
Going to grandmas


                 "Mom, do we have to go?" I said with a frown on my face. 

                  Mom looked in the backseat and said "Austin, you have go. I have work. I will pick you guys up in 6 days."

                  "SIX DAYS?!" my sister Rebecca said with a look of disbelief.

                    "Shut up, it's not that long!" our mom said as she dropped us off. "Now please behave. Do you understand?"

                      "Yes ma'am." Rebecca and I sighed while we watched mom drive off. We didn't see our grandmother often so we didn't remember her like at all. 

                         "This is the part where we go inside the house, Austin." Rebecca said, rolling her eyes and walking towards the door.

                        "Rebecca." I said, looking at my surroundings carefully.

                         "Look Austin, I'm trying to go INSIDE the house, not stay outside of it." Rebecca said, looking back at me. 

                         "Shut up! Wait, did you hear that?" I said,  looking at Rebecca, waiting for an answer.

                          "Hear what, your loud mouth? Yeah, I do now, go inside." Rebecca said going inside until she heard a scream. A scream that you would make if you were being murdered. 

                           "That, did you hear that?" I asked Rebecca as she turned around to look at the house again.

                            "What the heck was that? Austin, that sounded very close to us." 

                             Looking back, I should have known this would happen. It's now 1994 and me and my sister Rebecca live in Tennessee. We are both 12 but our birthdays are a few months apart. 

                             Then we heard another scream. Rebecca and I bolted to the door without a second thought.

                              "Becca…" I said with a look of concern on my face. "I don't think this is the right house." I said, looking around. 

                               "Quit being an idiot and go inside before I slap you!" Rebecca said opening the door.