
This time Around

"It's you that I love from the start, and it pains me to see you walk away just like that... but I have to let you go.." Strangers turned Bestfriends. That's how William and Althea Grace started. Their friendship stood still, however, there are some things that is bound to happen that neither of them can escape. Will love really be enough? Will love blossom or will it just die its natural death? Their story is all about the battle of wills and decisions. . . . . . Photo not mine. Credits belong solely to the rightful owner. I used, borrowed and edited the said picture from Spark Post App. follow me on Facebook Page & instagram: heartsofclay

heartsofclay · สมัยใหม่
16 Chs


MY TEARS fell the moment I heard the news from my brother. My strength left me that I dropped my phone and I wailed.

"ALTHEA!" my brother called again, and he almost shouts at me over the phone. "Please tell me where you are now and I'll fetch you,"

I still can't answer him. My mind's in haywire as I imagined morbid scenarios in my mind. I could not accept anything wrong happened neither to my Papá nor my brother. They are the precious people in the world for me. Everything I am striving for is for them, especially to our Papá. He has been through a lot. He does not deserve this.

I heard my brother sighed on the other line.

"I-I will be t-there tomorrow," I paused and tried to gulp the bitter lump in my throat as I continued, "I, uh, am assisting m-my boss as of the moment," my eyes teared again as I feel so guilty not being there for my father. Thankfully my brother was there.

"Althea, calm down, I am here, Papá's out of danger now. Call me if you're on your way here. I need to go to settle the incident at the police station. Please be here early, I need you." then he hanged up the call.

I wailed again, this time, loud enough to reach William's hearing. Within seconds, I heard a knock on my door, so I suppressed my wail and did not respond. But William is persistent.

"Grace, are you still awake? I heard someone wailed, is it you?" William placed his ears at the door. He could still a glottal cry inside, but Grace is not responding. So he decided to open her room. He's worried that something might happen harmful to her.

To his horror, Althea Grace was flopping beside the bed. He ran to her side in an instant.

"GOODNESS! WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU, GRACE!" she fainted. So, he took the telephone at the bedside table and called for the medics.

While waiting, he carried Althea Grace to the bed. He reached for her forehead, then her neck to feel her temperature. Then he heard someone's phone rang.

'Eric?' his brows creased upon reading the name. He ignored the call since it's not his, but then he called again. So he decided to answer it.

"Althea, Papá woke up and he's looking for you. Where are you exactly?" William cleared his throat before he answered.

"I'm sorry but Grace is not feeling well as of the moment, may I know who is calling please and do tell your message so that I could relay it to her as soon as she wakes up,"

"And who are you? Why are you answering my sister's phone?" William sensed anger at the man's voice.

'Sister?' he thought.

But before he could answer the man, the line went dead. Then the medics came and attended Althea Grace that he placed the phone on the bedside table.

EARLY MORNING the next day, Althea Grace, William, Henry, and George went back to the city and went straight to the hospital where her father was confined. On their way, Althea Grace was just holding back her tears, and that caused her throat to be painful.

To Althea Grace's surprise, she felt a big hand caressing her back. It was soothing as if letting her feel that she is not alone. Her gaze immediately fell to him, to William. He was leaning his head on the headrest of the back seat of their car, and his eyes were closed.

The sight of him caused her to let out a small smile. That small gesture of him is enough to let her feel vulnerable. That she, too, can depend on someone. A warm feeling tagged within me. That scared her.

"Is this even legal? To feel this? But just this once, please I needed this' I sighed, as I battled with my thoughts, trying to keep my sanity intact. And for the first time, I felt… I felt… at home. With that thought, I closed my eyes.

When I reached the hospital's ward, I immediately scanned the room to look for my father, and there, he was at the far end, alone. My brow creased. He has no one beside him, even food.

My heart bled. My eyes watered, and I ran to my father, who was lying on the hospital bed.

"Papá!" I cried. He slowly opened his eyes, and a faint smile formed in his frail lips. 'He doesn't deserve this!' I screamed in my thoughts.

"Oh God! Papá! Please tell me this is just a dream," I embraced him, and I heard him groaned that I immediately pulled away from him.

"Careful young lady! I am fragile, you don't want to break me, right?" he chuckled then coughed.

"Have you eaten? Where's Eric?"

"He went outside to buy some foods," then his eyes looked past me, "and who are these gentlemen here?" I straightened at his question. And I facepalmed as I totally forgot that they were here with me.

They insisted on coming with me despite my adamant plea not to. This place is not for rich people like them. But they did not listen, and I have no power against them.

"Uh, Papá meet my–"

"Friends, we are Ace's friends sir, I am Henry, this George and the leader of the gang, William." Henry grinned at my father, which makes his protective instincts activate. His eyes narrowed as he stared at the three of them and then traveled to mine.

