
This Little Light of Mine, Shine oh Shine

Sometimes being an adult is just too much. It's ok to long for soft hugs and gentle kisses. It's ok to like the fluffy texture of a stuffed animal and the soothing rhythm of a bobbing paci. // Maggie has known on some level how different she was, it just took her two loving girlfriends to help her find her truer self. Being taken care of is easy, but letting it happen is the problem. Giving up your whole self, reverting back to the tender and vulnerable ages is scary for her. // Lena on the other hand has never done anything like this. She just knows when she is comfortable, when she feels safe, she is free to put down her walls and be who she is when she is alone. Kara helps her navigate this new thing, and they fall more in love because of it. // We follow our favourites, Maggie and Lena, as they navigate their newfound selves with their wonderful girlfriends. // This fic is NOT a sexual Age-Play.

Alex_Grey_5388 · ซีรีส์โทรทัศน์
38 Chs

Chapter 32: You're My Home, and I Am Yours Too.

For the remainder of the day, and three days after that, everyone has put all their energy into working and trying to come up with a solid plan of action. Everyone is in their bigger head spaces, sans Maggie who has not been lifted from her emotional induced drop yet. Nobody is upset though, they can't be, her mental health is important, her Mommy's are very accommodating.The only thing that seemed to upset the little one was the lack of playing partners she had.Four days later, little Maggie has slowly been equaling out of her little space. She no longer needed to be spoon-fed and changed regularly. But after a dream, even a good one where she wakes up for the slightest of seconds, she still seeks her Mama's comfort. She has taken to the suckling routine at every chance she can get, sometimes she even tried while having a bath, and when she was refused, bathtime didn't go as smoothly as they hoped.She has noticed subconsciously that her Mama has relaxed, taken a huge liking to the act just as she has herself. She can sense and feel her Mama's slowing heart rate, even breath, it puts such comfort into her.Lexi has been less on edge than Mommy, she's noticed, which says a lot because Mommy is always the level-headed of the two. Maybe getting suckies from her will help just like Mama. The little tot concocts a plan.She's in the 'play room' by herself, having quiet time, she is spending these moments colouring. She takes out a new sheet of paper and a sparkly purple crayon and gets to work."At bedtime, make mommy feel better." On the sheet all you can really make out are three circles on top of one another, one smaller one, and one with extra long legs and long hair. She flourishes one of the figures with short hair drawn on with a red crayon. Perfect!The day goes along smoothly, Maggie is on her best behaviour, and everyone is stressed but they try not to let their own emotions and grievances affect the people around them. Maggie watches from the sidelines while people scramble about the place trying to find parts, plan their plans, it is kinda all dizzying for the baby.Lena has helped the most throughout all of this, her genius brain is turned up to 150%, even in their tinier headspace. There is no stopping her from running formulas in her sleep.About midday, Gideon alerts them all that Storm will be in National City at ten to midnight on Thursday. This time frame gives them about a day to finish preparations and a good night's rest before this unseemly adventure. Just before dinner is to be prepared, everything gets done and everyone can finally relax. Lena is happy at this fact, she regresses a little after bathtime once dinner was finished being eaten. During bathtime with Mags, she let it be known she would like to have a sleepover, all parties agree eagerly.Kara is grateful for this, she hates seeing her little one so stressed out, she thinks this will be good for her. Kara has noticed that little Lena sheds her shyness and reservations. This version of her girlfriend is more carefree and open, it makes the Kryptonians' heart bloom."We habin sleep ober!!" the baby Luthor yells while running into the throuples room, holding onto her sheets and pillows. Sam quickly stops her and scoops up the objects before her babified friend can trip and land face first onto the ground."Baby, you gotta be careful." Sam chastises."Sammyyyy" The little girl blushes, the nickname makes her feel good, really good and kinda special. It makes her feel weird too, like when Kara kisses her good morning and says I love you randomly or tells her she's done something great, it makes her stomach flutter. The feeling is odd, but not