
This story is about the daughter of a farmer who met with the landlord

Daoist2iHSVv · สมจริง
2 Chs

Chapter 1 The meeting

Once upon a time in a huge city of Beverly hills the was a 56 year old farmer named ^Sam^ and his beautiful wife ^Nataly^ and their 15 years old daughter ^Alexander^ they were working on their lives of poorness never thought of the big world but always try their best to provide for their little princess till one day ^Sam^ is life changed for good.

He was with is friend at a rich man is farm cleaning up the animals until a snake bitten ^Sam^ is leg while trying to save the rich man is 🐎.

^Sam^ screamed *aaaaah* in pain then his friends came and saw the snake and killed it then trying to go out the farm and ask the driver to take ^Sam^ at the hospital ^can you please drive us to the hospital ^ says ^James ^ ^Sam's^ friend the driver ^ can't you see I'm cleaning the car the boss has a meeting to attend ^ James shouted ^ Are you out of your mind!!!!! can't you see he's gonna die we have removed the poison but still won't survive you idiot ^ then the diver replied with a evil look ^ listen i can't lose my job for your friend understand can't you walk to the hospital instead of wasting my time and your friend is...^ before he could finish ^Luca^ the 22 years old son of the rich man approaches them and ask what was all the shouting about. ^Luca^ asked ^ what's going on here^ and looked at Sam is leg Wich was already turning purple shocked ^what!!!!!^ says ^Luca^ then start the car and drove to the hospital immediately but it was to late ^Sam^ couldn't make it. ^Luca^ called ^Sam is wife and informed her about what had happened to her husband. *Nooooooooo* screamed ^Natalia^ when the both arrived at the hospital ^Natalia^ cried asked her husband to wake up but he couldn't she shouted wake up wake up he couldn't, Then the doctor asked both mother and daughter to get ready for his funeral, I'm really really sorry for what happened to your husband ma'am says ^Luca^ and looked at the little Alexander and waved goodbye and hug her.


3Years past 18 year old ^Alexander^ went to the Anderson mansion to ask if she could work there then was asked to be seen by the Boss.

^Alexander^ was sent in the Boss is office then mistakenly entered ^Luca^ is office and sat.

You called out for me boss says ^ Alexander ^ then ^ Luca^ turned and shocked to see Alexander after all this time and asked her:

LUCA: how have you been

ALEXANDER: somehow great

LUCA: how's your mother

ALEXANDER: pretty well... actually not really she's sick i need money for her medication that's why I'm here i need to work and.....

LUCA: shhhh.... slowly

Then ^Luca^ got some cash and give to her

ALEXANDER: I can't accept it Sir

LUCA: call me Luca and I'm not giving it to you consider it as an advance for ur work my dad isn't here so I'll be in charge to allow you work here with us..i.. I don't wanna let you lose an other person close to you after your Dad is passing i never knew i could see you again so take it.

Excited ^Alexander^ smiled and cried

ALEXANDER: thank you thank you thank you sir.. oh i mean Logan

LUCA: IT'S....nevermind go get ur mom admitted to the hospital now and pay everything

2DAYS past Alexander came back to work at the farm then meet Luca there,

ALEXANDER: oh hi Logan i mean Luca


ALEXANDER: what brings you here i mean do you need anything i..

LUCA: i came to see you Alexander

Surprised ^Alexander^


LUCA: change your clothes then follow me