I rolled my eyes at him while I grinned. I know precisely that look, so I shook my head in disagreement, then his face calmed.

"Uh, Papá, they just went here with me to support me. I'll just escort them out," I could almost hear their silent protest, but they couldn't do that in front of my father, so they have no choice but to excuse themselves from him. My father just nodded at them, still showing a stoic face.

'Ugh! Drama!' I knew him too well. He's like that to all my male classmates, like scaring them off like a stray cat.

I shifted my pleading gaze to them, and my eyes lingered at William, and he slightly nodded. As if on cue, William cleared his throat.

"We apologize for barging here, sir without prior notice. Still it was a pleasure meeting you and I hope we'll meet again and wish for your fast recovery." Then he extended his hand like a fine, young gentleman.

My father was taken aback, but immediately he recovered his composure and received William's hand, shaking it firmly.

"More pleased here, young man." My Papá's voice became formal, and his eyes still untrusting.

Without delay, I escorted them to the parking lot. I apologized for the inconvenience and didn't leave the parking until the car was out of my sight. Then I sighed, and I went straight to the Admission department to transfer my father to a private room.

Good thing the de Loncreigh's work benefits include health insurance, and both my father and brother are my beneficiaries. When I showed them the card, I saw how the administrative staff's eyes enlarge. That made me curious.

"Excuse me, is there something wrong with the card?" I was nervous. What if it's not updated? So I mentally count my savings. It's not enough. I release a long and breathy sigh.

"There's none ma'am. It's just this is the first I received this kind of insurance."

'Huh?! Am I in trouble?' my mind went crazy.

"Don't worry. It's just that- this is the first time I've seen this, hold this since I could only look at this over the internet. Are you with those three fine gentlemen earlier?" I nodded hesitantly.

"Oh! That's why… here's the card, ma'am, the hospital staff is already preparing the suite for the patient. He will be transferred in an hour." She smiled politely, still her eyes at me, and secretly checked me from head and to toe.

'Suite?? What is wrong with her?' I wanted to voice out, but I decided to shut my mouth, forming it into a thin line.

"Thanks." Then, I briskly walked away.

When I returned to my father, I informed him that he would be transferred to a more comfortable room. He wanted to object it because he thought of the expenses, but he couldn't do anything since it was already processed. The only thing he's concerned about was where I got the money for it. I just winked at him that made him irritated, and he never stopped asking me until I gave him a satisfying answer by that he no longer commented.

"Come here, Grace," I walked to his side. He embraced me and kissed me at the top of my head, "thank you, child. You are the best!" Then we hear someone groaned.

"Hey! Why did you exclude me with the group hug! Papá I heard that! Remember you have two children, not just Althea!" it was my brother Eric who would always break a father-daughter bonding.

"Of course, son! You are more than the best!" then my father winked at me, and I grinned while I faked my annoyance to my brother.

"Oh! Please!" I rolled my eyes at him. But he just ruffled my hair.

"Remember that, sis! More than the best! You may be the best, but I am more than the best!" then he stick his tongue out. Just like a child. I shook my head in disbelief.

"I love you both," my father suddenly said.

"Awww… we love you, Papá! Please know that and we'll do everything to reciprocate the hardship just to support us," I said with a mist in my eyes.

"No need for you to reciprocate for that, that's my responsibility as your father. The only thing I wanted to see is that you both love and support each other, your successes will only be a bonus for me," he smiled with much love written in his eyes as he looked at us.

"You know what Papá? If ever I'll get married, I will definitely find a man who has the same character as you. That's a promise." I grinned at him.

"Oh please, Althea! Sorry to burst your bubble, but are you sure, someone will be interested in you?" how I wanted to throw the apple at him. He is my ultimate joy killer.

That night, I informed William that I need to take care of my Papá, and I needed to watch over him at night while my brother's in the morning. After I sent him a text message, I received a text message from an unknown number. My brow creased when I read the message:



'How dare her! You'll help and then what? Asked for money as an exchange for your so-called help after we receive the payment for the damages? Please spare me!' I muttered in my thoughts

Out of annoyance, I deleted her text and blocked her number. Again.

~ O - O ~ O- O ~ O - O ~ O -

A DAY before the contest, my father was discharged from the hospital. I was excited that I kept humming my favorite songs that night. But I know better. I needed to calm myself down.

"Just you wait, William de Loncreigh, I'm gonna win this time," I said to myself while looking at the mirror, and then I let out a toothy grin.

I squealed silently.

Hi dearest!

i know it's been a while that's why i made this chapter extra sweet for you. Please know that no matter what happens, there will be someone or people who will stick with you through thick and thin. we will all face bumpy roads in this ride called life, but rest assured, we are secure in the loving arms of our Creator. the very Person who will loves us with no condition. there is no shadow of turning with Him.



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