
This Fucking Novel

"Will you leave? Or will you stay?" -Cover is not mine-

Zelrach_06 · แฟนตาซี
14 Chs

Stella Class (5)

It was dark outside the window when I woke up.

If I had to guess then I'm probably in an infirmary and not in my room since the window curtains aren't closed and it's Bright too.

Sheets that they used at hospitals were also set up so it's definitely an infirmary.

What happened in my last match again?

It took me about a minute to recall it but it was definitely worth the wait.


Broke a man's manhood.

I definitely felt it now that I think about it while I'm in a comfy bed unable to move.

He was described as prideful and arrogant and he appeared just like that. Add to the fact that he's a disappointment to his father.

Then he'll definitely try to prove something.

So when I provoked him he let me hit him once and the rest is history.

Of course I don't have the balls to face him and do that again.

I probably won't even be that lucky next time since there's a chance that I won't be able to hit once anymore.

I'm surprised that I was even able to do that to him when my mind was not working properly due to being slammed to the ground so many times.

I hope that he won't hate me a lot for what I've done, well he slammed my head first so that means his head should get slammed too just not the top part for him.

Regarding his thing, I'm not really worried about him not being able to heal it.

They did manage to restore my arm so they can definitely restore that.

There's also the things that he said about me abducting someone and an oath?

It might be just my speculation for now but the body I'm inhabiting probably plays a role in the novel.

What makes me think of this is that his nickname is "ruthless king" and the actions he did that I've just known.

I can just picture him as someone that stands in the protagonist's way.

Hahh thinking about all of this makes me just want to sleep again.. My body's ability after effects are definitely concerning.

I thought I would just feel lethargic and drained but to think that I wouldn't even be able to move easily.

Well it's the price I have to pay for breaking someone's jewels.

I should stop thinking about that guy and should reflect on my other fights instead.

Arthur, the protagonist just like the novel's title, is a bright swordsman.

The destruction that his light sword brought is scary.

He also gave me a little bit of power boost when he branded me as an obstacle.

Though it didn't really matter much since I was practically one shot anyway.

More than that, the text about the increased strength of the villains is definitely important.

If I had known who the protagonist is going to face in the future then it might be one of the most important piece of information since I could just prevent them from being turned into a villain.

But unfortunately I don't have that, but it's good to know it since it can be important in the future.

Maybe I could take advantage of the branding by disguising myself as a bad guy, say some bad words to the protagonist, then leave one's I got the strength increased?

It's definitely a viable option to increase my strength.

That is if I could actually escape.


I slowly closed my eyes again.

All I could see was the ceiling and the dark night outside the windows anyways.

Looking at it now the things that happened to me for the last few days have been forced.

Being forced to be transported here and being forced to participate in something an ordinary person like me wouldn't really experience in their life.

It's mentally exhausting.

I'm not the type to control the flow of the river but.

I don't want to be swept in its raging currents either.

I just want to stay afloat in this unforgiving river called life while helping my parents and watching my sister grow up.

My family… thinking about what their situation is right now.


Just hope that they at least won't be severely sad and won't search for me for a long time.

I'm at least abiding by their teachings so they don't have to worry about me too much…

Although I was beaten quite a lot today, I didn't quit even though it was painful so it at least deserves a pat on the back no?

Yeah probably not.


I… wasn't even able to accompany my sister to her school event.

It's an unforgivable crime for a brother like me.

I should have at least known what event that I'm going to attend. So I can at least imagine it here.

Is it a school event where a family member has to participate? Or a school event where students set up little shops and I have to help out my sister?

I'll probably never know it.



I'll get more depressed if I keep up this line of thought.

I need to put this in the corner of my mind and think about something else.

What do I need right now?

I need to get stronger and get more information.

Stronger so that I won't be beaten as much in the future.

And information so that I won't be swept and drowned by the currents of the river I'm in right now.

Information is definitely a priority first.

