

Working to help her grandmother in their restaurant and also a part time nurse at the most famous elite City center hospital... Anna Jun, turning 20 in a few days walked into their family restaurant, Although it can be tiring but Anna refuses to back down, she loves her job and she most importantly loves the family's restaurant that her grandmother is currently managing along side Aunty Lin, she knows her grandmother is not as healthy as she used to be and wish she can rest more but she doesn't know how to talk her out of over working herself. Nana(the name Anna calls her grandmother) loves this restaurant, she said she met my grandfather here and since then this place has become so magical.

Nana came from a wealthy home known for their technology, they were the first family who created the renowned robotics.

Although Nana rarely talks about her family, Anna knew there was more to it, she doesn't want to probe further but she really wished she knew.

Nana, I will handle the rest please just go and rest, assured Anna.

Nana smiled lovingly at her and says she was the one who needed to rest, pointing out the fact that she just got back from the hospital and already here assisting.

Anna was dumbfounded, she didn't want her to know about this, she told her she didn't have any shift but was taking a nap... I guess the elderly do see and know this things.

Anna we need to talk, Nana said while cleaning up her hands.

They both sat in a quiet place while the manager Aunt Lin handles the rest.

Anna, how are you doing my dear?

Nana, I'm fine... Really fine... Anna replied

Nana hmm... I think you need a break, something the young ones do nowadays, you are young and very beautiful, I don't think you should spend the rest of your life taking care of me and this restaurant...

Anna wanted to interject but was stopped

Anna, I have saved up this money and called your friend... Alyson, I need you to go and enjoy yourself... Your coming birthday and live your life.

I have booked your ticket so you don't have to worry about anything.

Looks down sadly... I... I don't want to... Continue feeling guilty... That.. I stole your life from you... Tears rushed down from Nanas eyes and Anna was shocked... What is Nana talking about, she stole my life from me... What does that even mean?

Anna went close to her Nana and gave her a hug reassuring her that she was fine and she should stop saying those things coz Anna believes Nana was only thinking too much and didn't know what she was saying so she didn't think too much of it.

Nana I just really think.. I should spend my birthday with you... I don't want much.

Nana sighed... She knew how stubborn this granddaughter of hers is... She had to persuade her somehow.

Anna, my wish is for you to enjoy yourself and have fun like the rest of the girls your age. Won't you grant this wish to your Nana... She said sadly

Anna can't bare to see her like this so she agreed by shaking her head and smiling at her Nana.

Nana grin and thought to herself.

I knew this would work. She only hopes things work out fine eventually.


Anna moved a step back, she was really beginning to figure this out but one thing was confusing, did her Nana have something to do with this? No, it's not possible... She discarded the thoughts... But the dress and the strange alert and the remarkable beautiful necklace that has been with her over the past decades... Hmm... I don't think I should overthink this.. She thought.

Anna, can we talk... Sean asked...

I won't take up too much of your time, I promise.

Anna thought for a while and since Alyson wasn't close by... She had no choice.

They moved to a different part... It was set just for two... It was a romantic setting, with candle light and a slow music playing...

Anna looked amazingly beautiful Sean thought, her dress compliments her, her make up was simple and her hair was let down but at one edge, clipped to another end... He drew out the sit for her and when they were both seated he gesture the waiter to serve them the drinks... At first Anna refused but decided against it since she was too nervous... It was one of the exclusive and expensive bottle and she knows this because they have it in their restaurants for the high class.

She gulped down the drink as soon as it was poured to the utmost surprise of Sean who was holding his cup up for a toast...

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