

A road wide enough for a carriage of goods and covered by thick forest not even the sun could be seen

Dozens of swordsmen and spearmen joined Olfin's merchant group passing carrying 8 freight trains and 3 carriages of slaves that they wanted to sell to a free city called Glock

Among them there were 5 people riding horses who were none other than traders Olfin and 3 of his friends. One horse was used by someone with blue on his back named Panon the leader of the armed people

"Mr.Olfin, what is your purpose in bringing this slave to Glock city which is a free city?"

Panon asked Olfin, remembering how excited Olfin was when he bought the slaves in the stables

"Mr.Panon, you as one of the faction leaders in that city must have understood what I mean"

"Wait a minute, you mean you want to strengthen the faction that wants to buy them at a pretty high price"

"Hahahahahaha, it seems you are able to understand it no wonder why you were given the title SWORD OF DEATH Mr.Panon"

Olfin said praising Panon for being able to read his thoughts which amazed him and continued their conversation

In one of the horse-drawn carriages of the slave stables, a 10-year-old white-haired boy sat with dirty clothes and tied legs named Marzulos while on his thighs there was an 8-year-old little girl lying on his thighs and in the same condition as Marz named Ellizabeth and none other than his sister Marz even has the same hair color as Marz

Marz looked around as if he knew where they were while gently stroking Elli's long hair

"Brother Marz, when are we going to go home and meet Grandpa?"

Elli asked, which Marz had often heard, but Marz calmly answered even though he had to lie to his own sister

"We'll be going home soon and back together with grandfather, Big Bro Marc and Brother Pelt

Marz found it hard to say words that lied to his own sister and even he shed tears remembering the reason why they became slaves was his fault that made them like this

Don't worry, we'll be free soon and come home safely."

"Really brother remember this is a promise between us"

"Right this is a promise we will come back when we have found our way home"

Marz couldn't help but shed tears considering that it was so impossible that he even finished blaming himself for what happened to them

"Brother Marz do you remember saying that crying grandfather is only for babies"

"Hey what do you mean by saying that Elli!!!"

"it's okay big baby"

Elli said comforting Marz who was unable to hold back his tears

"You Elli"


Marz, who didn't accept Elli's words, gently poked Elli's forehead to teach her a little lesson


"accept it"

Marz feels that what he did to Elli is enough to teach Elli a lesson while Elli holds her forehead which was touched by Marz while complaining of pain due to Marz's touch

The surprising thing suddenly happened was that all the horse-drawn carriages stopped because a tree fell and blocked the path they were going through

"Everyone get into battle positions!!!"

As if he already understood the conditions that were happening, Panon immediately ordered his people to immediately make a fighting formation while he himself was about to open a path using his sword.

The swordsmen immediately lined up protecting Olfin, the other merchants and the entire horse carriage from all directions

Panon got off his horse then walked slowly focusing his concentration towards the fallen tree trunk. When he was so close, Panon stopped his steps and suddenly took out his sword which was at his hip and slashed quickly towards the tree trunk so fast it couldn't be seen with the naked eye

After Panon slashed the tree trunk, he was silent for a moment, suddenly the place where Panon had cut the tree trunk split open and emitted a purplish-blue flame.

Panon put the sword he was holding back to his hip Gently


Dozens of arrows suddenly shot from the right of the group, quickly the Panon people fended it off even though it was rather impossible to do even some Panon people were hit by arrows

A moment later the rain of arrows stopped making the Panon people silent for a moment and confused about who was attacking those who numbered more than twenty people.


A scream was heard from all directions followed by the appearance of dozens of armed people from all directions making the fight inevitable


Panon shouted loudly giving his people the order to fight against the people who ambushed them.

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Author's note: sorry for our long hiatus, this is due to a slight change in the story plan