unwelcome. Like butterflies are trying to tickle their way out.Kara comes bustling through in a purple unicorn onesie, it matches Lena's but hers is green instead. "I left you for one second, how can your tiny legs be so fast?" Kara puts the extra pillows on the floor and shuts the door behind herself.Alex looks at the discoloured tot. "Green is an odd choice for a unicorn don't ya think?"Lena lights up, like she was waiting for this question, "I's a Unisauwus, Dino ans ah unicown.""And the cape?" Alex races an eyebrow."SUPE' unisauwus!" The green-eyed child shoots her the brightest smile, they can tell Lena is having the time of her life and it's one of the most adorable things they have ever seen.She climbs onto the bed and settles on one of Sam's sides, Maggie is glued to the other, and she would sit next to Maggie but she knows that space is reserved for Lexi. Sam snorts when she gets a good look at her super counterpart. "Nice outfit blondey." Amusement colouring her tone.Kara rolls her eyes. "Well she picked it out." She settles at her baby's side after turning off the lights and flicking on the red sun night light. The room is bathed in a red glow and the little light that glooms from the tv in front of them."Nu uh, you wanned purple, I's say white." She says while staring her Mama down with her arms crossed. With that, Kata grabs her paci and coaxes it into her mouth, she immediately relaxes and forgets the whole ordeal.Kara whines, "You're supposed to be on my side nugget." Lena doesn't answer, she just snuggles into her mama's side.Alex settles on the other side of Maggie and picks up the remote. "Ok so what shall we watch?"Lena pipes up, "Ober da moon."Alex scrunches up her face with the name, "Ok, I've never heard of that one before. Snacks?" She asks mainly for Maggie. Over the short weeks they've been on the Waverider, Maggie is now back on the healthier side of her weight and mental health. All of the adults are very proud of her progress. They have been keeping an eye on Lena, afraid she will start to fall down the same hole but the fears are unfounded. She loved playing with the food fabricator too much to even think about not eating her creations.Kara takes some of the offered snacks and stuffs her mouth full of M&M's right away. She offers a couple of bites her baby.They settle in like any ole movie night.The movie is almost over and Lena has long since fallen asleep, all of the long nights working catching up to her little body and now brain. Maggie isn't too far behind her.By now the detective would have mounted her Mama and would be swimming off into dreamland, but she knows she has a plan she needs to execute.She sits snugly up against her Mommy, she has for most of the night, but she made sure to give her Mama some love too, but she knows it's Mommy's night tonight, Mama will understand later. Sam's arm is slung over her baby's tiny body. Maggie goes to shrink more into her embrace, she tries to shift deeper into the warmth she has grown to love over the years. She tucks her hand under the hem of Sam's shirt. The movements don't faze her, and for that, now comes phase two of the Latina's little plan.Slowly but surely, her hand inches further and further up, the shirt along with it. She can just see the underboob. She goes to look at her Mommy's face to see if she's been caught but her eyes are met with bright blonde hair. She has forgotten that they were sharing the room today. She huffs, thinking that she has to abandon the mission, she was about to extricate her hand but she thinks otherwise.Mommy need it, is ok, is ok.Her brain working overtime, it seems Sam can sense her unease and she subconsciously starts to pat her padded bottom, and it gives her the needed warmth and courage to continue.She slowly rolls up the flimsy shirt little by little, she can sense the prize, but right before she can see gold, warm slender fingers curl around her wrist to stop her.Uh Oh....She slowly tilts her head up to look at her Mommy, she's wearing an amused smile and Maggie just stares."Do you need something bunny?" She says in a whisper. Kara is asleep next to her, snoring softly with Lena in her arms, they are tucked snugly into one another.At the question, Maggie lets out a little whine. She tugs at the offending shirt, trying to convey what she needs through actions and not words. She hasn't noticed how much she longs for this, she loves the connection it gives, how much it soothes away her bigger brain's worries."Wan' suckies." She manages to pull up the shirt and Sam is left exposed to the room's arctic breeze."You don't want Mama tonight?" She asks carefully. Sam would be lying if she said she wasn't jealous of Alex