
This is to go even further beyond!

A teenager being isekaied into the dragon ball universe! With only his talents and a little use of his wits! I will let you know now that I don’t intend for a harem and there will be very little romance. There may be some inconsistencies with the timeline but they will be minor and if they do happen just brush this aside and assume it’s a butterfly effect. Also this dragon ball universe does not include the movies apart from the dragon ball super broly movie

Sirajh · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
5 Chs

Chapter 3, settling in and experimenting.

Artics POV

I walked back towards my room and plopped myself on the bed. Out of curiosity I couldn't help but wonder how I scaled up to the other Z fighters, I did race Goku for a few hours but I wouldn't be surprised if he held back. But even then I could tell I was going at least the speed of light.

That means I've got a good foundation for me to build off considering the first time someone in the series was shown to be light speed was 'burter' from the ginyu force.

Hmmm I can't remember his power level but it should be pretty high, regardless wether goku wiped the floor with him.

Considering in the early dragon all series master with a power level of, 200 ish was it? Being able to destroy the earth's moon means that a low ball I should be at minimum be able to scale myself to planetary.

But considering that we're at the point where trunks has warped back in time, my power level isn't very high at all compared to goku and the other saiyans.

I probably shouldn't overthink to much, I never was a genius I'll leave all the smart stuff to bulma,hmmm maybe I could ask goku if he has a scouter laying around in the morning, if not he should just tell me about his friend bulma, and with some minimal acting I should be able to find out how strong I really am.

Now that I've got some minor plans for tomorrow I should probably actually go to sleep.

I snuggled in with the blanket and piled the three pillows beneath my head.

After shifting for around half an hour and my darkness consuming my sight I finally managed to sleep.

In the morning


I could hear myself groan as the light from the sun bothered my eyes. After trying (and failing) to go back to sleep I decided to suck it up and get up. As I slowly got out of bed I decided to stretch to loosen up my muscles.

I could feel my bones shift and crack while my muscles lost their tension and loosened up a bit.

I looked around my room to see if there was any clock around, my room was quite barren with only some windows, a bed and a small desk which is to be expected for a guest bedroom.

I looked on the walls to see a clock, there was a classic circular clock with Roman numerals, turns out I woke up at 8 am, which is super early , well at least for me it's is.

Looks like my new body's internal clock has made me a morning person…..

Dear lord what have I become.

Ignoring that I should probably go brush my teeth. Oh crap, i just remembered I have no idea where the bathroom is, I'll go see if Gohan is awake and ask him, I don't want to intrude in a room I shouldn't be in.

I walked up to Gohan's bedroom. I performed the most legendary of knocks to acquire his attention .

(A/N - props to anyone who gets this reference)

I knocked thrice.


I knocked thrice again.


And I knocked thrice again.


All in rapid succession.

A few seconds later the door opened up for me to see Gohan tiredly rubbing his eyes. Seems like I woke him up, I kinda feel bad , I kinda assumed he would be awake to study or something.

"Good morning, I'm Sorry if I woke you up too early."

His half lidded eyes opened up fully as he spoke.

"No it's fine, I should be awake now to have breakfast and study like my mom says."

Nevermind I guess I was right, on the other hand Chi-chi really is a slave driver.

"Right , I'm sorry for bothering you but could you let me know where the bathroom is, also would you happen to have a spare toothbrush?"

"Oh it's no problem, the toilet is just straight down the corridor,hmmm we don't have any spare brushes but we do have some mouthwash."

"Alright, thanks for letting me know if you don't mind. I'll be doing my daily rituals,and I'll be taking a quick shower, I'll let you know when I'm out."

"Thanks for letting me know, I just read a book while I wait, it's called the 48 laws of power!"

He told me with an excited grin. Wait, that sounds familiar, oh shieeeeeet.

"Before your read that book I do advise you to not take it to seriously, in fact I'd say not to read it at all at least not till you're older, it's about how to manipulate people and gaining power by malicious means."

" hmmm duly noted,I'll just put it in the 'read till older' pile."

The fact he has a pile of books like that astounds me.

Anyways time to freshen up!

Time skip (after artic scrubs his balls) ;)

After scrubbing mah ba- *ahem* my body and freshening up I knocked on Gohan and let him know that the bathroom is free.I decided to wait for him to be done which only took 5 minutes, afterward we both headed downstairs for breakfast.

We went into the dining room, Gohan decided to read a book while breakfast was being prepared while I decided to go into the kitchen and help out chi-chi preparing breakfast.

I headed in decided to let her know by saying,

"Good morning!"

"Good morning to you too artic."

She replied while continuing to face the kitchen stove. I decided to go take a look at what she was cooking, turns out pancakes! Yum!

She proceeded to create a massive stack of them and kept going, well considering she lives with 2 saiyans, it shouldn't be surprising, but still the sheer quantity shocked me.

I decided to fulfill my promise and ask her

"Would you mind if I helped out?"

"I wouldn't mind at all! Be a dear and fetch the rest of the batter, you can help me by taking another pan and flip some pancakes, that way we should be able to up the production speed."

I decided to do just that and after 10 minutes we were all done with 4 hughe stacks of pancakes.


That was surprisingly efficient! Well considering chi-chi has been a housewife for a while it does make sense.


My stomach could easily be heard rumbling. I could feel my cheeks heat up in embarrassment.

"Hehe, I guess all that cooking worked up my appetite."

