another Realm-

A man stood in front of an army in the millions.

"Surrender Fools" The man's voice boomed outward causing small fissures to erupt in the air from just the force of his voice alone. The man's well-maintained robes swaying back and forth calmly.

The stoic man's words reached the army, small fissures constantly tearing and gnawing into the screaming fabric of space as the force ripped limb from limb those in the army that were weaker. Splashes of glowing green blood soon covered the remaining army, and yet they stood still staring the man down as if nothing had happened.

"Oh hush you old man, Only knowing how to yell and scream" A boy looking no older than 10 sauntered to the front of the army the ends of which could not be seen.

"Eternal" The man growled. "You know the rules, How dare you invade here!"

"Francis" The boy chuckled in reply "Do you not sense it! A new age is upon us! and with it the rules of the System will change. So will the Rulers! I will not let my chance pass me by. In this oh so rare moment I will do all I can to succeed."

Faster then Francis could see the boy disappeared before reappearing in front of him swinging a dagger that oozed black fluids. "Now die for me!"

Francis' eyes widened as he activated his eyes, slowing time down. Quickly sliding his foot backward in an attempt to pivot while activating his hand movements 'Eight Trigrams Palms Revolving Heaven'

With a release of his Chakra Francis quickly began to spin, forming a dome of blue energy. Eternal's momentum was interrupted as he was thrown backward. Their impact causing another shock-wave of force that flattened the earth and nearby mountains. Reaping another round of the soldiers

As Eternal tumbled backward he released a blood-curdling scream as his arms were torn apart from the rebound. Falling into his army he quickly grabbed a soldier and plunged two sharp fangs into the neck of his victim. Eyes glowing bright red he turned to view Francis once more.

"You will die and I will rule your realm old man I will keep you alive to drink from your blood every day for all eternity." Eternal roared as he began to grow larger, muscles bulging and two giant wings growing from his back. "NOW DIE FOR ME!" He screamed as he turned into a cloud of bats charging straight at Francis.

-The village of no name-

With a cough, George awoke. Laying on a bed of soft hay he covered his eyes. His head throbbing and pounding away. 'I managed to win. Although it was through sheer luck, a victory is still a victory. It just means I need to train as hard as I can. system open present.'

*Opening birthday present*

*Congratulations once again for winning this award! The User has the choice of three options.

Option one: Upgrade all stats by 10

Option two: Upgrade all known abilities by 3

Option three: Gain one new ability then immediately upgrade to lvl max and upgrade if viable


As George looked at his options he pondered over them. Although stats and upgrades are good he really needs more attacking skills. He was just running around getting beaten up in his first fight. A new good attacking option seemed to be the best choice in the matter. So that is what he chose. 'Option three'

*Very well, Option three selected. Random dark side ability chosen due to more DSP being present*

"WHAT" George yelled in anguish. "Please be an attack, please be an attack."

*Ding, User has gained Force Lighting (Lvl 1). Maxing lvl... Evolution Viable... Evolving... Success... Chain Lighting gained... Maxing lvl... Error... Error... Unexpected variants detected... Error... Error... *

'What?' George thought. 'The System is never confused. What is going on.'

-In a place without time-

*Interesting, This new version has higher abilities then I initially predicted. Let's see how this young system grows. Initialize override 01000010011011110111001101110011... Connection established... Remove restrictions... resume gift... Maximum plus title addon... That should do it. Grow well little system it will be fun.*

-The village of no name-

*Error... Apologizes User. As a very special Gift, all three options will be granted plus an additional Title. Have a wonderful day. The System watches over you always.*

'Hmm? what happened' George was thinking as he was suddenly racked with more pain. His body and mind tearing apart. Before suddenly all was well, in fact, George felt better then he ever had. 'Status!' He thought eagerly.

*Name: George Zilar

Titles: Watched Over

System: The Force

Str: 19

Dex: 20

Con: 19

Int: 21

Wis: 20

Chr: 20

DSP: 2

LSP: 1

HP: 150

Force Exhaustion: 200/200

Powers (Active): [Force Speed Lvl 5] [Force Body Lvl 4] [Shatterpoint Lvl 4] [Force Lightning Master (Lvl Max)]

Powers (Passive): [Force Originator Lvl 5] [Force sense Lvl 5] [Electricity Immunity]

Items: None*

His eyes wide he viewed all of the new information.


Watched Over: A great being has looked upon you and smiled. Effects are unknown.

[Force Speed Lvl 5]: 20% increased 50% Cost down from 5 to 1 per second.

[Force Body Lvl 4]: Ratio improved from 2 to 1 down to 1.5 to 1.

[Shatterpoint Lvl 4]: Able to activate without touching. Range 5 feet.

[Force Lightning Master (Lvl Max)]: Allows access to all variant powers with total control. More are unlocked as you practice. Cost to use vastly decreased.

[Variants known: Force Shock, Chain lighting]

[Force Shock]: Small tracking spark. Can stun opponents. 5 Force exhaustion

[Chain Lightning]: Improved Force Lightning. Can hit multiple opponents. 1 Exhaustion per


[Force Originator Lvl 5]: Range increased to 20 feet.

[Force sense Lvl 5]: Danger accuracy improved. Reaction time increased when responding to a threat.

[Electricity Immunity]: User is immune to all forms of electrical damage.


"Wow" George whispered shocked at the gifts he had received. He quickly got out of bed, got down on his knees, then bowed his head in prayer to the System. As he was doing this the door to the room opened and he heard a shout.

"Master Ace! Master Ace! Young George has woken up!" The servant yelled out as she saw George on his knees.

Oof. Sorry I had a rough Weekend.

I will post 5 chapters this week to make up for it.


As always thanks for reading. and feel free to hit me with criticism.

Kites11creators' thoughts