
This time, for me ( BL )

I walked around the room looking for some place to sit. Damn it! My legs hurt. I should have taken dads offer of staying home. Well then again i want to spend more time with my family and for that i am willing to attend such an event. Why do i feel that someone is staring at me? I looked around but i saw no one and the feeling of being stared at was no more. I shrugged and started walking to the tables. I know second brother was there so i wont be alone. Second brother wanted to stay at home but when he knew that i was going too he immediately changed his clothes to leave with us. I smiled. Sometimes my brother can be so cute. I was walking again when i felt some eyes on me again. I looked around but i think i saw nothing. My body went stiff when i looked around me once again. Deep red eyes were staring right at me as the boy kept walking towards me. His black silky hair were styled to stay on one side giving him a rather charming look. But that was not why i became stiff it was because of the fear i felt. The boy was about two years older than me, a year and a half to be precise. I want to run away. I know what he did was because of his reason and i don’t blame him but i cant let everything go as if they never happened. My eyes are getting a little blurry as i bit my lip to calm myself but that didn’t work at all. It was getting hard to breath. I want to go. Please someone save me. I kept on praying for someone to save me in my mind. Maybe he is walking to go behind. I took a deep breath. Yes! He should not know me at this moment in this timeline. In fact shouldn’t he be overseas during this time. My heart was beating loudly as my legs were threatening to give up...... —————- The story revolves around a boy name cameron . He come back to his past after taking his own life. He is determined to change all the things that happened to him and take back everything from his so called friend and fiancé. And repay them for what they did tenfold. oh did i forget to mention that its a zombie apocalypse world? The male lead of the story is extremely possessive and has yandere tendencies. You have been warned. Please give this story a try. It is slow paced but i can assure you that you will like it a-lot. I am still working on my writing and trying to improve it.

lazy_potato · LGBT+
12 Chs


Cameron woke up to see his whole family sitting in his hospital room. He slowly moved to sit but he couldn't gather enough energy to properly move his body. His mom was sitting right beside him and she noticed that he was awake as soon as he moved his body. She noticed his struggle to sit up and giggled to herself. 'It's good to see this ball of energy wake up' Catherine thought to herself while she gently rubbed Cameron's head.

She was so occupied in her thoughts that she didn't even notice Cameron gaze on her. Cameron was looking up at his mother, who had a sweet and gentle smile. Her eyes were curved in the shape of crescent moon, he always noticed that whenever his mother was happy her eyes would light up and bent up.

When Catherine finally noticed Cameron's silly gaze she giggled once more. She playfully rubbed his head "morning bun bun". As soon as she said this everyone in the room looked towards the bed. They all rushed towards the bed when they saw that Cameron was awake. Cameron was dumb struck as he saw the crowd around himself which was giving him this much attention and love.

He felt warm and fluffy inside his chest. He smiled weakly as he looked at everyone around him. On his left was his mother who was sitting on his bed beside him. On his right was his youngest older brother Danny, who was the quickest to reach the bed. Danny had his head held high as if to show his accomplishment of being the fastest.

On the foot of his bed was his twin brothers Liam and Leo. His eldest brother drake was standing beside his mother.

His father Adam; was a little late to reach the bed as he was on call when he heard Catherine talk to Cameron. He quickly concluded the call and came to the stand behind Danny "how are you feeling bun bun?" his voice was filled with worry.

Cameron mustard up the energy to give them a silly smile "morning", he felt it was really hard to even do this. But he didn't care; he struggled to sit but all was for nothing as he simply gave. He didn't notice the smiles he brought on everyone's faces with his simple morning. They all laughed to themselves as they saw Cameron struggle to sit up. It was like seeing a bunny struggle, they all wanted to tease Cameron but they held it in as he has just recovered from his fever.

Danny saw his father standing beside and gave him his place to sit down, he himself went ahead and sat in front of the twins, especially in front of Leo covering his view completely. Dad sat down beside Cameron while helping Cameron sitting up. While his mom adjusted some pillows behind Cameron so he could put his weight on the pillows.

Cameron eyes were filling with tears but hold them in. because he knew that it would bring pain to his family seeing him cry. But then again Cameron forgot that he was a kid right now. And it seemed stranger to see Cameron acting so calm. Kids are suppose to be clingy and loud, especially the ones who were loved and protected such as Cameron.

As Cameron's parents were helping him sit as he heard a cry. When they turned towards the source of the sound they saw Leo and Danny were fighting. Oh you asked where Liam was. Liam was sitting beside at some distance so he does not disturb the fight. He was laughing while enjoying the show. Dad and drake pulled them apart. Dad had Leo in his hands while drake was trying restrain Danny. Danny might be small but he was extremely strong and energetic for his age.

Cameron laughed as he saw such a scene. He missed this so much; he missed the warmth of his family so much. He felt so lonely without them in the apocalypse.

They looked at Cameron as his laugher filled the room; Cameron smile was so chanting and warm. It was contagious too; it made people want to smile with him.

Cameron laughed till he was gasping for air, which did not took too long as Cameron still hadn't completely recovered and was weak. His mom gently rubbed his back while smiling with helplessness. As Cameron was a little better, a small pouting voice was heard "way to take all the attention once more". They all laughed once more.

The passing doctors and nurses also had a smile on their faces. Usually they would have asked the visitors to quite down but they have all seen the situation of the people within this room. During this past week, they used to be scared to even walk pass this room because of scary and depressing vibes coming from this room. It was only yesterday when the little angle woke up that this aura vanished. Not only that they got eat a really good meal yesterday and today morning. This maximized the gratitude, happiness and relief they were feeling.

All the nurses wanted to at least meet this angle and express their feelings and thoughts but they couldn't as the room was extremely guarded. Even a fly wouldn't be able to pass through so who were they. They all even applied to take care of the little angle but only 2 people were selected. And these nurses were selected by the young mistress herself.

A male nurse Housah and a female nurse lily were selected. They both were new addition in the hospital staff. Lily has just started working while Housah has been here for almost a year. The fire in their eyes was still burning bright; this was why Catharine choose them to take care of Cameron even when they were relatively new at their job. Both were also accompanied by an older and more experienced nurse Sakina, who was in charge of overseeing them and making sure everything is done properly.

hope you are doing well... i started to write this story again.... update schedule is still not set. i will think about it if this story gains popularity otherwise i would update whenever i can. hope you are enjoying the story.

stay safe and healthy ^u^

lazy_potatocreators' thoughts