"Don't worry about it, I'm not surprised considering you are a saiyan."

We then decided to enter the dining room while plating the table, and it turns out while cooking goku appeared.

"Good morning Goku!"

"Morning artic!"

After all the niceties everyone sat down and began to chow down. In the matter of minutes me and my fellow saiyans managed to devour the entirety of all the pancakes.

I couldn't help but flush in embarrassment, *sigh*, I guess I'm just gonna have to get used to having a living black hole for my stomach."

After we all finished munching and tidying up the table, I decided to ask whether they had any scouters laying around, they replied they didn't and asked why I needed one.

I simply replied with,

" I want to know how strong I am!"

" hmm I guess I can ask Bulma, she always has some tech thingies laying around, I'm sure she won't mind!"

" Please let me know when and whether or not this 'bulma' person can help me, for now I'm going to meditate and test out my body."

After conversing with goku I headed outside to first test out my body, after flying a couple miles away to a safe distance I began to charge up my ki.


As I started shitting I started wondering whether I could create ki weapons like goku black and vegito, I always thought the sword and scythe was cool as hell.

After further deliberation I decided to do just that.

I tried channeling my ki through my arm and outside of it, I tried shaping it but it kept separating or splitting off into ki blasts or residue ki that just fizzled out.

I tried taking a slightly more hands on approach by trying to condense the ki so it was dense enough to become some sort of a plasma solid.

For a single millisecond I managed to do it but afterwards I immediately lost control and the ki exploded outwards while the rest on my hand just fizzled out. Got it so no cool ki weapons till I'm stronger and have more control. But if I can't make a sword how about krillins destructo disk.

Turns out I can with minimal difficulty, hmmmm perhaps the more precise the shape the more control and power required. Welp after trying and failing a ki sword turns out my ki has almost ran dry, so turns out I also need more ki to even maintain it.

I decided to meditate, you may wonder why am I still meditating if I already know how to bring out my ki?

Turns out meditation drastically increases the speed of how I can gather ki.

If I had to put a multiplayer I'd say it would be 3 times faster. Allowing me to recover all my ki in 10 minutes. Although this is very useful I won't be able to use it during battle which kinda sucks.

After I finished gathering my ki I felt another ki signature appear close to me.I turned around to see goku. Probably used instant transmission, man I've gotta learn that somehow but if I asked him I doubt he would explain it properly.

"Hey artic! Bulma's given us the go sign, she's quite serious to see another saiyan and she said she's made a new scouter that can withstand higher power levels with breaking."

" really! That's awesome!Can we head over now?"

"Yeah sure! I'll lead the way."

We floated up and got ready to fly over, until.

"Hey wait! Can I come to!?"

I looked at goku to see his reaction, he simply grinned and said,

"Sure! We can tell Chi-chi later"


Gohan was enveloped with a white aura as he flew up. We all began to get ready to shoot off.

And just like that we arrived at Bulma's place, and it turns out she was waiting outside for us.

"Hey bulma!"

"Hi bulma."

The father and son greeted the genius.

"Nice to see you again Goku, Gohan."

She said with a slight smile, until she looked at me with a gleam of curiosity in her eyes.

"Hmmm, nice to meet you too, Goku already told me there was another saiyan, He really wasn't kidding when he said you were young though, anyways my name's bulma, what's yours kid?"

"Likewise, my name is Artic,and I am 15."

"Weird name but I guess all saiyans are like that."

"Doesn't your name literally mean 'bloomers'?."

A light pink colour dusted her cheeks.

"Well yeah but-, you know what we're off the tracks here, anyways I've got a spare scouter which I fixed up and upgraded before you came, so just stand still and I'll tell you how strong you are!"

Wow, sometimes I forget how smart bulma really is. It's only been half an hour and she's already fixed and upgraded a scouter?

The word genius truly does apply to her.

As I was monologuing, it turns out she got the results, judging by her slightly impress face.

"Hmmm surprising, your power level is a bit higher then vegetas, settling in at a nice 2.75 million.


After inwardly celebrating I slightly smiled. I'm much stronger then expected I've got a great foundation for me to prepare for the androids in 3 years. I'm about to abuse the dragon balls and senzu beans harder then piccolo beat the shit out of Gohan.


Okay I admit that was a bit too far.

All of a sudden I heard a very loud scream.


Oh shit. Wait, why am I scared, I'm stronger? Oh right because he's got a crap ton of experience and is intimidating as hell. Well intimidating for a guy that's 5, 4.

(A/N - for those who are wondering why the progression is so slow, it's because I wanna flesh out the characters a bit while also adding some humour, and to not just rush into the good stuff even though I want to.

Also if anyone is curious about the main character's name and why it's 'artic'.

The reason is I was trying to go for the whole saiyan naming pattern being after some vegetable. And I decided on the vegetable, artichoke. Because 'artic' doesn't sound lame and also fits the naming scheme for saiyans.

Now if you have any questions leave them here please.

Oh also one last thing thank you so much to the 100 and more people who added this to their collection even tho there was only 2 chapters it means a lot. And thanks for the powerstones! Much appreciated.

Also for this week I'm trying to post 2k word chapters every day but afterwards when I go back to school I'm mostly going to post once a week with longer chapters or just post whenever possible!

Thank you for all the support!

I don’t think a lot so there’s nothing here

Sirajhcreators' thoughts