and the turn in their little/big relationship. She's happy that Alex got to experience that with their girl, she knows how much she enjoys that time together, but Sam has really been wanting to experience that too. She knows she could never ask her baby, making her feel obligated to do this with her too, she wants her to feel comfortable enough to do it on her own. She would be fine if it was just a her and Alex thing, but she really hopes that it won't be, and this moment right here seems a bit promising."Mommyyyy." She whines, exaggerating the ending, giving the shirt firm tugs. It all makes Sam smile, on the inside she is dancing and prancing around in joy, feeling absolutely elated her baby wants her. Maybe it was her feeling of rejection, at not being good enough, worthy enough, but those feelings get shut down real quick.Alex is at the other end, observing the scene with a wide toothy smile. She is happy that she is finally getting to feel what she has been, and the redhead is content watching it all play out. Having to be a third party, watching this play out, feeling both of their love fill the room to the extreme is satisfying in itself.Sam gently coaxes her into a comfortable position, one she has seen Alex set her in on many occasions. She drops her little one's body over hers, Maggie's legs automatically curl towards her. Before she lays her down onto her chest, she shucks off her shirt and resumes her position.Everyone has seen her naked, accident and not, she isn't shy at all, she is sure that Kara won't mind, and Lena definitely won't care, maybe would be a bit curious Sam guesses, but that's for Kara to deal with. She is here to take care of her baby.The super guides her head to latch on, Maggie eagerly and smoothly takes her.She gives a few cursory sucks, she can tell how different her Mommy is to her Mama. She was a bit harder to latch onto, the skin is a bit smoother and warmer. The smell is almost the same, since being on the Waverider, they have been using the same products. But she can smell an undertone of just Sam, Mommy.Instead of closing her eyes, something she does almost immediately when she latches onto Alex, this time Maggie savours it. She stares at her Mommy, admiring her soft expression. They both look at one another, stare into one another. Just like with Alex, she grasps onto Sam's other breast.After a while, sleep tries to take her on a journey, her eyes start to flutter, she is so tired but she wants to keep this up for as long as possible, she doesn't want this to end. Her suckling slows and her lids can barely stay open.Sam is in heaven, or with Rao or wherever the exceptionally ok people go when they die. There are times where she is hypersensitive and then there are times where she is the opposite. When she's in battle, she can't feel the concrete graze her flesh or the spikes of an unknown alien, but de-stressed, content with love freely flowing all around her, she can feel every exhale of her partners. Every subtle touch of their fingertips on her ribs, every featherlike kiss on her cheek. Right now she can feel her movement, every inhale, every suckle, it puts her mind in a haze she never imagined. She can feel it on the surface, and deep down in her chest, she can feel her soul relax with each pull.Now she can understand why Alex can barely describe this feeling into words. She herself can hardly wrap her mind around this new and welcomed sensation.She lets out a content sigh.She scratches and rubs her baby's back, willing her to sleep, she can see and feel her fighting to keep her eyes open, she can feel her trying to sucks harder."It's ok bun, I'll be here in the morning. Sleep for Mommy my love." Maggie focuses her eyes onto Sam's face once more, memorizing every freckle, every blemish again and again. She lets out a sigh of her own. The sucking finally tapers off and the room is left with low snores all around."Love you." Alex says out into the open to no one in particular.Sam responds with a sleepy smile, "Love you."Surprisingly, they hear a low grunt coming from Kara, her own sleepy love you. It takes a lot for Sam not to laugh.The continuous feeling of her baby's lips push her into a dreamless sleep, the warmth of the surroundings brings her more comfort than she can ever describe. This is what family feels like, this is what love feels like.If anyone were to ask her; what would you change to make your current life better? She is confident in what she would say,I wouldn't change any of it, not for all the riches of the world. These people, these good people, they are my home, and I'm confident in saying, I'm theirs too. 

:)) <33 

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