I don't know how to get stronger and raise my stats without relying on my body ability.

I also need to learn more about the geography of the world and its history too.

The Mana in my status is still blank so I need information to choose the most appropriate one for me.

Although it sounds hard it's definitely not impossible.

It was then that the sheets that were covering me made a sound.

I take a look to see who opened it and it's just a woman seated on a chair with her hand holding a cigarette.

"You slept for quite a long time for someone that made quite a lot of ruckus"

"You're probably wondering who I am so I'll keep my introduction short"

"I'm Vyonee Sydney your main teacher at Stella class"

She puts the cigarettes in her mouth and smoke it before continuing.

"I'll give it to you straight. I don't care who you are or what your background is but I won't allow you to join the combat class if you're too weak to even be able to properly join and participate."

She paused and her red eyelashes frowned.

"I've seen what your stats looks like, normally those that have a special ability have at least a 2 star stat but you have none of those"

"I'll have you personally trained by me instead until you get the minimum conditions for being able to participate in combat classes"

"I'll personally come to you tomorrow If you recovered by then so rest well because you'll be wishing to not get out of bed again after tomorrow"

With her speech over she left as fast as she had come.

Damn I just said that I don't want to get swept by the currents and I'm getting forced into something again.

Though it isn't really bad for me.

She's one of the few characters that my friends describe that isn't a heroine.

She was described to be a great teacher who takes her duty of teaching seriously.

If someone like her were to teach me.

Then I would undoubtedly learn quicker and get stronger faster.

I should probably try to fall asleep again since I'm still exhausted and I'll probably feel more exhausted tomorrow.


At the same time in a certain room of a certain dormitory.

A woman with greyish white hair was quietly staring outside her window.

"Eleina" she says in a whisper.

A person wearing full black that resembles a shadow appeared the moment the name was called.

"Yes princess Celes"

"I have a question"

"Please ask princess I'll do my best to answer you"

"What would your reaction be if someone said the world we were living in is a novel?"

The shadow blinked her eyes in confusion but quickly answered.

"I would think that they are crazy princess"

Celes closed her eyes and stayed silent for a while, still gazing at the window.

And the shadow quietly waited.

"The plan of me getting abducted, is it still under the wraps?"

"Yes princess and we're ready to send the tip that you will be abducted to Arthur Wertz if you order it"

"I see, you may go now"

The shadow didn't answer but just disappeared.

it didn't take long for a voice to be heard again.

"Ahh~ how interesting" a voice filled with ecstasy and an uncharacteristic smile that she didn't show to others appeared on her face.

"I thought finding a person who calls himself a descendant of an unknown hero was decent enough"

"But to think that I would find a person from another world too~"

Celes, who was looking out the window, wasn't looking outside.

"Ahh~ I'm truly blessed with abilities that enhances my boring and dull life"

She was looking at her status.


Name: Celes Altair

Potential: 9/10

Special potential: 5/5


Strength - 2 star(low)

Agility -2 star(low)

Perception - 2 star(low)

Stamina - 1 star(high)

Vitality- 2 star(low)

Mana capacity - 3 star(intermediate)

Special Ability

[Celestial heart] - The celestial heart binds the heart of the user to the First person she deems worthy of her love forever, also gives the Special ability [Love Of The Celestial] to the one that manages to chain her heart, The [Celestial Heart] Values loyalty and love to their partner the most.

In order to unlock the Full potential of the special ability the bearer of the celestial heart must unlocked the following chains on the candidate she finds worthy of her love.






Body ability -

[Mind exposure] - Be able to read the mind of others.

• Can only be used on one person a day.

• Physical contact for 10 seconds is needed.

• Will be able to hear the person's thoughts for 3 hours.

Growth type ability - grows stronger overtime

[Darkness within] Dark attribute is enhanced, all the spells conjured by dark Mana are also enhanced.

Growth type ability - grows stronger overtime
